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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 13, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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March 13, 1958
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MRS. WILLIAM E. BELDAN Tel. Hyannis 4S5-J ST. PATRICK'S TEA Mrs. Harold K. Bragle has sched- uled a St. Patrick's Tea from 3 to 4: SO on Sunday afternoon, March 16, at her Pine Street home. The tea will benefit Our Lady of Vic- tory Guild and IB the one special social event of the Lenten season. All friends and members of the Guild are cordially invited to at- tend. CAMP FIRE GIRLS Members of the We-to-ma-chick group of Camp Eire Girls, who meet at the Phlnney's Lane home of their guardian, Mrs. J. W. Curry on Mondays, have elected a new slate of officers to serve the group for the remainder of the club year. This enables the girls to have ex- periences In serving in different capacities. New officers are : presi- deat, Jennie Celeski; secretary', Marita Bright; treasurer, Wendy Hayes ; scribe or reporter, Joan Bloom. Members ot the group enjoyed a swimming party at Otis Air Force Base February 3 and a dinner at the home of the James J. Cannon family on Feb. 24 with each girl bringing some part of the meal and all working together to pre- pare it. 4-H GROUPS 4-H Week, March 1 through March 5 has been observed by our Centerville groups with the Sing- ing Needles 4-H Club having an ex- hibition in the window ot Brad- ford's Hardware Store in Hyanni f s. OUR LADY OF V ICTORY CHURCH rl) Men of Our Lady of Victory parish gathered at the church Mon- day evening, Feb. u, to form a Men 's Club to be called Our Lady 's Catholic Men 's Club. The group will meet on the third Thursday of each month and all men of the parish are welcome. Meetings will be held in the basement room of the church. Officers elected to serve the group are president. Edward Welch; vice-president , Ellis John- son; secretary, Joseph J. Silva; treasurer , Irvnig Harrison. The board of directors include the above officers and Edward Kelly, Ernest Labadie, Stephen O'Brien , Jr., an Frank Mello, Sr. The members of Our I^ady of Victory Guild gathered on Monday evenin , Feb. 10 at the Community Building for their regular meeting. Mrs. Walter Daker , Jr., president , conducted the meeting. Members were pleased to note the splendid sums realized from the card part y and coffee hour held at the home of Mrs. Stephen It . O'Brien, Sr., and fro m the Hound Robin food sale. The Chinese auctions , sponsored for the Guild by Mrs. Frank Mello. were also a success. Following (he business session two interesting and instructive films shown by William Haberer were viewed through the courtesy of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. A Mardi Gras tea benefiting the Guild was held Tuesday afternoon , Keb. 18, at the home of Mrs. Jack Jaxtimer and was well attended. Mrs. Walter Baker , Jr., Mrs. Steph- en ii. O'Brien , Mrs. Harold A. Hoyne and Mrs. Henry L. Murph y served as pourers . Tables were most attractive with silver service sets and arrangements of spring flowers. Mrs. Arthur Maddalena , Jr., and Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien, Jr., were co-hostesses. HEART DRIVE Centerville workers tor the Heart Association drive were entertain- ed by Mrs. Roscoe H. Goddard , captain for Heart Sunday, at a tea at her Bumps River ltoud home re- cently, when workers received In- structions and their materials and kits for the drive. Mrs. Goddard reports a good response to the drive here . Workers include Mines. William C. Archibald , Laurence Hearse, Raymond Bumham , Ernest Crocker , Gorhum Crosby, J. W. Curry, Douglas H. Gordon , Howard G. Lumbert, T. Walter Wannle, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Par- menter with Miss Shirley lioilmau covering tho Craigville area. CONGRATULATIONS To: Miss Betty Thomas , daugh- ter of Mrs. Mary Thomas, and the late Roy Thomas of Pine Street , who is on the Dean 's list for the first semester of her second year at Fieber Junior College in Bos- ton , where sue Is a student in the legal secretarial course. PERSONALS Rev. Peter Patches ot Horse Shoe Lane spent sometime in the Boston area recently when he at- tended the fifth birthda y anniver- sary part y of his granddaughter, Elizabeth Grant Yolton, at Cam- bridge , and attended a meeting of prison chaplains under the Massa- chusetts Council of Churches. Friends in Centerville will be in- terested to note that Rev . L. Wil- liam Yolton has completed 3Vi yrs. service as pastor of the Greystone Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth , N. J., and is now enrolled at Har- vard Divinity School for further studies, working