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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
March 2, 1831     Barnstable Patriot
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March 2, 1831
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The Wiscnssft Intelli gencer says \\v* . skin of the animal latel y caug ht near that place corresponds exact! v with tin; description given of the li/nx f J inurlemni.% , by o:ir correspond -nr , Peter I*{i1ianl (lie Ijooii he so cnruuHll y cra ves , liiid li e not in tlic very breath , in which he begs for merrv , uc- cimcd me, of iiiiniuni.'hs in my ip iotalio tm from ' Sin ii Scott , Hurt.' This wnnncls inn (to tin . 1 great j eopar dy of my nose no dimhl) lo drive him from Imh lint Mnutly -hnttomrd en- trenchment. It is very easy to talk of ' guib led ex tract *, contexts ,' &e. They nre threadbare mil l pfi rng/M , tvliioJi people not of' enlar ged uri - del'H lnudin x*' enn without diflicully repent. 'Jo all thi s rlTelofical floiimhi»£, Hmre n vary nlioi t rind simp le answer— Let the coultxh he produced. After rending (lie fir«t climflruiis effusion of this lanieul and erudite l'lobinii , I ivns .inli.s/icil ilml his ' enl arged imder gbi(idm£ wan not to he star- tled by an tilmirdi ly ; but when he now comes friiwnrd us a stickler for special pl eading, and accus es me of wandering from ihe point in de- bate, or , hi his own most elegant anil ni^uificaul liiiiRiu rge , of 'j ump ing over fences ,' I confess il exceeds every thinj; I thou g ht il possible for man lo achieve. I fear while hd has been sufl Viin » such nn enormo us enlargement of tiis nuiler- standin g, Ihit t hi* memory has been completel y uuuihilii tud. In licencing mi) of fu sl wmiduriu ; from tin! point in debute , or 'jump ing over fen cm ' as lie terms it , he U ceituiuly the party in error. 'Dime is no mis take hare .; I give yen (his Pic- biiins own words , and considerin g his lnrj;o sur- plus of ' hon or ' he will surel y be frond authority. After citi ng Mr , K's definition mid my supp le- ment , this Helium proceeds : '1 think I may say (lie form er , is, in the op ini on of all reflecting persons , st ric t ly correct ; while the latt er , with all due deference to the opinion of your learned mid pa triotic correspondent , is obviousl y and pal pabl y fallacious—no t ,tn say nlmntt in the extreme' .With this ho took n loi)g leave of me nnd my supplement , nud went on a crusade in defence of la wyers , physicians, and professi onal men in general , whom be conceived 1 hud at- tacked , thoug li I have no reflection of mention- ing them in any shape. Having proved to n dem onstration that nil pr ofeusionnl characters nre ' workuigmen ,' be than returns to mi1, and asks some very sigiiificnut .qnesiinrt g relul 'ive t o the works , meri t , anil demerit of hi? favorite Sir Wal ter. lie inquires if I have rend the writings of Sir Waller , if I nm incapabl e of ap preciatin g their merit , if in y heart has not been ' impro ved ' nnd my ' unders tandin g enlar ged' by Ih uir peru- sal , he. To satisfy this Plehinn that 1 wns not so en- tirel y ignorant of 'Sir Waller 's writing. 1!, as his pungent question seemed to suppose , I produced several passages from them , and for so doing, he now accuses me of 'jump ing over fences. ' As this chivalrous Plebiiin ii the volunteer champ ion of nil ^professional nnd huuucd men , I suspect , on tracing ' his gtrncolo gy , he will be found in the direct line of descent fro m the re- nowned Don Quixote Kni ght , af La Mauclia , whose feati of valor nre dest ined to descend .to nil posterity . The wonderful powers of imagin- ntiou which this Flehinn exhibits , confirms me in this conjecture. Having put my puny scrib- bling* into the mouth of Cicero or Major North , he lias to .advance but n single step, to perceive .giants in windmills , and virg inity in wenches who have long since forsworn its very name. These cxnltcd flights of imagination are pe- culiarl y soothing to the spirit of a hero who has abandoned the fields of his glory , und taken ref- uge in the sooty battlements of a ' frying-pan / and that nothing may deprive him of this last soluce of a kni giit in dwtross , is the sincer e prayer of a WonmttoaM if. By the extracts which we have made from the New England Galax y, it will be observed that the Polnn dcrs are strugg ling for their liltrrty , agalntt the obstinate will nnd intentio ns of the .viu of Russia. Nicholas I. Kosciusko, in America , whe n he fought the buttles of our Coun try, luugbt n lr»»ou which his countrymen ivill not ioon forget. J t Is a bold and during