March 2, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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The Wiscnssft Intelli gencer says \\v*
skin of the animal latel y caug ht near
that place corresponds exact! v with tin;
description given of the li/nx f J inurlemni.%
by o:ir correspond -nr , Peter I*{i1ianl
(lie Ijooii he so cnruuHll y cra ves , liiid li e not in
tlic very breath , in which he begs for merrv , uc-
cimcd me, of iiiiniuni.'hs in my ip iotalio tm from
' Sin ii Scott , Hurt.' This wnnncls inn
(to tin .
1 great j eopar dy of my nose no dimhl) lo
drive him from Imh lint Mnutly -hnttomrd en-
trenchment. It is very easy to talk of ' guib led
ex tract *, contexts ,' &e. They nre threadbare
mil l pfi rng/M , tvliioJi people not of' enlar ged uri -
del'H lnudin x*' enn without diflicully repent. 'Jo
all thi s rlTelofical floiimhiȣ, Hmre n vary nlioi t
rind simp le answer— Let the coultxh he produced.
After rending (lie fir«t climflruiis effusion of this
lanieul and erudite l'lobinii , I ivns .inli.s/icil ilml
his ' enl arged imder gbi(idm£ wan not to he star-
tled by an tilmirdi ly ; but when he now comes
friiwnrd us a stickler for special pl eading, and
accus es me of wandering from ihe point in de-
bate, or , hi his own most elegant anil ni^uificaul
liiiiRiu rge , of 'j ump ing over fences ,' I confess il
exceeds every thinj; I thou g ht il possible for man
lo achieve. I fear while hd has been sufl Viin »
such nn enormo us enlargement of tiis nuiler-
standin g, Ihit t hi* memory has been completel y
uuuihilii tud. In licencing mi) of fu sl wmiduriu ;
from tin! point in debute , or 'jump ing over fen
cm ' as lie terms it , he U ceituiuly the party in
'Dime is no mis take hare .; I give yen (his Pic-
biiins own words , and considerin g his lnrj;o sur-
plus of ' hon or ' he will surel y be frond authority.
After citi ng Mr , K's definition mid my supp le-
ment , this Helium proceeds : '1 think I may
say (lie form er , is, in the op ini on of all reflecting
persons , st ric t ly correct ; while the latt er , with
all due deference to the opinion of your learned
mid pa triotic correspondent , is obviousl y and
pal pabl y fallacious—no t ,tn say nlmntt in the
extreme' .With this ho took n loi)g leave of me
nnd my supplement , nud went on a crusade in
defence of la wyers , physicians, and professi onal
men in general , whom be conceived 1 hud at-
tacked , thoug li I have no reflection of mention-
ing them in any shape. Having proved to n
dem onstration that nil pr ofeusionnl characters
nre ' workuigmen ,' be than returns to mi1, and
asks some very sigiiificnut .qnesiinrt g relul 'ive t o
the works , meri t , anil demerit of hi? favorite Sir
Wal ter. lie inquires if I have rend the writings
of Sir Waller , if I nm incapabl e of ap preciatin g
their merit , if in y heart has not been ' impro ved '
nnd my ' unders tandin g enlar ged' by Ih uir peru-
sal , he.
To satisfy this Plehinn that 1 wns not so en-
tirel y ignorant of 'Sir Waller 's writing. 1!, as his
pungent question seemed to suppose , I produced
several passages from them , and for so doing,
he now accuses me of 'jump ing over fences. '
As this chivalrous Plebiiin ii the volunteer
champ ion of nil ^professional nnd huuucd men ,
I suspect , on tracing ' his gtrncolo gy , he will be
found in the direct line of descent fro m the re-
nowned Don Quixote Kni ght , af La Mauclia ,
whose feati of valor nre dest ined to descend .to
nil posterity . The wonderful powers of imagin-
ntiou which this Flehinn exhibits , confirms me
in this conjecture. Having put my puny scrib-
bling* into the mouth of Cicero or Major North ,
he lias to .advance but n single step, to perceive
.giants in windmills , and virg inity in wenches
who have long since forsworn its very name.