towards his doc- tor's degree. Mr. and Mrs. Yolton , Beth and Debbie, are residing in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serpico of Craigville Beach Road have return- ed from an eight day trip when they visited several relatives and friends in New Jersey. Mrs. J. Raymond Bryant received a telephone call from the program "Cash On The Line" recently, and received on award for knowing the magic word. Nelson Hearse and Richard l«iw attended the Boat Show In Boston Monday. Many Centerville residents have enjoyed the visits of several varie- ties of birds at their feeding sta- tions during the winter, and partic- ularly the last tew weeks. Besides the usual beautiful , but often noisy bluejays, the juncos. several varie- ties of sparrows, the adorable lit- tle chickadees, gold finches in their special winter array, an occasional nut-hatch , purple finch, mourning dove and evening grosbeaks have been noted. Mrs. Howard G. Lum- bert has also reported a visit of a female cardinal at her feeding station. Miss Pamela Delano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Delano, has returned to school after a ton- silectomy performed at Cape Cod Hospital last month. • i OUR SYMPATHY Our sincere sympathy goes to the families of Frank A. Robart and Carl (iustafson , who have been closely connected to the life of Centerville . FRANK A. ROBART Kiank A. Robart , 89. a native of Cambridge , died suddenly Feb- ruary 6th. He was well known and held in deep affection as a summer resident of the Wequaquet Lake area. Survivors include a son, Frank H Robart; two grandsons , Frank. Jr.. and Robert P. Robart , and two great grandsons. CARL GUSTAFSON Carl Gustation, 82, father of Mrs. James I'endergast , was a native of Sweden and had formerly owned a large farm in Westfield. Since the death or his wife two years ago, ho has been living with another daughter , Mrs. Mildred Stevenson, in North Granby, Conn. He was well known and loved here having attended the Village Church and entered into friendly community life when visiting here. He was a member of the Massa- chusetts Dairy Association and of the Massachusetts Farm Bureau. Survivors include , besides Mrs. Pendergast and Mrs. Stevenson , another daughter , Mrs. Ruby Leon- ard of Springfield; a son Roy Ous- tafsou of Sarasota, Fla ; fou;- granddaughters and one great grandson. I CENTERVILLE ICWV *l i rwif nr '¦¦> ' " " r -- ¦ BARBARA W. WYMAN GArden 8-2145 NEW BUSINESS VENTURE The Bass River Fish Market ex- pects to open a branch market on Wlanno Avenue In the near future. They plan to paint and renovate the store formerly occu- pied by Howard Johnson 's bakery shop. We'll keep you posted as to the opening date. SERVICEMEN James H. Hallett, 3rd , Y.N.S.A., who has been stationed at the Navy Base in Balnbrldge, Md., Is spending a 16 day leave at the Parker Road home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hallett, Jr. Jim has graduated from Yeo mans School and his new assign- ment is at Jacksonville, Florida, where he expects to be based for 18 months, Home for the weekend, also from Bainbridge, Md., was George Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Lewis, of Blossom Avenue. With him was a Navy buddy, Robert Edmonson of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Arthur Marney, son of Mrs. Fraser, Tower Hill Road, leaves tomorrow for Induction into the Army. DEATHS Two of our villagers passed away this past week. Alexander Munro Alexander Munro, 74, of East Bay Road , died March 5th at Barn- stable County Hospital in Pocasset. Born in Scotland , he had been a caretaker on the C. V. Barton es- tate for many years. He is sur- vived by two sisters ; Mrs. Walter Hill and Mrs. Annie Coombes. • * • * John A. Hanson John A. Hanson, 71, of Tower Hill Road , was taken ill while visiting at the home of friends last Saturday evening. He was taken to Cape Cod Hospital in the Fire De- partment Rescue truck, where he died Sunday morning. A former resident of Hartford, Conn., he had lived in the village for the past eigth years. He was born in Boston. