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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 2, 1831     Barnstable Patriot
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March 2, 1831
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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To the Electors of Durr atab le Count;/. Having for the last five years past, luld the Office of Register op Deeds for this County, whether acceptabl y to the public or otherwise, is not for me to de- termine. It is well known to you that my term is nearl y exp ired, consequentl y a new election must soon lake place. 1 am informed that various reports are in circulati on , by th e friends of soni'! ol the candidates who are seeking the office, of which I am the incumbent , aspersing my character, viz : calling me dishonest, Koguc, Thief, &c. 1 deem it a duty which I owe to myself, family and friends , hereby publicly to assert, that these are as- persions for electioneering purposes. And could I, which I have labored to do, de- tect him the St Franci *, and tlii'iici * strike off alonj; a tract with out any natural marks of high- lands , or livers , to ihe foot i>f the rid j»t bounding the Si Lawience. I'y llti s ilr ¦cision the territory in di spute is divided , and th e greater and proh ul_y tnn ch tin* most valuable portion is -gi-vi-n to the U- nited Stales , bu t the notlit 'ri 1 .(jot i 'iun , con- taining the whole viilley ofrU e Mad nvas- 'ka river and Titimconl.-i I nk/- , ami ihe •country th rou gh which the Hi*.' of'-c oniinii- nir ;iti oii between New Brunsw ick ami Lower Canada passes is giv en 1o (J reat Uri tnin. Tlic sett lements on ill** Mudaw as- ka of cour se j ;oto the colonies, umI those on the south side of th e St. John s , t > the Uniii -d St ates. The princi p le ofwhidi this derisi on is made is not I'Xplaim -i!. Thi s decision gives to the United Sta irs ri•; Cal ais Pa t kct , New VorU , 1( 1 ; sc11r Turn- i-iIiiii c, Thunip son , iIii - 'k ; brig Cyno , Knu rl , u,'iiiin> ; fur < :ugo ; In if; Amaz on, Twi nin g, ju M mii I'm I' doimi , til , N. long 72 1-2 tonk a heiLv v gale fr om NW uud conliuiicd to Ij low u i l h ^ri a l viuh iii c, tin.- vend lavin g to or tinder irt ioi t sail most of the time. Jan 51/5(11, Kpriin g alri tfc t o iik to kcr p otu- pump r ondaiiti v (•oiii^. Jim UJh h , fmrtiii " thr leak iiurr HMi ij; aii't our %mVi nc.irlv split to piece*, and iiiik Ii (ii- ti ^o« d ,*lioie im ii v for lit-i iiiiul.i , l»i l l>i iiij» vi ry Illicit , sqoailv weath er for 2 or 'i dny s mid no oliM -riafiou , we missed lh. 2d , spoke shi p Aihi , Ciip l 'riioi nas .1. li ii< l , ol I 'liila- (Irl j iliiii , who , on hearioi; our situ ation , iuiiiK ' Ji- ulelv sen t his lifiat to our as»sii.tan <-f , and lifter lay iiin liy the hi ig tliron gh tin ; ni ^ ht , Sin ceedi-d tl >K nex t dav in gettin g ofTlhi ; irciv 1 lie Ann arri ved bcluw I'hilad i.