These cxnltcd flights of imagination are pe-
culiarl y soothing to the spirit of a hero who has
abandoned the fields of his glory , und taken ref-
uge in the sooty battlements of a ' frying-pan /
and that nothing may deprive him of this last
soluce of a kni giit in dwtross , is the sincer e
prayer of a WonmttoaM if.
By the extracts which we have made from the
New England Galax y, it will be observed that
the Polnn dcrs are strugg ling for their liltrrty ,
agalntt the obstinate will nnd intentio ns of the
.viu of Russia. Nicholas I. Kosciusko, in
America , whe n he fought the buttles of our Coun
try, luugbt n lr»»ou which his countrymen ivill
not ioon forget. J t Is a bold and during deed
for a small nation to rise in.arms and resist the
power of thtt Russian Govern ment , but mi iuti -
mute love of freedom urges them on, and they
choose death 10 slaver y. The charm—Ilie spell
•—which hut its ori gin io the Mitrsaillu s Hymn
has Awakened all Europe Even slaves iivit nal
doin , chains und servitu de , start with a sensat ion
of dtfli jj ht , and resolve to join in the cry " To
arm« , to arms , j ft br ave ," «n'l '""" '" Sln 8'ng
' All heart * resolved on liberty or death. "
Cannon are mounted at Warsaw, and
(lie paving stones nf (he streets have been
carried to the tipper storks of the {tome*
to crush the enemy, sliotiM he enter (h«ir
walls. The liberty t>( the press faas
been established , and tin: ri ghts of the
Jews arc: to he established by a special
law of the Provision al Government.
POIJ .vn.
Warsaw, Dec. 15, 1830— The inhab-
itants of the Circle of Random had u
meeting on the JOtli. They subscribed
12,000 florins , and have announced their
intention of raising a moment of cavalry.
(' orm:1iusSyko , an <>l r of the Carmelites, is now work-
ing nt tin; fortification s of Praga ,with all
his monks.
I>iciii. Col. Gi'iiiz , a descendant of
William Tell , forms a division of sharp-
:«hootfrs , which he culls his • Intcynal
It is sn id the I'ol'.'S of the. Provinces of
ancient P.-iland , who arc residing at Paris ,
lire to pluci; at l!>" disposal of tin: Polish
Oovernmeiit considerable sums of money ,
an d that the. Countess Tyschk!ewit7.;">
of the late Poniutowski , lias disliiiyuished
herself by a large subscri ption.
Kxtiact of a-.private Idler from War-
saw , dated Dec. 27 :—Tlie /mlalii iiite of
Lublin , Kusian Poland , lias just offered
tin.* (Jovi'i niniMit .
")0,000 mm. Count
7j is equi pping a regiment ut bi s
own expense. There arc in the army
12 ,000 soldiers whwserved under Napo-
leon , and .
'KJO officers decorated with the
Legion of jj onor. The 24th Regiment
of the line which ocled on the firs t day,
has sot out for tin: frontiers. Previous to
(heir departure they requested their .Col-
onel to take them lo llie fortifications now
creeling by the ciliwns. On their arriv-
al there lliey formed a square . The 1st
regiment of Lancers, a fine troop, has
marched. The enthusiasm in nt tne-hi gh-
est t'itch , atid exceeds all imag inaiion.
'The Auirsburg li Gazette contains tin:
fulluwitiij, tinder date of Warsaw, Janua-
ry :> :—
.Sincellie proclamation oftlie limpertir
of.Uus.sia was known lien.1, an ent husiasm
lias manifested itself among all classes,
which could not have been exceeded in
(be first wars of Polish Independence ,
and would justif y Ila: hope which the Poles
cherish of succeeding in their enterprise ,
if llie force which Russia intends to send
aga inst them is not far superior in number
with their own. The Dictator receives
llie most implicit obedience from tin; peo-
ple, and be enjoys the entire confidence
of the nation. His constant activity
dai l y gains new recruits for tin: army,
which at present consists of 6-1,000 men ,
besidi-s ;> national militia of r>0 ,000 men
which lias act out for.the frontiers of the
King dom.
j\ri obstinate Mriig^I
t? may therefore be
expected , for llie Poles do not calculate
upon any in dulgence, and t he language
of the Mmpcror of Russia is tm» formal
net U> til 2, that gentlemen disp osed to aid this
•useful public object may have an oppor-
tunity of adding their names.—Boston
JPat riot.