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Olive (Presson) Hanson; five childre n, Ivor E. Hanson of De- Witt , N. Y.; Mrs. Jean T. John- son of Frankfort, Germany; John A. Hanson . Jr., of Syracuse, N. Y.; Robert B, Hanson ot Florida; Har- old P. Hanson of New York City, - and nine grandchildren. WEDDING BELLS Mr. and Mrs. Bernard .lames Hogue ot Portside , Bristol , R. I., hafe announced the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Virginia Butler, to Commander James Edward Ma- her, Jr., of Newport , R. I. The newlyweds, who plan to make their home in Newport and spend summers at Oyster Harbors, are remaining for the season In Palm Beach , Florida where the wedding ceremony took place. P.T.A. There will be a Parent-Teachers Association executive board meet- ing tonight at the Wianno Avenue home of president Arnold Burch. BROWNIES Four patrols of Brownie Troop No. 60 are having a display In the House and Garden Shop windows in observance ot Girl Scout Week. The theme for the winter is "Chil- dren Around the World" and the displays will carry out this theme. The Brownies will be at your door some day this week selling cookieB, so be prepared to buy! COUPLES CLUB MEETING The Couples Club of the Com- munity Church will hold their Hal- loween party the same place as In previous years. Use the hand- rail! CHURCH NEWS Baptist Church Rev. A. Alan Travers Next Monday the Women's Mis- sionary Fellowship meeting will be cancelled due to the all-day meet- ing of the Southeastern New Eng- land Women's Missionary Fellow- ship meeting in Barrington , R. I. « * » » Community Church Rev. E. McKlnnon White The Senior High Youth Fellow- ship will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. On Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. the Women's Alliance will meet in the vestry. Mrs. Marlon Crutch field, president of the Cape Cod Button Club, will be the speaker. Mrs. F. J. Bingham will be the hostess for the tea which will follow. Thursday at 10 a.m. the Coffee Hour and Lenten Sutdy Group will meet In the vestry. GIRL SCOUT WEEK "You can count on her—to be of service" Is the theme of National Girl Scout Week this year which is this week and 15 Osterville Girl Scouts of Troop 72 are busily earn- ing their first aid proficiency badges and taking the Red Cross Standard First Aid Course under the supervision of Stanley Buckler , a captain of the Centervile-Oster- ville Fire Department and a quali- fied Red Cross instructor, to pre- pare them to be of service In this field as well as many others. In this course they are learning to be safety wise in preventing many accidents, as well as taking care of them once they have hap- pened. Stress at this time is be- ing placed on ice safety. They have been shown films of artificial respiration and the methods; then , pairing off for practice sessions. Recognizing and care of different types of injuries was another part of this course with some emphasis on shock treatment. Practice of different types of bandaging was also covered from a simple finger bandage to one covering a more serious wound and also sling use. Taking this course are : Connie Colegrove, Susan Cassldy, Carolyn Fuller, Judith Adams, Barbara Chllds, Bonnie Lewis, Linda Has- sett, Paula Leach, Florence White- ley, Donna Carlson , Mardee Allei Rita Whlteley, Susan Hinckley, Ed- wlna Plna and Heather Cloud. Last Saturday all of the Oster- ville Girl Scouts attended a Splash party at Otis Air Force Base. Pk- .RSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Campanu have returned to their Bay Street home from a vacation in Florida. Miss Joan Hansberry is In Naples , Florida with Mr. and Mrs. John Madden. Mrs. Truman Lewis has returned to her Blossom Avenue home after being a patient at Cape Cod Hos- pital for several days. Robert F. Sims spent four days In Boston the holiday weekend at- tending the Hardware-Housewares Show and the Boat Show. Two of his employees, George Souza and Hilda Almeida, attended tho Hard- ware Show. Mr, and Mrs. John H. Lyman and daughter Sally of Winchester spent the weekend ot the big snow- storm with Mrs. Lyman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lester Carroll on Oak Ridge Road. Their son Jeffrey attended a sklllng camp In New Hampshire during the vacation of the MyBtic School. Sally and Mrs. Lyman enjoyed skating at the Ken- nedy Skating Rink in Hyannis. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Bearse and family, Tower Hill Road , were her slate r and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence SL Peter, Peggy Lynne, 6, and Frankle, 3; also her brother, Mark Lue~. , "' '\ j DOWN Vii M ^IIR &epHk REMINGTON Que£-/ufaL 6Aa,'U6e&, 337 Main Street, Hy. 2810 Open Every Friday Evening till 9:00 P.M. W m m m m & s s a t m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m i m r . ;s;jss»x-s;;srr^»!?!"wsr« ONE-STOP SERVICE FOR \^f en £p * * ^ ^l ! ALL HOME FIX-UP NEEDS l Affg P *GBOAor, Thert it no need to waste time (hopping yi l i Decorar around. Her* you can find everything f /\\ and oseM The Home oi [ *» Nationally Known =-— tlt\ot* Brand Names 1° 2 *A ,S Weyerhaeuser I °* ° ,rf — hi fX Johns-Manville -Ja^ ^=^ Bird ! SOLVING CUMBER Ruberoid e 0 ?, 00 " 9'ade. ™ »ily worked. Black & Decker £* os • ¦ ¦ LIN FT Porter Cable *^ ^B gp*^ n tYitti*** U. S. Steele S»»NET d and Hundreds More all at ^\l rype* ° n And Hundreds More si*6*' a " ot j A.jgfJ.7? " *%i