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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 13, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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March 13, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Throughout the season this trio has been the flrat line for the Barnstable Hockey Club. Left to right. Hill Lamarche, Chuck Stanley and Tommy Fraser. Because of a rib Injury Stanley was unable to play last night but his linemates took up the slack with both Larmarche, high scorer of the league, and Fraser earning a goal and an assist. No fictionlst could have dreamed up a script for a more exciting game, or concocted a more satis tying wind-up of the season — foi Harnstable fans , that is. Yarmouth had jump fd into an eaily lead on a legitimate goal bj Terrio. At the nine minute marl* or the first period the visitors made it 2-0 on another by Terrio, thlf one a weak backhander from 2E feet out which seemed to hypnotize Harnstable goalie Hob Hayden. At this point the Harnstable Hockey Club appeared disorgan ize-d and out of contention. Tlieii territorial play was way off and their zip lacking. A minute later tilings started looking up. Bill Lamarche got con trol of a pitch from a scramble around the Yarmouth cage, passed to Fraser and Tommy tuckt d II home to bring the deficit to one Through a scoreless second pe- riod the rivals battled on nrar even terms and well on into the final session. With only three minutes remain ing the second Ba rnstable line ol Pete Pells, Ted Ashley and Teddy Cole hemmed Yarmouth In ami kept the pressure on steadily for at least a minute. First one, then another had a shot at the goal, but it appeared i hat they would he denied. Finally Cole got his stick on the puck only a yard or two to the right of the cage, flicked a short pass over to Ashley and Ted drove it home. He actually was standing behind the goal and swept in the disk for a .sensational tieing marker. Half a minute later Dick Sulli- van broke up a Yarmouth rush in his own zone, dribbled twice and spun a soft pass to Fraser. Tommy stnrted a rush , then saw Bullet Hill Lamarche breaking clear in center Ice. Tommy laid a perfect pass on Lamarche's stick and liin broke clear. He held his shot until the Yarmouth goalie made his move, then targeted a beauty into the lower right hand corner, With that shot the crowd of at least 500 erupted. Then the Mae- Kwantuen staved off Yarmouth over the last minute to sew up the first big championship of the Cape Cod Hockey League. In the preliminary consolation match Middleboro defeated Ply- mouth 2-1 for third place. At 8 p.m. next Wednesday night ih. re will be another game at tho Kennedy Center. This will mulch an All-Star Cape combine composed of Barnstable and Yarmouth play- ers against an All-Star team from the Plymouth and Middleboro clubs, Barnstable Hockey Club Stages Uphill Fight To Win Cape Championship,All-Star Game Next Week The regular Pee Wee season ended on Saturday, March 8, with the Sports Center winning the league with 7 wins and 2 defeats. The Sports Center team was the best balance of any team in the league plus the fact that it had an outstanding goaler in Pete Rob- inson. The hading goal getters of the season were McEvoy of Bragles, Hosttetter of Atwood Oil and Par- ent of the Sports Center. These boys should he able to go to the Junior Hockey Team next year and do quite well. A lot of credit should be ex- tended to the coaches of the teams as they have given tip their Sat- urdays all winter from 7 am. to the late afternoon. They were Jack Levine Jr., Lloyd McMantlS, Ar- mand Hellisle and Dick White, Tom Archibald. Thanks also to Bill Hal- let who did his great share of the rt fereelng. The playoffs in the Pee Wee League will start on Saturday morning at eight o'clock March 15. Semi finals: Sports Center vs. Atwood Oil; Ilraglo vs. Orossmons March 22: 1st game winners of March 15; 2nd game, Consolation game. Pee Wee Hockey League Play-offs Start Saturday Directors ot the Babe Ruth League, for boys 13, 14 and 15, have set Sunday afternoon, May 18th , 1 to open the season at Junior High School Field. In the opening games a double-header will