deed for a small nation to rise in.arms and resist the power of thtt Russian Govern ment , but mi iuti - mute love of freedom urges them on, and they choose death 10 slaver y. The charm—Ilie spell •—which hut its ori gin io the Mitrsaillu s Hymn has Awakened all Europe Even slaves iivit nal doin , chains und servitu de , start with a sensat ion of dtfli jj ht , and resolve to join in the cry " To arm« , to arms , j ft br ave ," «n'l '""" '" Sln 8'ng ' All heart * resolved on liberty or death. " Cannon are mounted at Warsaw, and (lie paving stones nf (he streets have been carried to the tipper storks of the {tome* to crush the enemy, sliotiM he enter (h«ir walls. The liberty t>( the press faas been established , and tin: ri ghts of the Jews arc: to he established by a special law of the Provision al Government. POIJ .vn. Warsaw, Dec. 15, 1830— The inhab- itants of the Circle of Random had u meeting on the JOtli. They subscribed 12,000 florins , and have announced their intention of raising a moment of cavalry. (' orm:1iusSyko , an <>lr of the Carmelites, is now work- ing nt tin; fortification s of Praga ,with all his monks. I>iciii. Col. Gi'iiiz , a descendant of William Tell , forms a division of sharp- :«hootfrs , which he culls his • Intcynal Troops.' It is sn id the I'ol'.'S of the. Provinces of ancient P.-iland , who arc residing at Paris , lire to pluci; at l!>" disposal of tin: Polish Oovernmeiit considerable sums of money , an d that the. Countess Tyschk!ewit7.;"> of the late Poniutowski , lias disliiiyuished herself by a large subscri ption. Kxtiact of a-.private Idler from War- saw , dated Dec. 27 :—Tlie /mlalii iiite of Lublin , Kusian Poland , lias just offered tin.* (Jovi'i niniMit . ")0,000 mm. Count 7j is equi pping a regiment ut bi s own expense. There arc in the army 12 ,000 soldiers whwserved under Napo- leon , and . 'KJO officers decorated with the Legion of jj onor. The 24th Regiment of the line which ocled on the firs t day, has sot out for tin: frontiers. Previous to (heir departure they requested their .Col- onel to take them lo llie fortifications now creeling by the ciliwns. On their arriv- al there lliey formed a square . The 1st regiment of Lancers, a fine troop, has marched. The enthusiasm in nt tne-hi gh- est t'itch , atid exceeds all imag inaiion. 'The Auirsburg li Gazette contains tin: fulluwitiij, tinder date of Warsaw, Janua- ry :> :— .Sincellie proclamation oftlie limpertir of.Uus.sia was known lien.1, an ent husiasm lias manifested itself among all classes, which could not have been exceeded in (be first wars of Polish Independence , and would justif y Ila: hope which the Poles cherish of succeeding in their enterprise , if llie force which Russia intends to send aga inst them is not far superior in number with their own. The Dictator receives llie most implicit obedience from tin; peo- ple, and be enjoys the entire confidence of the nation. His constant activity dai l y gains new recruits for tin: army, which at present consists of 6-1,000 men , besidi-s ;> national militia of r>0 ,000 men which lias act out for.the frontiers of the King dom. j\ri obstinate Mriig^I t? may therefore be expected , for llie Poles do not calculate upon any in dulgence, and t he language of the Mmpcror of Russia is tm» formal net U> til 2, that gentlemen disp osed to aid this •useful public object may have an oppor- tunity of adding their names.—Boston JPat riot. Rccontrcs.—J no. Briscoc, Esq. shot Dr. B. II. Moyler, at Rodney, Missi. ISth ult. so that he soon died. B. was dressed for a wedding, when M. came up and quarrel- led about some dispute , spit in his face, and drew a pistol from his bosom, which the bystanders prevented his using. B. then got n gun ,nnd both firod together.— B. was slightly.hurt. The Indian Question.—It will be seen by the Legislative Record , that th°. Sen- ate yesterday adopted by a large maj ori- ty the Resolutions, that have been for some time under consideration in that IkkIv , upon the subject of the same rela- tions of the Federal Union to the South- western Indians.—lb. Amendment of the Constitution.