-l phia on the ~'hi. f"orit:!y the Rcwime -Cotter I'olnski. on the inner edge of Cary fiford K'-.-f, in.'il 4 faihonu of water. She show t two li ^ hti whic h were lighted on the Ulh init. mid hn« a large hell , which will be tolled in th ick weath er every 16 iniuute g. ShHicf fin t he oulcr edge of the Href , and hears NN£ dis- tance four inilet from the S.SW end of Cary s- fonl Hci- f. The shi p i« lirge ,aud in clear weath- er her hull can be seen nl the diitaiirc of 10 inHus. Vessels running along the ret B«rw to repair ilain .iges. Feh . 12, lat 34 01. long 67 li , bri g :yi:- 'h Mari .i, Sh»*, f. ora Ei-jU. n fj f Mu t 'j::;a3. 21st—Arr bri g Sftllv Ann , Crtnifio H, . Nr n- port for Salem , " In port , 10 A. M. ship Brooklin<\ lni vr );,,xnn - n ; schr s Star , Halt , nnd Governor , Ki'u:u 'd y, foe M A It I N K IIVTEI .LIGKIN CI:. OOPARTNE RSBZP NOTICE. I A1N 1KS A. S.Mrni., liit viiif, ' lukcn 0f Mr. \\"S\A ,). BROOKS, into Co- pai lu eih lii p U'lHl Bin , Ihe bukiuemi w ill he con- ¦ lulled in lilL Kl c^ iilci the (it in of SMZn 8c BHOOKS, at their Hlni e , No 7, Noilh Mailiel tl rcet , — H htrt tliry Imvr. mi hiiiiil — A general itt.Koi'1 iim -i 11 of W E S T I K D I A H O O D S H,' d l t O C r . K I I ' .S , for (hi! mipp ly of 'I i ;ul'-i •., mh 'I lui i)i>hin;; ol Fimiily, hlti p, luul l ivlim ^ S,tot !¦ 4 . Ii. ,» , Keli. 24th , IB: ) !. epi>2 ui FARM FOIl SALE, ^.t^v SITUATTU in the Rav. ^M ^Wii V S k ^ '¦ ''•"'"" " l'i'ii »h , in the town Siili' \?liui mouth , formerly the leiidunee of Nii*n I' i.'siimli, de ceased , contiiiuin g iihoul J20 ni re» of goodB.AiS'J ) , well proportioned in W OOD , MKA t J ft W , AMAHLIS , and I ' nttuit LANDS, on i\\ ,h are it good D WEU.LYG HOUSE , i wi/ /*//f.V.?, nn/l other -uwiiiblc out liiiil ' lin ^/i, a nil iJ.- ll of good wirier. On (aid farm , ti n; two ihiifl y Jlpplr. OrrJuinh, and a variety of •I' t/ i ch and I' etir THUKf i. The Laud is v. i v pio diiulive , ami wvll fenced with nloiie. —ALSO— O.NK other FAKM , silu.ttod i;l»out one mihf from the forin ei , conliiiiiiiig iihoul 00 aeren of good I,AM) , well proportion ed in W.i.jd, Meadow , I'afilun *, uud Aiable Land , W^ lll ' Hl t Htlitlli.1 ^ 1. If the haid I'.uimi are nol pr eviousl y >»l 'l at pik iile k»ile , (<>( whirh due notic e will be given ) l h>'V "HI positiv el y he sohl on VVKUiN JvSDAY , i ll.' ,'jlAtli day of March iuKt. lit i'ublic vendu e , on (lie premise *, at one o' clock , 1*. M. For further phriicular *, iuijuire of STKiMI KN M AKLO W , on Ihe premiies , or of the tiriWriber anh « " Four Corners " in said Miridlfrlinru iigh. O'Comlilionl of mlc will-he liin-nil. IJEIlCUL tB CU.SIJ.MAN. March 2d , Wil. To be sold al Public Auction, nit t i i k rt txtmct , On the 24th of MARQMwi eftl , Ml 1 o'clock , ( If nut pre rioutly tluodtedtf at privat * talt . ) ^W ' Ai lE#I'ATE in W<> i jsWBBwSliYysA Hnrvvn Tf/ consisting of abun fflSyT i^HB 'J ncres/o f LAMP , pnrtlv r:i ^3ECSS?5> clo«ed,Avith « young Orch. 