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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 6, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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March 6, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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INTERSTATE Hyannte, Matt. T«l. 775-1010 ¦ Note Playdates Below Now thru Sal. IN COIOR "The Stalking Moon" - "G" Gregory Peck ¦ Eva Marie Saint Matineet 2:00; Evenings al 6:55 & 9 ' ¦ I.—W^HMI II ., W^M— ¦! ¦¦Mil . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ M Sun., Mon., Tues. March 9, 10, 11 IN COLOR Pendulum - "M" Geo. Peppard - Jean Seberg Matinees 2:00; Evenings at 6:55 & 9 Wed. thru Tues. March 12-18 (Except Sat. — Sun. Mats. IN COLOR Three in the Attic "R" Yvette Mimieux Christopher Jonerc Matinees 2:00; Evenings at 6:53 & 9 - RATINGS THIS AD - "G" — Geneial Audiences "M'' — Adults and Mature Yoiung People Parental discretion recommended "R" RESTRICTED Persons under 16 yrs. NOT admitted UNLESS with PARENT or GUARDIAN ^fl___________BM__|r f ¦ H H B H H H f'rf^'i9 'yfM W?i p_^>_r^ _____a«1_ '^' ,¦ ""M ^ Ii ^ -•a mzSr Sffi _«_______,. ^^^Bl f W...:J_ U__ fy~ sm, mgk %t&SO _COCX»Cr___OOC-0900e —> - ~ > —- , _ . _ _ . —. . — —n - n -.^ — .~ —n —n ~ . -*^^ t MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY i ? With A Gift From ? | "The Happiness Shop 9' \ f Browsers Welcome ? ? Gifts-Hallmark Greeting Cards- ? J Antiques, Souvenirs, Handcrafts, J i Calart Artificial Floral Arrangements ? 4 And Featuring \ ? COSTUME JEWELRY ? t Main Street, Barnstable Tel. 362-6600 ? 1 DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. | | CAPE COD'S OLDEST SERVICING APPLIANCE DEALER | £ 322 MAIN STREET HYANNIS E | Telephone 775-2525 k g -___-__-_>---______________ | £ TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY | E SERVICES WE OFFER £ £< M i ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS E u N r s £ LAMPS REWIRED AND REPAIRED S I £ E IRONS - TOASTERS - MIXERS, ETC., EXPERTLY REPAIRED fl bl , M £ SCHICK • REMINGTON - SUNBEAM - NORELCO I E SHAVER REPAIRING H § MAYTAG LAUNDRY AND G.E. RANGES E £ WIRING SUPPLIES ' | fj FACTORY SERVICE - EUREKA ¦ G.E. • HOOVER VAC'S fc fa rj grXr jrl^Xr^rrrlrl^rlrTrlrlf r r^ y g^l -^Irr^ ^ A solid, extra heavy steel tank lined with stone and other selected natural ele- ments create a water heater of tremendous strength and ' durability; one that will as- sure long, trouble-free serv- ice and provide abundant, dependable hot water for ^_^ every household need. \&£X§®STOMS TJBBQ; Qidl E y tklC WATER HEATER ONLY $149.95 delivered $5 DOWN — low monthly terms Ask about our special low rate and generous wiring & installation allowances *^__il E_il__P __i ^i_t __»_« Blf* - __T _P^_S __H" ''^iW 43fo CAPE & VINEYARD ELECTRIC COMPANY —iEMSBHBEzsnacna nsacaiznaEaaiiaMi TRY OUR Hyannis Pharmacy I 99 — Jame, M. Hobert, Re9. Pharm. « !« » l ^ r f , 8 ^ ^ ^HS3r A NDlEs 362 Main Street Hyannis f l Free parking in rear fWUr " HWff* ?5lffiM8i^M _wif NOW Central Cape Dodge DART CORONET POLARA MONACO CHARGER By DODGE Sales & Service fAIMOUTH ROAD ROUTS 28 HYANNIS TaUphon* 775-8424 i gj i ggaSSBSB e SHEU FURNACI „..,. OIL ATWOOD OIL COMPANY Kerosene Fuel Oil Metered Ticket Printers Tel. 775-0081 -BSggS SS ...._, =sSt B A R B E R S H O P * Hair Stylist * Razor Cut * Continental Cute * 3 Chairs * Appointments Available PHONE 775-9664 * Both Father and Son * Open Daily 8-6 Fri. 8-9 Member of Master Barber Assoc. CENTERVILLE SHOPPING CENTER — ROUTE 28 Mrs. Beatrice Laphani 428-8389 Correspondent M1NXY MARCH MARCHES IN February has departed I was glad to see it go, With its days so dark and cheer- less Others feel the same I know. Now that March has made her debut Let us hope that she will smile, At old man