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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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February 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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jp atriot Ads For Results!! 4 lines: 401 w p e e e r k Large Your Ad! Call Hy. 24 For Action! SERVICES M A S S A G E Given by Henry Askell , register- ed physiotherapist, formerly at Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home, South Main Street, Centerville, Mass. For ap- pointment call Hyannis 2313-R. jg^ U NICKERSON IS |X|] FUNERAL and ytw MONUMENT \ t f SERVICES BOURNE - SANDWICH. MASS. Swing CAPE COD •nd Surrounding Communltitt CAPE COD SECUETARIAIi SCHOOL. Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening Hyannis 1372 242 Ocean Street, Hyannis HAROLD A. BOTNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics - Ignition Falmouth Rd., Centerville, Mass. Tel. Hyannis 636-W FOR RENT Typewriters - Adding Machines Day-Week-Month Cape Cod Office Equipment and Supply Co. Inc. AUTHORIZED UNDERWOOD AGENT Yarmouth Road Hyannis 1582 G. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING ft HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers & Burks Pumps Tel. GArden 8-6940 Osterville MOVING, TRANSPORTING CLOUGH St. HIGG1NS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel • Cinders - Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool Cleaning Hyannis 1.1 79-W 302 Main Street HyannU, Mass. BAXTER TRANSPORT, INC. Boston - South Shore Cape Cod Hyannis 232 or 441 REAL ESTATE PRINCE A. FULLER REAL ESTATE Sales and Rentals LlstlngB Wanted Centerville Four Corners Hyannis 206 or Hyannis 1989-M-4 WANT TO SELLJT List your property with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 255 Main Street Hyannis 277 REALTORS ~ REAL fiSTATK Of Every Description Bought, Sold and Exchanged JAMES A, WOODWARD Real Estate Agency Tel. 302 - 1247 Hyannis See Me First CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES AND RBNTAL8 Route 28 Iyanoogh Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn Crosby Hyannis QArden 2646 - 1685 8^468 WALTER I. FULLER Realtor Main Street, OBterville Call GArden 8-2166 CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt and Personal Attention by James F. Kenney, Realtor 18 Ocean Street , Hyannis, Mass. Telephone 907 Genieve 0. Bearse REALTOR Centerville , Cralgvllle and West Hyannisport Main Street , Centerville HyannU 866 HOMEMAKERS NEEDS MARTIN'S Cakes - Pasteries • Cookies Breads Rolls Special Paaterles For All Occasions 276 Main Street Hyannis 820 West Dennis • EXeter 8-2621 MURRAY'S FUEL OIL SERVICE, INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality • Satisfaction Dennis Port, Mass. Phone HXeter 8-2408 Metered Ticket Printers THE WALLPAPER SHOPPE Home of Fine Wallpapers Window Shades, Curtains, Drapery Materials 302 Main Street, Hyannis Hyannis 1766 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED ICE SKATES FOR SALE REASONABLE Sizes : Children's 2 Ladies' 6-8-9 Men's 6-11-12 ALSO NEW SKATES FIGURE - HOCKEY KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP 14 Ocean Street Hyannis 2200 Bicycles Repaired - For Hire JACK'S BIKE SHOP 18 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Your Evinrnde Dealer ROBERT F. HAYDEN GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue, Cotuit, Mass. GArden 8-6380 MODELS • HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. 1924 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Cape Lumber and Salvage Co. Rte. 28 Hyannis 2266 SERVICES WILLIAM OGDEN Your Paperhanging Expert FOrest 2-3861 Free Estimates The Patriot Press PRINTING Hyannis, Mass. Telephone 24 H. M. MESERVB CO. The Finest In OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Tel. GArden 8-6888 Osterville R. B. CORCORAN Co. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanoogh Road, Hyannis Telephone 1818 If It's REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE call LOUIS SERPICO Hyannis 738 HERBERT F. PENDLETON "Your Village Plumber" Modern Plumbing and Heating Quality at a Fair Price Courteous Service Jobbing Promptly Attended To. Barnstable Hyannis 769 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND RBPAIR8 Vivian Holmes 80 Winter Street, HyannU 1816 ¦ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I,, , uirnstable Patriot will charge PSSiied Ad to anyone lUted B M ,SL Cape Cod telephone di- Wftj£ under the following ex- Ril8We9: v Hyannis ¦ Barnstable (FOrest) ¦ omnia <¦**"> ¦ OBterville (GArden) ¦ RATES I iiiliium of 4 lines of space will WL Zi .'t 10c per line for one fcrrton ; 9c per line for two or Egte insertions. ¦ REPORT ANY ERROR ¦ IMMEDIAT&Y H». ssblteher -fill be responsible Er tmrr one incorrect Insertion. K. p»trIot reserves the rlfeit to Ej, or reject any copy received K jublicatlon. ¦ JumT sALES AND SERVICE I ROBERTSON I AUTO-SERVICE INC. 1 ANNOUNCES THE fl VAUXHALL! 1 A General Motors Product I Made in England ¦ NOW ON DISPLAY I Robertson Auto-Service, Inc. ¦ pontiac - G.M.C. - Vauxhall B Btrnitable Road, Hyannis I Telephone 826 1 SEE 1 THE 1958 OPEL 1 WARREN BUICK INC. I 100 Barnstable Road 1 HYANNIS 720 I F I R S T | t | See The Rest I T H E N 1 ft See MacQuade W FOR THE BEST.'