—It may be now considered , settled that no amendment ofthe Constitution will be made by the present Legislature, in rela- CJn motion of Mr. French , of Berkly, it was Ordered , That Messrs French , Morey of Boston , Ue wilt of Oxford, Wyles ol Brim field and Tuttle of a com- mil tee to consider the expediency nf re- quiiing the Sheriff of the several Counties on or before the sitting of the next Gen- eral Court , to make returns to the secre- taiy of the tv'hole number of estates , real! and personal , winch have been distribu- ted among creditors by the authority «»f executors, durin g the years 1825 and '.SO —t he creditors to each of said estates who prosecuted their demands , and what proporti on obtained their full demands , and what proporti on obtained nothing. — Also the amount of costs defi ut'led from tlie estMte of each debtor to to make a le- gal transfer of the same 1to the possession of bis creditors. The bill to f\sla!j|isli n court of criminal Jurisdiction committed to Messrs. Shaw •>f Lanestooro ', Davis of Boston , Denriy of Leicester , and Mason of Boston. The bill to incorporat e the Fishing In- surance Company was committed to rhe Committee on Mercantile jrfTriiFS-trud ifn- surance , on t he part ef the House. Mouse,—Feb 22.— .Mr. Thaxtcr of F.d- garfown , from a se'Iecl committe , reported a It iil in addition to an act I" pi event die destruction of certa in usefu l birds at tin- Heasoi ialf le times of the year. Tlie House then took up tin: bill , as ta ken into a new draft , in adiiitou to tIn* severa l acts regulating l!i (-' iiK peetimi (if Pickled Fish , and t he new draft , havin g been amended , was ado pted as a substi- tute for trie ori gina l bill , and passed to a third rending. 6V/inrr,i'eb 23.— On Muiinn of Mr. Lincoln Jr. the Report of the Committee on Fisheries , on t he Fisheries on the c<.ast of tlie Commonwealth , and t he orders accom pany ing, were assigned for consid- eration on Tuesday next. In House,—Mr Su llivan , of Boston , from the committee on the Judiciary , to whom was committed at the last session the Report of the Commissioners appoint- ed by a rosolve of March last , on the proposed subject of the rent* and taxes i>n lands in iiop kiuson and Upton , held under leases from the Trustees of the Charity of Edward Hop kins , made a re- port , accompanied with resolves provid- ing for payments of certain moneys to the said Trustees—Whrc'h resolves were read oncr ,-passed 'to a second rendinpyind with the leport ordered to be printed. In Senate , Feb 24.—The petition of Benjamin Y. Alwood and others and- the order of notice ihercon , wure comrurvtt'd to committee »>n Roads and Brid ges. Feb. 25.—The petition of the town ol Harwich , was referred to the next Gener- al Court. A Bill was reported to establish die Boston and Lowell Rail Road Corp ora- tion , which was ordered to a second reading. Mr. Blake from the committee to whom was committed so much of the Governors Speech at the last session, as relates to the assignment of property by insolvent debtors , reported a bill providing further relief for bona fide creditors and debtors —which was ordered to a second reading and to be printed. On motion of Mr. Sturges of Boston , the report of the committee on the peti- tion of the City Council of Boston , for authori ty to subscribe for Stock .in a Kailroa d , was especiall y assigned to Tuesday next 11 o'clock. BAKWTABtiB^ WEDNESDAY MOH NING, M aiiciir 2. 1831. " V.rtry man on deck , ami nol itop for hit tlolhn. "—'t'hn *e w«re (lie >vor«*« «'"' lnng;«inge of an India Cnptnfn , on Hie conit nf .lnpnn , when n «nil , hi they Ihoug lit , wfu within a qunr - «rr of (i milr , mnl h large K. I. Company iliip of «(K) Ioii r , hut which pr oved to lie d rock icvcnty {fa t out of tvntrr , I'M) miles fro m land. Uy tiiii prn luilc, we. would wnrn «ll pood men nnd tr ue lo t>c at tlu-ir post*, on on earl y hour next Monday , tin true lo the old cawsc. Let not liluMi 'iing, no'uy, l(j«»g winded nmiinr irn tempt you from (he true nnd only ,fw«li. Much lim linen snid nlrc *dy, pro bnlily much more will bo •aid by otir political cnemici in favour of pie- <(>udcd republican , cnndidd tci. Tim Lvop urd 1b» chnng ed his rtpot x and the Ethiop inn his «ki n. The still river ii the deep oi.p , not the noisy bnbUYmg brook. "W'< with you much jo> /."~-Our reader * mny, ¦(if they count tlirir clinnge when they tukc it ,) for the future flnd , tlint the Into rtnolve . of ilm nrtj'itrnry Uoxlou linnk i turn n out nil fudge , *" motion , there nre very innny notion* in Boj- ton town , but this one of expelling All rh«- chnnge from o)d Bi«y Stntc , would 'tut %<> down. 'J 'he Doitoit banker * linn 'l nil got yr.llmo 'link , they |y th ft juwi'llers , goldsmi ths , nnd nil vcimni llis. Tillis »!)uiilil bn dtnppud by an fllteralioii in ilip finnimsH and then we slntt>e troubled w\\l\fui»i(M i coin , >iii»ti ii(i of our own. \V« oliscrvi ' liy tli u ltoston Dii 'tl y Advertiser , ^hn t lite nntstcrti nre to tic done tiwiiy. II gives us much hnnrt fell and sincere plea«- .ncvcr split his skull ;" but our sincere nnd hearty wishes for n long life mnl succcBsfnl rei gn ; ns jlong as was wished to Kin g Jnmcs of England , iwhile " sun , moon und stnrs endure. " A temperate hone.