Rccontrcs.—J no. Briscoc, Esq. shot Dr.
B. II. Moyler, at Rodney, Missi. ISth ult.
so that he soon died. B. was dressed for
a wedding, when M. came up and quarrel-
led about some dispute , spit in his face,
and drew a pistol from his bosom, which
the bystanders prevented his using. B.
then got n gun ,nnd both firod together.—
B. was slightly.hurt.
The Indian Question.—It will be seen
by the Legislative Record , that th°. Sen-
ate yesterday adopted by a large maj ori-
ty the Resolutions, that have been for
some time under consideration in that
IkkIv , upon the subject of the same rela-
tions of the Federal Union to the South-
western Indians.—lb.
Amendment of the Constitution.—It
may be now considered , settled that no
amendment ofthe Constitution will be
made by the present Legislature, in rela-
CJn motion of Mr.
French , of Berkly, it was
Ordered , That Messrs French , Morey
of Boston , Ue wilt of Oxford, Wyles ol
Brim field and Tuttle of a com-
mil tee to consider the expediency nf re-
quiiing the Sheriff of the several Counties
on or before the sitting of the next Gen-
eral Court , to make returns to the secre-
taiy of the tv'hole number of estates , real!
and personal , winch have been distribu-
ted among creditors by the authority «»f
executors, durin g the years 1825 and '.SO
—t he creditors to each of said estates
who prosecuted their demands , and what
proporti on obtained their full demands ,
and what proporti on obtained nothing. —
Also the amount of costs defi ut'led from
tlie estMte of each debtor to to make a le-
gal transfer of the same 1to the possession
of bis creditors.
The bill to f\sla!j|isli n court of criminal
Jurisdiction committed to Messrs. Shaw
•>f Lanestooro ', Davis of Boston , Denriy
of Leicester , and Mason of Boston.
The bill to incorporat e the Fishing In-
surance Company was committed to rhe
Committee on Mercantile jrfTriiFS-trud ifn-
surance , on t he part ef the House.
Mouse,—Feb 22.— .Mr. Thaxtcr of F.d-
garfown , from a se'Iecl committe , reported
a It iil in addition to an act I" pi event die
destruction of certa in usefu l birds at tin-
Heasoi ialf le times of the year.
Tlie House then took up tin: bill , as
ta ken into a new draft , in adiiitou to tIn*
severa l acts regulating l!i (-' iiK peetimi (if
Pickled Fish , and t he new draft , havin g
been amended , was ado pted as a substi-
tute for trie ori gina l bill , and passed to a
third rending.
6V/inrr,i'eb 23.— On Muiinn of Mr.
Lincoln Jr. the Report of the Committee
on Fisheries , on t he Fisheries on the c<.ast
of tlie Commonwealth , and t he orders
accom pany ing, were assigned for consid-
eration on Tuesday next.
In House,—Mr Su llivan , of Boston ,
from the committee on the Judiciary , to
whom was committed at the last session
the Report of the Commissioners appoint-
ed by a rosolve of March last , on the
proposed subject of the rent* and taxes
i>n lands in iiop kiuson and Upton , held
under leases from the Trustees of the
Charity of Edward Hop kins , made a re-
port , accompanied with resolves provid-
ing for payments of certain moneys to
the said Trustees—Whrc'h resolves were
read oncr ,-passed 'to a second rendinpyind
with the leport ordered to be printed.
In Senate , Feb 24.—The petition of
Benjamin Y. Alwood and others and- the
order of notice ihercon , wure comrurvtt'd
to committee »>n Roads and Brid ges.
Feb. 25.—The petition of the town ol
Harwich , was referred to the next Gener-
al Court.