'i.l A mnull I> \VK |,LL N(J yiOUSF / nnil ft.VIO nl« " , buildin i; * suiiKhlr (fir Iho kre|iing of twins — ;./>•//> otus t:. .Inniiniv Aih , Is 3l. j,tf AWOTa ^WJWIftj UJftce of .-lmcriatn ty Forei gn Agency /<>>' claims. vVO. lit Il /U.f, STKEE T. •Vrif- I 'iyHc, Januar y, lail. I j rni.lC NOTICK ii hereby [givt .. to all p«isous whom it mny concern , Im viilK Claims D. hl. , Inhrri innce * , kc. pnynl .l • nr rt-i-ovci nldv H\»in«,t ,tln. t thi« A f rnry hnien - labli fh ed , iinih i t he upeeiul nit»|>kM » nnd pnlrt ii'.*- Nge of «ll»liit |>ii|»ued iiidiviitunls iu this »oun «rj , il re^iilnr tin resp.mileme with eminent U»nVe\< ice. in Iho princi pal purls and (itp ilaU of Kore an Itovornineuls in i .mimnrinl rel .itious with tin ' l.'ii il fit Suit e* ; through the mediation whereof surli valid < hiinn in miiy bu confided theiei , , will be expedited fur seit'leinent , nnd pr nmptK and ellei'livel y rec oveied—when futni thed In th e claimnnts with stiiliihlo legal proofs an.I votirhei> ., together tvilll the rc ipiiiite i'otver i.l At l orni 'v , lobi! tnkcH nnd lu'knuwledged hcfoi ,> any Jud ge of n jtetTt-R)! 'lter nrd ,ur other compe - tent Civil !Mng bmi liJ Muuli'i |inl niill mrily , or Not n r.v l'ublit' |VuJ iIil' whole dul y aulhriiti m- led by Ilic (•'ii veriini yfif llitt Slate or Tori ilm v i.i which (he same 11111/ heliuf lV. led , nttd legnllccd hy th e ii|i|n.i|iiiiilVWuii yf ii Consul. lla vinj r iiImi einublished 11 niinilni' correspon- dence throu g hout tin! United States nnd Iti itinh America , the liko < Ininn fur lecuvery, in inv purl lliureuf H' kpee tivel y,will he reciev ed , mil ellieientlv iitlendeil to , iii hehnlf of AitiericHi ) , •» well as Forei gn clninuiiil i. Orde rs for the invimtiiient of funds on Mort » i;»ge of Frer.liolil properly, or In Ibe purcbase ol 1'i.LiJi.' , Si'cuiiti (* the invc ili ^ ulinr * ofclaiui * , tear cli of reeoid n, or the inte rvention of Icjj nl pro ceed inu,*, sl mnlil 1)0 iic Toinpiuiicd with ho ndeiioat c remittance , to defray the preliminary chai' ij eN mid dishm'si nmi* nt leudi 'ig the mini' ; anil iitl letters iinul be addreimed (punt paid) to ill.) Uri il.' isit;n.'il (Ci)iiiifellor of the Hupreiue Court ol [ho Uiiilcd Sluics ,) In ihe (Jlllce of the Agency, 1° Wall street iNew Vork , A ARON II. I 'ALMLH , Actuary . 