— .V man in " .Vivrmount" •stat e,-recentl y pwrchi\»ed itwo gallons of rum , .carried It liojim in Iiik jug, .stoppcd with a cork And deposited il in his uuuiger bencnth Wa hor- «cs hny, when lo ! wondrous lo behold , in the •morning the rum wns gom>,jug inverted mul.emp- ty. Ir is the first instiuj ce , that we over .knew tor heard related , of homes drink ing 'the arde nt. ' As the jug was slyly deposited in the evening and buryed l.enealh the hny, we arc nt no loss 'to account for Iho " leakage" upon the rum. '¦ We •u\ici pated n relbrm of the two legged nni- |inaU, but ucver cxpcictcd that tliebrute creation \would commence tipp lers. —" I'd sell that arc \hott if tvnit,mine " I At n meelinu held , at Cnpt Uf.ah3k '3, pupsunnt ¦toniatice , for the purpose of using niuuus .to sc- Ut, 1 881. riuribus Umm. Antxetr to the mathematical question in the llatl f atriot-^T p hvW (ides are 9 inches and 7 iiir.hei. Fir« Mono ftlnehes9*0 , 81x0, 1 19. tftcond Mono 7 inches 7x9, 49x7, 34 3. Sum of munr«:«130aud 10 72, tun of cub*. ll/w>oivF«b.,1831. O. B. \CtFostm**tersofalieir respective towns in this county, will confer ¦> favour on 11m publisher, by lending in the list of votef given on Monday ueit , (br (own officers. An adjournea wecung 1"or^1 ilia burmlalh.Ly ecurtv*ill be h«M oofTuciday Ereninf next , at ttlC MStaoi pUtC. A Card — Kj trn rKd f rom the Journal. —The f.ndies nnd Ge ntli .i nan of Yarmmnh Port , here- by tender th eir thank * lo-f 'npt. Joshua Kldrid ge , for bis good ex ampl e in iefii«inr ; to fell stron g liquors of of January, and London to the '16th , were received at iNYw York on Monday last. We are indebted lo the Mercantile Advertiser of Tuesday morning for the following sum- mary of iheir contents :—N. E. Galaxy The most importan t article to America contained in the papers by this .nrrival , is the iiifurmalion that the bonndery ques- tion wh ich was rcfrred to the J£ing of t he Nelh i'ilands—is at length settled.— Id the second edition of the London Cou- rier of Saturday, 1.0th of January , we find the followin t' article : Jlf/gt/ t; , Jun. 10. Tlu-ir ExcelU-ncios Sir Cliai K s f'agot , Ambassa dor Extraor- dinar y and Minister 'Pleni potentiary ofhii Hrilanic Majesty, an d Mr. Treble, Am- bassador Extraordino ry and Minister . "¦'|eni |i'itiMitiai y from tlie United Stales ill ' Nort h America , have this morning re- ceived from the hands of his Maj esty 'thu Act which full y dec lares the decision of his Majesty, as umpire in the differ- 1'iice between Great Britain nnd the U- nited States, respecting the determination of (he frontiers of their respective territo- ries The Greenwich Theatre has been des- troyed by fire. The Welch Colliers have turned out for higher wages ; some fightin n1 had taken place between them and flte troops. People nre so alarmed in various parts of the country , that they are puttin g up additiona l alarm bells on the tops of their houses with ropes coiin>munic»ted with every apartment. The .private correspondent of the Lon- don Times, under date of Paris, Ja n. J., speaks of a plot against the throne of Louis Philli p and the charter of U63O., which had been happ ily frustrated. With one or two exceptions our poets have turned politicians—so with our prose writers—Irving , Cooper and Paulding, hold appointment under the government. Bryant edits apolitical newspaper ; Pren^ tice has foMowcd"hts examp le, with the additional task of becoming biographer to Henry Clay. Thus it is with most of our literary men , and thus it will be until the country grows older , & is purified of some of the pretension which now preys upon its intellectual character. In Philadel phia an owner of «ome.drays, named Carson , was latel y paring his .fin- ger nails,ami at the same time reprimond- i»g him for ill treatment of a horse, when another drayman named Leonard , inter- ft'io d, used abusive language, and struck C. -several times. Mv defended himself with his knife, tuid ripped open L's bow- els, wlio is not expected to live. C. is-of good character and of mild disposition. At lllti burn ing of the church in New Vork ,l;\st week, a cornice fell upon sever- al persons, who were all much injured. — A 'a(! of 14 was not expected to survive. JBx-Ministers.—TUe ministers of King Charles X. of France, viz. Polignac,Pey- roniiet, Chantelauze and Guernon Ran- ville,having been condemned to impris- onment for life, for treason against the stnte were removed from Vincinnes to the Castle of iUm, on.the 29th of Januu- O'-