A Bill was reported to establish die
Boston and Lowell Rail Road Corp ora-
tion , which was ordered to a second
Mr. Blake from the committee to whom
was committed so much of the Governors
Speech at the last session, as relates to
the assignment of property by insolvent
debtors , reported a bill providing further
relief for bona fide creditors and debtors
—which was ordered to a second reading
and to be printed.
On motion of Mr. Sturges of Boston ,
the report of the committee on the peti-
tion of the City Council of Boston , for
authori ty to subscribe for Stock .in a
Kailroa d , was especiall y assigned to
Tuesday next 11 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY MOH NING, M aiiciir 2. 1831.
" V.rtry man on deck , ami nol itop for hit
tlolhn. "—'t'hn *e w«re (lie >vor«*« «'"' lnng;«inge
of an India Cnptnfn , on Hie conit nf .lnpnn ,
when n «nil , hi they Ihoug lit , wfu within a qunr -
«rr of (i milr , mnl h large K. I. Company iliip of
«(K) Ioii r , hut which pr oved to lie d rock icvcnty
{fa t out of tvntrr , I'M) miles fro m land. Uy
tiiii prn luilc, we. would wnrn «ll pood men nnd
tr ue lo t>c at tlu-ir post*, on on earl y hour next
Monday , tin true lo the old cawsc. Let not
liluMi 'iing, no'uy, l(j«»g winded nmiinr irn tempt
you from (he true nnd only ,fw«li. Much lim
linen snid nlrc *dy, pro bnlily much more will bo
•aid by otir political cnemici in favour of pie-
<(>udcd republican , cnndidd tci. Tim Lvop urd
1b» chnng ed his rtpot x and the Ethiop inn his
«ki n. The still river ii the deep oi.p , not the
noisy bnbUYmg brook.
"W'< with you much jo> /."~-Our reader * mny,
¦(if they count tlirir clinnge when they tukc it ,)
for the future flnd , tlint the Into rtnolve . of ilm
nrtj'itrnry Uoxlou linnk i turn n out nil fudge , *"
motion , there nre very innny notion* in Boj-
ton town , but this one of expelling All rh«- chnnge
from o)d Bi«y Stntc , would 'tut %<> down. 'J 'he
Doitoit banker * linn 'l nil got yr.llmo 'link , they
|y th ft juwi'llers , goldsmi ths , nnd nil vcimni llis.
Tillis »!)uiilil bn dtnppud by an fllteralioii in
ilip finnimsH and then we slntt>e troubled
w\\l\fui»i(M i coin , >iii»ti ii(i of our own.
\V« oliscrvi ' liy tli u ltoston Dii 'tl y Advertiser ,
^hn t lite nntstcrti nre to tic done tiwiiy.
II gives us much hnnrt fell and sincere plea«-
.ncvcr split his skull ;" but our sincere nnd hearty
wishes for n long life mnl succcBsfnl rei gn ; ns
jlong as was wished to Kin g Jnmcs of England ,
iwhile " sun , moon und stnrs endure. "
A temperate hone.— .V man in " .Vivrmount"
•stat e,-recentl y pwrchi\»ed itwo gallons of rum ,
.carried It liojim in Iiik jug, .stoppcd with a cork
And deposited il in his uuuiger bencnth Wa hor-
«cs hny, when lo ! wondrous lo behold , in the
•morning the rum wns gom>,jug inverted mul.emp-
ty. Ir is the first instiuj ce , that we over .knew
tor heard related , of homes drink ing 'the arde nt. '
As the jug was slyly deposited in the evening
and buryed l.enealh the hny, we arc nt no loss
'to account for Iho " leakage" upon the rum.
'¦ We •u\ici pated n relbrm of the two legged nni-
|inaU, but ucver cxpcictcd that tliebrute creation
\would commence tipp lers. —" I'd sell that arc
\hott if tvnit,mine "
I At n meelinu held , at Cnpt Uf.ah3k '3, pupsunnt
¦toniatice , for the purpose of using niuuus .to sc-
Ut, 1
881. riuribus Umm.