0XA0UX.AA. OOtAIlTNEI lSHIP NOTICE. ri ^H ls Ktihscrihei^ Imvu formetl a cun - § ncx'mn in bySintiHS , iindfr firm of RANlHk BROOKS , and have tak en HtoiT No. 57, Lonii wiunr , wh ere they will ki'cj i 'roiiHlii nllv on hand a «en- enil aiisoitiu iilll^nT WEST Ij VDl.i C'OOW.S, (.'HOCEHIIts] COKIK'IGV, ^-c. for supplyinn ciiii nliy trndern , and furiiiHliiii ^ Kin ging and oili- er Vi'KKeln with Htore *, which they will sell on the inohl reiitou uble teriui. THOMAS RANI ) , OIIKU UKUOKS, Jr. /ioslo n , I'YI). l'lih , iH.'fl. epl«yin(| NOTICE ! RKSPI^HVFUIJ.Y informs th« trli- •/,etis of itKruKfimle imil vicinity, that he t urn taken III/ building recentl y occup ied by W (jodd ard , K j /f\. near Bie Court-Ho use , wber« be iiil cniU lo^nuu^et^isluliis in tin ; above line , iu all itK vii i Kinn liriufnies , nnd solici ts the pot ronr i|;e ol be fuithful in »*ork\ an»hi |), und is i'lcj.;iint us any (jf omf lie ctV . J 'hosc ivlm wish to |)tir«W »t w'i" "" we" tu [;»!! hefor o llicy purcliu sc finewiiert ', ot Itis Cabi net If ^arrf iouKC , a few doors west of the IVist Office, Hiirii Muble. CALVIN S'l'ETSON. StAPBR. t A LOT of IVIh Cad( Pot,Cut, and Letter PA lTiJt, J( good quality, H nd o"n veiv fitvour mnlr truiJi. lirtailcri mpplieit at n liliViil discount , nnd us low h> can be had Mt the < tfy\f rJset fhui e. JlUo~f, <»iA 'pntlily Wrii/ ipinJ ^I'iiper—for »•!« wholf tn le or rcl ud tit the Burn *i»CJ « Patriot Of- fice , by / B. ln.J 'uij 'J 'r .v. Ni.v 3 / ^ MARRIED , Iu South tlnslou , Mr Adams llolden to Mini Kli/.a Ann Spear. In Woburn , Mr. Alonr.o Re) nohls to Miss Iv li/.I I I'lll lt. I u Lowell , Mr Chillies To wnscml to Miss IC- Ii7.i < I'arker. In .New lii-dfnrd , Mr. firur gc S. H athawn y to Mi s* .Mehitabli! IV >'ickeiso n. I n I ' nwltickct , (II I ) Mr. (ieorpe Crosb y, of N aiit ut Hel , to Mi aJ Charlotte E. I'circe , of An- llt lVlT. DIED, In Boston , on the 2;id insl. NLs. Abi gail Jack- son tireel 100"h , Ufjed 81. In l)orvhe«ter , on the lfifh imlr.ii l, in tlic LXXXl st year of his n^r , Joh n Alford Mason , Ksij . late of Cambrid ge , a ^ raduale ol" Iliirvard Colle ge in 177) , a nil for iiiauv years 11 faithf u l nsj iMiinl in the Boston Post Oflii e. ¦On Monday "J 1st , niter a hu gciing ill ncsJ , Mr. John Lewis, nprd 21. In Marbleh. ad , Mr. Thomas Bowden , 80, n revo lutiotuti y pensioner. In Lebanon , (Conn ) Mrs. Mary William * , n- f;ei l 85, widow of the Hon. William Williams , our of t he signers of the Declai ulion of Inde- pendence , and daug hter of the elder Ginern .n Titimbul l. In Slnlin p, M r. Jon ntban G ary , a icvululion- 111 v peiiMiuier , aged HO. In Au»liutuwn , (Jli»«, on the 1st inst. Mr. J n li n (" ollnn , aged US, formerl y IVuin I'l yniouth , Mas * , nil oliicer of ihe Revdhninii. Js'HU'l. Y I.WI'.KTEI) WA8BUft| MAOHII TZI. M 'OSKS CTlOCKEIt , begs leave to inform tin . * iiiliubitants uf ihfi Coun- ty of i; inula ijli' , th ai he hui secured to hii/mlf i li« ri ^ lii '»f this Vai.uaij i.ij MACin xr , for < hi» : County, FaWno uih riccptcil , uud will liirn u'h al! ! j hose i lut may wi*h to purchase an kivriiiiou o( ; K) f n.T.ll Utilit y. j O i i i i i. e.