sunshine and persuade him To tarry with us for a while. What the future days will bring us Wc can only just surmise, But we hope for better weather With no more snow and sunny skies. Spring is just around the corner Just a few more weeks and then Hyacinths will show their faces And daffodils will bloom again. HERE AND THERE Miss Kathy Fameli and sister, Maryann of Prince's Cove, spent the school vacation with their grandparents in Brockton. Kathy visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carleton and her aunt, Mrs. Kathleen Bal- zis, while Maryann was the guest of the Joseph Famelis. The girls especially enjoyed skating at the new Brockton In- door Skating Rink , and visiting two young friends, the Misses Karen and Patricia Hayncs, also of Brockton. Their uncle Joseph Fameli, and cousins Paul and Nancy returned here with them Sunday where they were joined by the George Weiks for a family dinner at the home of the Frank Famelis. Mr. and Mrs. Artemus Griffin have returned home from a five weeks vacation trip to Florida. Miss Leonore Westerman of New York City has sold her summer home on Prince Ave. to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Curley of Milton who will also use it for a summer home. Miss Westerman who has been coming to the Cape for about 20 years and made a host of friends was recently hospitalized for eye surgery but is now getting along well. Miss Lana Nickerson and Miss Linda Millerd returned home Sun- day from an enjoyable week end visit in Troy, N. Y. Making the trip by bus, they attended the "Saturnalia Weekend" at the Rens- sellaer Polytechnic Institute. They enjoyed a concert by "Jay and the Americans", and the Americans", and the "Grass Roots". The girls also attended an exciting hockey game at the col- lege Saturday evening. Fred Gordon of School St. Is spending several days at the home of this sister Mrs. Fred Burnham in Groveland. Mrs. Burnham has been confined to the hospital for several weeks, recovering from a broken hip received in a car accident. Roger Chicoine and brother Ric- hard , sons of Mrs. Mavis Chicoine of Prince Ave., are now employed in Worcester. After his discharge from the service, Roger went to California where he visited his uncle Cyrus Jones Jr. and family and Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Leah Savery who lives with them. Mr. and Mrs. David South were week end visitors of her parents the Joe Mellos of The Plains com- ing to pick up their children who had been vacationing there. They returned to Williamtic Connecticut on Sunday. Miss Marie Childs celebrated her 19th birthday on Tuesday, Mar. 4. KEEPING YOUNG! A number of the village folk are attending the Square DancinR Classes held every Tuesday night in the Service Club at Otis AFB. Couple participating are Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cushing, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thifault Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Lapham, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. John Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Elskamp, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith of Old Post House, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Melix. A THANK YOU Mrs. Lauchlan Crocker, Sr. of Prince Ave. chairman of the Heart Fund for this village wishes to thank all the volunteers who so ably assisted with the recent drive. Working with her were Mrs. Leonard Fish, Mrs. Warren Davis, Mrs. William Knowlton, Mrs. Frank Dick , Miss Jeannie Burrows and Miss Judy Gifford, also John R. Pina. CHURCH NOTES The children of the Unted Method- ist Church School are collecting coins during the Lenten season to be used in providing campership for under - privileged children to got to Camp Clark in South Sand- wich this coming Summer. The Annual Church