Antxetr to the mathematical question in the
llatl f atriot-^T
p hvW (ides are 9 inches and 7
Fir« Mono ftlnehes9*0 , 81x0, 1
tftcond Mono 7 inches 7x9, 49x7, 34 3.
Sum of munr«:«130aud 10 72, tun of cub*.
ll/w>oivF«b.,1831. O. B.
\CtFostm**tersofalieir respective towns in this
county, will confer ¦> favour on 11m publisher,
by lending in the list of votef given on Monday
ueit , (br (own officers.
An adjournea wecung
ilia burmlalh.Ly
ecurtv*ill be h«M oofTuciday Ereninf next , at
ttlC MStaoi pUtC.
A Card — Kj trn rKd f rom the Journal. —The
f.ndies nnd Ge ntli .i nan of Yarmmnh Port , here-
by tender th eir thank * lo-f 'npt. Joshua Kldrid ge ,
for bis good ex ampl e in iefii«inr ; to fell stron g
liquors of of January,
and London to the '16th , were received
at iNYw York on Monday last. We are
indebted lo the Mercantile Advertiser of
Tuesday morning for the following sum-
mary of iheir contents :—N. E. Galaxy
The most importan t article to America
contained in the papers by this .nrrival ,
is the iiifurmalion that the bonndery ques-
tion wh ich was rcfrred to the J£ing of
t he Nelh i'ilands—is at length settled.—
Id the second edition of the London Cou-
rier of Saturday, 1.0th of January , we find
the followin t' article :
Jlf/gt/ t; , Jun. 10. Tlu-ir ExcelU-ncios
Sir Cliai K s f'agot , Ambassa dor Extraor-
dinar y and Minister 'Pleni potentiary ofhii
Hrilanic Majesty, an d Mr. Treble, Am-
bassador Extraordino ry and Minister
"¦'|eni |i'itiMitiai y from tlie United Stales
ill ' Nort h America , have this morning re-
ceived from the hands of his Maj esty 'thu
Act which full y dec lares the decision
of his Majesty, as umpire in the differ-
1'iice between Great Britain nnd the U-
nited States, respecting the determination
of (he frontiers of their respective territo-
The Greenwich Theatre has been des-
troyed by fire.
The Welch Colliers have turned out for
higher wages ; some fightin n1 had taken
place between them and flte troops.
People nre so alarmed in various parts
of the country , that they are puttin g up
additiona l alarm bells on the tops of their
houses with ropes coiin>munic»ted with
every apartment.
The .private correspondent of the Lon-
don Times, under date of Paris, Ja n. J.,
speaks of a plot against the throne of
Louis Philli p and the charter of U63O.,
which had been happ ily frustrated.
With one or two exceptions our poets
have turned politicians—so with our prose
writers—Irving , Cooper and Paulding,
hold appointment under the government.
Bryant edits apolitical newspaper ; Pren^
tice has foMowcd"hts examp le, with the
additional task of becoming biographer to
Henry Clay. Thus it is with most of our
literary men , and thus it will be until the
country grows older , & is purified of some
of the pretension which now preys upon
its intellectual character.
In Philadel phia an owner of «ome.drays,
named Carson , was latel y paring his .fin-
ger nails,ami at the same time reprimond-
i»g him for ill treatment of a horse, when
another drayman named Leonard , inter-
ft'io d, used abusive language, and struck
C. -several times. Mv defended himself
with his knife, tuid ripped open L's bow-
els, wlio is not expected to live. C. is-of
good character and of mild disposition.
At lllti burn ing of the church in New
Vork ,l;\st week, a cornice fell upon sever-
al persons, who were all much injured. —
A 'a(! of 14 was not expected to survive.
JBx-Ministers.—TUe ministers of King
Charles X. of France, viz. Polignac,Pey-
roniiet, Chantelauze and Guernon Ran-
ville,having been condemned to impris-
onment for life, for treason against the
stnte were removed from Vincinnes to
the Castle of iUm, on.the 29th of Januu-