* (' ftt ly <;x(icut(ll at this Of 'tic". 'crrBLAIWS fur- i.'ifc-licil at short nrOticr. TOR JsLft-LDi d£w A |roo(l\ inl(J5l aUo happened to die intestate, wai curri- ed to the place of interment across some portions of his farm, and thtMutj li a rye- field where the diseased had kept open a narrow cart path for the conveni- ence of his agricultural pursuits. As the funeral procession consisting of brother s, their wives and children , and a few neigh- bors,approached the fi'. -ld, one of the sur- viving brothers cried out to the company, —Don't break down that are rye there , for now brother Jo is dead it willfall to ut.—N. B. Gzaettc. A committee of the Legislature of Yd. has recommended a loan of three millions to begin the work of Internal Imj iruve- cacnts. The Revolution in Franci*, which de- prived Chnrles 'X. of his th rone, was cele- brated at Port ati Piinct*, St. Domingo , by a largenumber of Haytiens and French. VVe translate , from an account of the the celebration , the following toast , by the Abbe Edieverri.*, vicar of Pot t uu Prince:— To the Patriarch of Liberty, the Aristides of the Revol ution , the citizen of 2 Worlds ¦ General Lafayette who at the head of the National Guard of Paris has twice shown to Kind's,that iti s in vain they invoke the protection of Heaven by public prayer? , il they keep not upon Earth the engage- ments they have contracted with the peop le Government is sitid to look with much anxiety to the state of affair at Paris , and not to feel so confident as might be wished that the National Guard is altogether to be depended upon. SPOKK N * 1st hurt . Int 22, M. long 63, W . bri ef AitaitM , Wit innn , from Portsmouth for . Norfolk —had been capsiz ed in n pale on ihe huh J.m, () ff Cnpe Henr y, h».t mainmast , topma >u , and most of her th nit. scbr l.eo, 2.1rlsfm Bostmi for N. «"",ir- oliuR , with loss of jails and rudd er post sp lit . Sid inst. lat -41, 10115 47, brig Ceres, of Wiscns- net , for 1'hiladrl phin. Hoc. 'Stfth , I nl .'ill , long 3d, Antelo pe , fin Bre- men , fur Ncm- Yoik. Jhii aoth , lui ;{"> I , lonjf 6530, ship liic. ian , uf lioslon tut N Oilenns for l.iverpo .d. 'j;Jd , hit ' 29 mi , hms til 1 2, nchr William , 111 du vs from Rosmu i for Tr inidnd—hitd lust some ol her saiU . Dec •:> .), lat ' J l .V2 , Jeup HI 2\ , shi p dm lln R . eis, of >'. Uedl.11.1 , for Pacific Oi.enu . all well. '- '•J d in > l nil" Ca pe * of Delaware , hi i- Pi!, ,t , H uston for Philade l phia. Jan. Tith , hit II '>(> , Inn "; -lit , ship Cen rij e, l!.i- ker , of New Hi'ilfiird , from n hilling « iiii I'.MH bills of oil. Ar at Fal mouth , CSth , bri o President , of Bos- ton . At Tnrp r.iilin Cove , shi p Triton from Pacific Ocea n. Ar at Nor folk ltfth , bri p< Americn , Cotlle , N Orl ea ns ; Forest. Parker , Itixtnu. Cld nt Wilmin gton JS<.' . lvttti , ship Mo ven , V.