Conference will be held on Tuesday, Mar. 11, pre- ceded by a supper. Please contact the church office for tickets. CUB SCOUT NOTES At the last meeting of Pack 61, following the Roll Call, the Attend- ance Banner was presented to Den 2 for having the largest attendance present, Inducted into the Webelos from Rank of Bear were Steven Roderick, Robert Hamblln and Peter Grazul who were awarded the Webelo Colors by Cub Master Manuel Roderick Jr. Kendall Snell, awards chairman, presented Athlete Pins to Webelos Mark Murphy, Jeff Parker and Teddy Silva, and one-year mem- bership pins to scouts and lead- ers. Edward Thew was awarded the Silver Arrow, and Dean Snell his Wolf Badge. Den 2 presented a humorous skit and Dens 3 and 4 explained the Cub Scout Promise John Tavares was commended for the help he so freely gives the boys. MARSTONS MILLS? HYAKKIS IN THE SERVICE Coast Guard Chief Warrant Of- ficer William D. Woodbury, son of Mr. Colin F. Woodbury of Wood- bury Ave., Hyannis, is serving aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Winnebago in the Western Pacific. A unit of Coast Guard Squadron Three, the cutter is participating in Operation Market Time, design- ed to prevent enemy infiltration into South Vietnam by sea. ST. FRANCIS GUILD OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP Members of the Women's Guild of St. Francis Xavler Church met Feb. 20 with benediction services by Rev. Bernard Kelly. Mrs. Irene Boese, Guild president opened the business meeting which included final plans to award a $500 scholarship to a worthy Barnstable High School student at graduation. Mrs. Anna Vetorino and Mrs. Barbara Flinn announced that the cook book committee was well pleased with all the recipes the women of the parish had submit- ted and that they were preparing them for publication. The book will be on sale at the annual sum- mer bazaar. Mrs. Leo B. Lewis urged all members to attend the Day of re- collection that District 5 of the National Council of Catholic Wo- men will hold March 8 at St. Pious X Church, South Yarmouth. Reservations will be necessary for the luncheon and members may contact Mrs. Lewis by call- •ing her at 775-0967. Tickets will be $2 for the luncheon. The annual Communion Break- fast will be held after the 8 o'clock mas, Sunday, March 23, at Hyan- nis Inn Motel with Monsignor Wll- : Ham Thomson as guest speaker. j Reservations and tickets may be '• obtained by contacting Mrs. Caryl ! Davis at 775-5076. The Sisters of the parish were j very grateful for all the numerous staple products the Guild mem- bers showered them with at the meeting. The business meeting closed and a delightful evening of entertain- ment followed as colored slides, showing scenes on Cape Cod, were i narrated by Mrs. Marion Burn- ham of Harwich Port. , Delicious refreshment s w e r e served by Mrs. Millie Francis, Mrs. Pat Chase and Mrs. Bar- bara Flinn. GARDEN CLUB OF HYANNIS Neil Van Sloun of South West- port spoke at the February meet- ing of Garden Club of Hyannis on Heaths and Heathers illustrated by colored slides. Each person in the audience was presented with a tiny plant called Winter Beauty. Hostesses serving tea were Mrs. George E. Frost n, chairman, Mmes. Harry Meyer, Wayne Dun- ham, Elizabeth M. Leipman, Carl Schultz and Mrs. Edward Hudson. Nelson Coon of Vineyard Haven will be the speaker at the March 18 meeting in Baldwin Hall. The title of Mr. Coon's talk Is Garden- ing on Cape Cod. Mr. Coon is a well-known authority on garden- ing, having written several books and newspayer articles on the sub- ject. His latest book is on wild flowers. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way per- fect." These words from Psalms will be read this Sunday as part of the Christian Science Bible Les- son-Sermon titled "Man." .-___________________e___r<