be played , with the Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting the Cape Cod Movers and the Elks and Puritans in the night- cap. At a meeting Tuesday night in the Town Hall James Hallett , Jr ., of Osterville was selected as uni- pire-ln-chief with Joseph Macomber of Centerville and Cuy H. Harris of Hyannis as other umpires. Presi- dent of the League, Guy Harris , appointed Thomas O'Neill and Francis Watson to assist him in investi gating the possibilities of playing other Babe Ruth teams on tho Cape for a Cape Cod champ- ionship. This would take the place of competition in the national play- offs , which the local league par- ticipated in last year. The directors approved the selec- tion Of Wilson Perry and William Fish as coaches of Manager Ed Pena's Puritans and Oscar Kearney ami Victor Woodruff as coaches of I John Medeiros 's Cape Cod Movers. Daniel Flynn, manager of the V. F. W. and John W. (Jerry) Bowes, manager of the Elks will submit their choices at the April meeting. The first week in April was set as the try-out period for members of the teams. When the season opens the four teams will be garbed in new uniforms. John Dillon , Robert Bennett and John Shechan were appointed a committee to dis- pose of the old uniforms , which are still In good condition , hut which have been outgrown by the older boys In' the league. Babe Ruth League Sets Opening Dates BY THE SANDPIPER Just two more weeks of Rec League, basketball, folks and two big james are coming up this Sat- urday on the Junior High School floor. The results will determine the championship In both the Junior and senior boys' loops. The first of these comes off In the morning at 10:30 A.M. when Bill Fish's Cen- terville A.C. meets Jack Andrews' Barnstable Five. At the present time Centerville is tied for first place In the second half play with the North Shore boys, each with 3 victories and no defeats. Cen- terville won the first half play and a victory for the Green and White will give them the championship. * « * « A clash of giants will take place In the Senior Loop at 7 P.M. when Osterville with 8 and 1 meets the Odd Fellows with 5 and f. The Odd Fellows, under George- Cough, tin, has been going great guns ol late and Coach Joe Lebel of the Osterville team hopes to have his full complement of players avail- able for this one. Sporting the col- ors of Odd Fellows will be Duke Fernandes, Dick Mayo, Paul White, Jimmy McGillen and Charley pratt. osterville will piay Jonn MePhersort, Dave Lewis, Pete Stringer, Pete Nese, Pete Larkln, Put Peters, John McGillen , Danny Hostetter and Doug Hopkins. It should be a battle! In the absence of Coach Joe Lebel, who is on a Southern trip, BUI (Red) Phillips will be in charge of the Ostervil- lians. * * « * Our baseball scouts report that Manager Jack Medeiros of the Cape Cod Movers in the Babe Ruth league is In spring training with his hopefuls ut South Mashpoe. Jack has hopes of repeating last year's championship win in the Ruth circuit. Ho is casting covet- ous eyes at some of the new-com- ers coming up from the Little League, where they received sound training. • * * • The fifteen year olds in the Bafie Ruth League are expected to show the results of a year's play in the circuit. Let's keep an eye on these boys this summer: Ted Harmon, Bill Phillips, Al Farla, Barry Fer- nandes, Skip Macomber and Jim Evans of the Puritans; Kenny Burke, Bob Delano, Joe Lebel, Pet- er Nese, and Frank Roderick of the Elks; Roger Williams, Doug Murphy Paul Blsbee, Jim Jenkins, Paul O'Neill, Steve Hayes and Johnny Scudder of the V.F.W. and Paul Kearney, Jack Medelros, Ray Stackhouse, Doug Kalweit, Bobby White, Jimmy Prada and Bruce Woodruff of the Movers. » * » • It looks as if the Barnstable Ele- mentary Girls and Boys are going to be declared the champions in the basketball circuit. The Barn- stable girls defeated tho Osterville girls in the Osterville Community Center just before school closed for the Spring vacation by the score of 30 to 2. While guards Can- dy Jones, Evelyn Carlson and Con- nie Hill were holding the opposi- tion to a lone basket by Marty i Allen the Barnstable forwards, consisting of the Mildred and Mar- garet Cash and Cindy Howes rack- ed up 16 baskets. • * « * It looks as if the Barnstable Ele- mentary Girls and Boys are going to be declared the champions in the basketball circuit. The Barn- stable girls defeated the Osterville girls In the Osterville Community Center just before school closed for the Spring vacation by the score of 30 to 2. While guards Candy Jones . Evelyn Carlson nnd Connie Hill wore holding tho opposition to a lone basket by Marty Allen the Harnstable forwards, consisting of the Mildred and Margaret Caah , ¦ ALONG TIE SHORE STOP RUST! with RUST-OLEUM ^CENTRAL HARDWARE ^ ^ ^ ^ 248 MAIN STREET . HYANNIS . MASS. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TELEPHONE: HYANNIS 880 ROBERT E. TOBIN, PROP | ¦ ¦ J I KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP " SPECIA L SALE ? • Ball Bearing Official ^ 1 __/W f jk Spaulding Top Grade Wmm W^ S ^r~ ^ j l ^ BASKETBALL SHOES ^^"^^^^ / ^ f B S k Retail Value $9.00 / V^^t This week's ' rt V J Student 's Special H." Lj M 16 Ocean Street Hyannis 2200 ^ 1 EVERETT H. CORSON CADILLAC — OLDSMOBILE 92 Barnstable Road - Hyannis 605 W gmm Line Up With Pll BEAR! [Ui ™ „I Front End Alignment WjTyljl and Wheel Balancing *- SSB3I Don't Get Mad - Get Madden BILLY MADDEN'S GARAGE Sfudebaker - Packard Agency Hyannis 1230 Barnstable Road Painting - Decorating Karl P. Sollows 293 Sea Street Hyannis 1877 i ^=— H r . jBS B l^*>tlrti 1 ^^ ^^^H H^H R ^^1 -^'^.^ 191 I ."i - t^^r JU * ^^^ 1 ^5c5s^^^^^n^B ^^1 mnl IK^vV^tf Z"'II i f ff)?^r ^*i5 i/v ^=§1 1 J CAPE COD ""' » ' MOVING & (Cf i S h STORAGE \§£? Uamtt Way and Route 28 Hyannis 2099 Oil the job???+when it counts — GEORGE'S BARBER SHOP Main Street Osterville - — I CLldredae C f (foounie r rlovina C f Storaae Comp any (Agent for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE DIRECT AIR FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES Hyannis 1050-2163 Kimball 8-1188 (Falmouth) Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) ¦' ¦ WW the Emp eror's — WW A medieval con man , relates mmw ¦ k . Hans Christian Andersen, sold an emperor a scrumptious suit of "invisible clothes," which really weren't any clothes at all. Some folks today fall for the same gag. They leap at "unheard of bargains," only to find later that they didn't buy much of a suit. Simple way to avoid that . . . look for the Hart Schaffnor & Marx label. You don't overpay . . . you do get fine clothing. Fe jy^ j. •KODSHN STC I > : i-QB MEt* AND BOY« 4*n^* MV ANNIt kHATHAM Open Friday Evenings CAPE COD SPORTING CENTER selling a complete line of Sporting Goods and Sports Books • See us in relation to all your sporting goods and apparel. State Road South Yarmouth Tel. EXeter 8-2668 I PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL DEALERS U • W . / z9/ / I I ^rf uanms If tentorial L-hap el II l| ]| SERVING HYANNIS AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. I COMPLETE NON - SECTARIAN FUNERAL SERVICE. lj I lj Earl A- Hun» Falmouth Road (Rte. 28) | | | I Funeral Director Hyannis III Telephone Hyannis 155 and Cindy Howes racked up 16 baskets. The Osterville fifth and sixth grade girls are very much Inter- ested in soft-ball and It won't lie long before they are out practic- ing. Members of the squad are : Ed- wina Pcna, Sue Shields , Heather Cloud, Marty Allen , Mary Flynn, Margaret Nese, Janet Williams, Lynn Mulvey, Barbara Childs, Au- drey Piggot, Judy Leoanard , Nor- ma Perry, Margaret Howes, Mar- garet Shields, Ellen Burch, Susan Hinckley, Marie Fourchette and Mary Powers. • » * * The Odd Fellows-American .Le- gion team under George Coughlln, has made a very creditable showing In the PAL Basketball League. Com- prised of Allen Ellis , Skipper Dix- on, John Swift , Paul White and Tommy Olsen the boys are in the PAL play-offs which began last night at the Ezra Baker Gym in Yarmouth . * • * ? OUR OWN ADVICE TO LOVELORN Dear Abbie: My husband beats me up every night. As soon as he steps Inside the door he says: "The name is right cross" and he clips me on the jaw. Do you think he loves me? ANS: He's crazy about you. He is using the cave-man technique to show It. Learn to roll with the punches. Many a woman would give her eye-teeth (and have) for such a virile man. Recreation League Basketball