%- terhro uks , Liverpool ; blip Asnph, IJr rry , frnm J n mnica . Ar nt Norfol k , -1s t , sclir Velocity, llit mmoud , Boston. Ar nt Alexniiili i.i '2:2.1, schr Clinton , Ptevem , fm St Th omas. Left , Itri gi Despatc h , Hardy , ll.rston , ar 'i'.'lh , iu ilislreis. The Slave w recked nt New Providence , in Ihe brig Coinet , h ad been releas ed , dm) sailed .liin '27, in the schr Sniah J .tne for N . Oilcans , toqether wit h Cnpt. Stap les , and Ihe crew nnd | ut»s< !ngci s of iho Comet. nOSTON , Feb . 21 —A r. brl R Knvoy, RhcV ler , from New (lileans. Left the River '2d in»1 iu co with shi ps Helen Mar , for Uoston , urn Vi'< ta nnd Smalt sto it for F.uru ue. Al. l , wlnrli Itiiil not arr when Ihe M. & II sailed. Hi it; lieuri; .', Mitfnm , New Orleans. Hiii; M.tiv Cole , Small , fr om Mobile. Schr Mechan ic , Clark , liel la sl. ('l'd , chl| i Tiuiur , Hemy, Calcu tta ; C.iln .l 'er- rival , nal tnn ore ; 'Mint 11 , Cl eiivelund , Phitndel - pUiu ', I '.' iinr , Ili iiis , liitl limore ; Ocean , H y- .In , H i . h, •J7ih — Ar . schr Kctio , Heed, Portland ; Nor - man , l .orinir, do. N K W YOHK , Feb. IP. —'Ar. Oiip K hr Ic K'ni ^ lil , of Itnslnn , '2-I day.4 from New Oil. .ins. Al>o nr. schr. Three Sis ter s , Olnnder , Nassau NP. 1- < lii\s ; sloop Mcr cv , M aker , ol Koche. vler fioin Wil u iiii fj lun , N. C. Sailed in t'o with schr O strich , l!n *f.m. lili e s Hcli.-ai is , It ohin.cnn , frn m N, Ol Icons Cha tham , Mak er , of Mn & tun , from l'.nIu Cub rl In , J nit . . 'f|. Al so in1 bri g Hope Itc lrieve , Tu llle , Tfinidnil , Cuba , '21 days ; Venu s , tSini lh , of Hnslnn , froiii Si. I >:ii niii(;ii hihI I I .lii\» I'm Chin lest.111 , where h '.u' |iii| in in ilMi css. 1!1s t , ar . bri j; * l' ot l Ciipliiiu , Walker , Hi.) Jun- eiro . S. I iia ' h ' I i .liu kt.m , Snow , 1 homaston. W.I 11 ini- , Il iU.'r , llus lnn. (i en. Stark , Chii m1, nn il (J enlile , Howes , do. '2'2d—Ar. packet »hi p l 'a< ilie, Croik er , Liver - pool I7 lh.lau ; shi p .lam es Crupper , '' Hi y, Liv- er pool ; Itiuniii filiiiin , Harri s , Liverpn id. Also 11 r. bri jj Ulysses, Ha ll, of IVislon , New- Oil. tins. '1M — Ar. shin Sull y, Havr e , Jan. 20. Urii; It ap itl , lor N. Oil eaiiM , sailed lUlh. Also ar. 4. In 'l'mk , (iould , AUo , nr. bri tf Win. it Thoma s, Altvell , r>H ds fui I 'l'iniimhuco. Cl il. bri g Curio , (" lear , Si . ( 'roi t. '.Mil.—Ar. Kchr iM uhii an , .Sparr< itv , linslmi. (' I.I , khi p John Jav , lloldre .l ^ 'e , Live1po.1l. tl.' H11—Ar. whi p liti min;; lj !iiii llari is , Liver- pool 10th tilt. Nailed iu CD wilh thi p Olive Itranch , llan lin ^ , Sti vannal i, AUo nr sehr !iiu < e>« , It ntj i' iK , MoK loii. (Til ,fichr Itr.l.n.'.', llo .li;!^, lioMun. iifilh —- Ar. In if; Win Tell , Hueu nn A yres. (' I 'd , k. hr K skcx , Ni cker iiou , ilariwi ; J 'rei. Jacki i oii , .Soiumers , \V. Indi ei. ARU1V\ I.S , A CLKAHAN CF.S, Anived a t Pruviucr t nwn , IH1I1 inst. bli p Mer- maid , W illia ms, from Sim nut , Nov. l l l h — I . e l l In it; Potomac , Kuapp, nnniii s> cui(;o ; Mchille , Maker , iiiuiire , Ina.lin ^ . (.Td at Wilmin gt on , NC. -lib , »chr Os trich , Mos lnn ; 5lli , nr. schr Atiennn , Andrew * , iMa laii- i.ts 7lh , i-I'd , schr Onl y Sow , Rei d , Uurh ellc. At St. Thoimis 8ih Jan. liri ps Ailcttn , Crow- ell , for An * Cute * , - or 3 days ; .Mat y *j. Kli/.a , Hii irnnnud , fium Iloston , iin. vr ; St. Thomns , l.aue ^r om llnslnn fur Porlu Hiro , tail ed 7t'h ; Delii;lil in Hope , Chase , from Pl ym outh , N. ( ', for P01 I0 Hii -o , miileil liili. Al (.iiinynma , P. It. '2(iih .I an. briij s Candiun , Pren t iks , for Ne w Voik , >l ds , H au ser , F.tdri.l ge , an. I-l th j Mliit Mi t iv Ann , F.ldn d , Hostun. Ar a t New llc .lf.u.l , I7t h , shi p Albion , Heed , fr nm South Atlantic. Ocean , wi th '.MlMi bids nil li'lh, Hop e, I'laiul. 't «, from do. with I SO;). Mri j ; Moston , for lioslon , sailed fi oin Marseilles '23d bee. Ar at Norfolk 12ih , (.hi p fi enernl Hamilton , Pierc e, Manilhi , IHI ds , l'.n H0M1111 , i n <11>. 11 <• s-< loth , ar. bii fj 1' il pi i m , I'm St . (ienij.;cs , H er. Ill , fur M ult. I. . II , si In I. nhiiu , K.n.hi . k , I'm \\ il¦ mini;ton for Norfolk , iu distre ss IH tb , arr. schrs Maiia , Hop kins , New Iberia ; Plainer Hall , SI. Thomas , 30. Ar 11 I New Oilcans , 3d ins l.uH shi p Del hi , a gr ound. — Cl'd , shi p .Sappho , L'lis leibiook , ' .iv- erpuol. In Lewis tnn , (Del..) H oad s , lA t h, bris f l.nilv Washi ngton , Whip|ile , ffin l.ii^ uiiyni , 'i(MliJ an. A r a l Kici uuond Iliih , n lir Itachael V V Moslon. Sail ed I Till , In it ' (Carroll , Itus lnn. Helow Wilmini ;l.!ii N. C. ' Jth , hi ii;» Abi'tina , Andre w s , It o;ii M.iliinr.iis. Ar a l Chari est.m l'- 'ili , In if; Triump h , I '.l- drid ye , Dobtun --S.iilr.l , In ij; 1' a.l.l y C.ny , Li » - erp ool. Ship ¦Coluni liii s, of H.Minn , for New Yoik , gniled I'mm llN v aua H iHU nil . J!rl o»v It.illiuioir l'.ltli , .me bari |iie , supposeil the Mi emeu bai (pic Miiu rva , liom Mreuieu ;.—• brid t'ecilia , M o-tnn ; and one supposed th e ii- '.i/.idt eih , (' inl y, Itoslun. The l ( i \ i i is op en and free j)f lice liom and b.'lnu Ili t u liios ' 1' onr t. Ln Kin -co t., Jan. I. —Ar. Olh c Itrunch , Mar- diuf; , '•in.innah ; Pln larcli , ,lnh nknn ,.iiud l .tH n- bnsse , (Hover , N. Oi lean s ; 14lli , Henry TtiUe , Mlis'« , ilo ; l.' ilh , (j »v. Mrooks , Moore , Ali x a t i- itiia ; Mill , North Star , lienetli et , unit Tatl y im Prab ody, I'/iila d , iSliej iheidt s« , Cook , New-Or - leans. A t Cly de 'JS1I1 , Klrau or , New (•Irlenii ' !. Al Dial , I lib , Dryiuo , Ne af , I Inr ubi o'— l'Jtb H vpeli n n , Soule , St. Ja ^n. M l ' i iesle J!lih , Two R roth ers , H uuip liiie s Hi o Jan eiro ; Aspa sin , M nr shull , do . l»u(|.'iiL.ii;4, ,I;i-ii .i-- 'J lie ¦wenlher him been mot e mild , 11111I the liver is iilmifl i I1.111 nl ire II1U.1 . I , .Tii 11 11. —The fr it st coiiliuues «ind there is mu ch llnalin ^ ice iu the river , which tu <- •¦-li t s i i s m I k (mm ^ellinf: In Ken I'm 111 ii Ii.' . Sail ed (mm Ha vre, (ilh , Wiiihiii ^ lon , (irav , Mat t'el tt iia. Al IMai ketllei, Dec. 2-llh, I'.li/.abelli , Slorr r , nnil Win k Heinv, Panel , N Y o i k ; V Ht h , Su- rah Herri , k , Cla ' ik , do; 2' .'ll t , F.lea uor , Child. , , N. Oi leant , ; . 'Id , Coucordia , William ' , 1'i i l h Autboy. Ar nl Po rtland '22.1, barqu e Lloy d , Mountfort , '2 ! > <\n\ » from I lavi t ua ; In ii; M a iy f'ole , Sunill , tyl ill. vs fin M .il nlr lor It.i k loii—ei|K t inn i d veiv sevet ,!! we.nllu.-r , Uj»- t v iim ) boa t , fnrcsnil , lop^iilliint h.ul 1111ci jili, and bpiui i); 111,1111 Inn.111 mid 1 ml.I.T I miv t 2'J.I , ar. s< hrs llost on , Newburypoi I ; Coin , Perry, Atkin * , Hostn n. Ship Aiiie lh yiil , Kni gliti , frnm Charlrst mt , «( Liv er p 11.1l nh 'iul lolh nil. At < ' :t<\t/, , ISlh , Levant , SiintiKius , llai nbur fj. At H.ivre , J an. lllh , shi p t 'oliseinii , /lohlon , I fj ds ; (.'lei uiilis , do 2<' 1)1 ; In i^' ( nuimissarv , N. Y. ui li.ik , lfilh. ( I li e ( I. ninlu had a ir at il a ' .ie , uu lttilliMaudin ;' sin; "¦'• n|> fur lius- lon ] f-hi p Lond on Pack et , of Bokton , arr at L fbe- ria J .jt li Nov. and »«ilc.l tn ler wnid .'!i«l. Ar nl /Ji illimoie 2Ulh , lui ^' I^ lizabelh , Snow , 107 'I'' "' k It "in Africa. \r ;tt Nor folk I ' lh , kf lus Alba ny, Rider , 40 diivk Ir .i'n Halifax for Alexandria , pu t iu iu dis- tre ss willi lots of sails , hoiils , k.c . /irl ow S:iuiiin:i b 12th , vhi p (lie/., fr om lioblon. Ar li t New Orl eans ftlli , nhip Oel lH , Wood , Lond oifc A t llitvnna Till in kt. thi pi f'ra nl.liu , Itii ks ell , Hi .Mi n , ft dajs ; Syp liax , (,'obh , for Pi oviilenee; lla vH t ia , f-' lut (.;¦•« ; Maiy Ann , Noni s ; I ' llii n.i , Hitvh eock ; .Sally tl Hellenpont , Prat t , Bo.lon ; Homer , do. Bri g Cashi er , Stetson , for Boj Iou , sail ed from Charle ston 6th I 'di. Ar at Saviiiir taH 13th , »hi p Inez , Pike, Bos- ion ; Wi lliam , Alwooi l, li'nUin. Ar at Mob ile 7ih. Hi \:; , .1 " , Kl'lsr L/twi'.i. ', N O i l - . .-ii ' ' (¦¦: V,i ' - \' ¦ '¦ ¦ JSO JIOH . J ^IOR S^ I-Jfe , «t |)r iviiJ< ; sal<'; n Shoe- "i ww/.(T# /MOP , ly new. A |»- y to ASA/EOJJNC'. Barnilahli' , rTfT 22 tf