.' [BrOR THE CAPE'S BEST TRADE ¦BERNARD MacQUADE I B used cars I Hyannis 4285 ! fM ' WHEEL DRIVE I 1054 JEEP I^H N'i'w Aluminum Cab jH Ht .000 Mlies \WM Bragle Chevrolet Co., Inc. |B North Street I B Hyanni s 1843 or 1844 IM „ CApB COD AUTO ¦ RADIATOR WORKS, INC. " T —\ Establlahed 1929 II 5?dy and lender Worn m Complete Auto Painting I m Radiator Repairs } -U Telephone Hyannis 868 M w««t Main Street , HyannU ¦ &WANTED FEMALE I — — . _ ¦ S ? te dement with Avon BUrtT fl fl>r enereetic lady over mWu ** 0' Can work 10:0° am- to ¦ L . „ • ,")% commission. Write: »A & 10° ™er Street ' ^P^NTED MALE <¦ MAN WANTED Vo 2S "awle'eh business »'«« LRV tn"6 T,ied t0 atart- ¦ Star, l» ",ake- ProfltB SOOd. ¦ C ' , n"» '"l'«fly . Write M wI««Bh « Dopt. MAB-124-190, WJ Albany, N. y. BEAKER'S NEEDS 9 OSBORNE'S ¦^""QBRATION SERVICE I a Do ° me«H Weatln8house Dealer 1 mesl 'ce and Commercial mg .refrigeration ¦ ' - Main st "H \ nd Servlce ¦ ¦ / _ * l • HyannU Tel. 213-W ¦ ,! ; A, ;, N' ",lV AN,, CLEANING - W* LEANING 8TORAGE I c»»h and carry I at Plant Office ¦ *PE COD LAUNDRY, INO. ¦ T«lepmme HyannU 78 LEGAL NOTICES' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss, pn bate Oottrt To nil persons lnti n atea in tho estate of CATHERINE DAVIS , late of Dennis , in said County, do- ceased. A petition hns been presented to said Court by the spei mi adminis- trator of said estate for authority to pny certain debts of the do- ceased. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should (He u written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the fore noon on the 11th day of March , 1958 , tho return day of Ibis citation. Witness . KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW , Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 5th day of February 1958. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Register. Feb. 13, 20, 27 REALTORS SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specialising in Cape Cod Properties since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tel. Hy. 277 Tel. Hy. 1486 evenings LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES WARRANT FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BARNSTABLE FIRE DISTRICT Barnstable, S.S. To Basil D. Edwards, Jr. Clerk of the District Greetings: In the name of the Commonwoalth of Massachusetts you are hereby requested to notify the inhabitants of the Barnstable Fire District who are qualified to vote to meet at the Barnstable Woman's Club, Barnstable, Massachusetts, on MONDAY , MARCH 10, 1958, at 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M., then and there to bring in their votes for the following elective offices : One Moderator for one year One Member of the Prudential Committee for u term of three years One Member of tho Hoard of Water Commissioners for a term of three years One Treasurer for a term of one year One Clerk for a term of one year One Auditor for a term of ono year One 2nd Assistant Engineer for a term of three years And to meet subsequently at the Barnstable Woman's Club, Barnstable, Massachusetts , on MONDAY , MARC H 10, 1958, at 8:00 P.M., then and there to act on tho following articles : Article 1. To act on the reports of officers as printed in the report. Article 2. To see what sums of monoy the District will r.iHe and appropriate for tho following purposes: Interest and Discount Debt Accident Insurance for Members of the Fire Department Maintenance of tho Fire Station , Engines, Rescue Truck and Equipment Miscellaneous ami Contingent Expenses Salary of the Chief Engineer Salary of the District Treasurer Salary of the District Clerk Street Lights Wages of Fire Fighters Attending Fires Liability Insurance for Fire Apparatus and IU'HCIIO Truck Fire Hose and Kqulpmont Watei Department: Installation of Services Maintenance • Reserve) Fund Article 3. To see if the District will veto to authorize lite Treasurer, with the approval of the l'nidontliil Committee, to bor- row money from time to time in anticipation of rovenuo for the financial year beginning January 1 , 1958, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one your, in accordance with Sec- tion 17 , Chapter 44 of tho Genera] Laws. Article 4. To see If tho District will vote to iiuthoiize the Treasurer, with tho approval of Ihe Prudential Commltteo, to bor- row money on and after January 1, 11159 , In anticipation of revenue of tho financial year beginning January 1, 1959. Article 5. To see if the District will vote to raise and appro- prlato a sum of money for the purpose of laying u water main not less thun six but less than sixteen inches In diuniotor, in Sunset Lane , Barnstable , Massachusetts, and determine whether tho money shall be provided for by an appropriation from available funds in the Treasury and by borrowing, under authority Of Chapter 11 ot the General Laws. Article 6. To see if the District will vote to raise and appro priate a sum of money for the purpose of making u water extension two inches in diameter In llayvlew Road and Sunset Lane, Itiini- stable, Massachusetts. Article 7. To see if tin- IJistric t will vote to raise and appro- priate by borrowing or otherwise a sum of money for tho purpose of contracting a Water Department building In the District's prop- erty on Phlnney 's Lane, Barnstable. Article 8. To see if the District will vole to appropriate a HUIU of monoy from available funds In Ihe Treasury for the reduction of the 1958 tux rate. Article 9. To transact any other husinosH that may legall y come before said meeting. And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies (hereof in I wo or nunc public places hi tho Dis- trict seven days at least before the lime of the meeting. Hereof full not and make roturn of this warrant with your doings thereon at the lime o, the meeting. Given under our hands this 21th day of February. 1958. PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE OF THE BARNSTABLE FIRE DISTRICT Douglas A. Nell , Chairman I*. Gordon Nelson John Hinckley A true copy, Attest Basil D. Edwards, Jr., Clerk Barnstable Fire District LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, M, I'robuto Court. To all persons Interested In tho petition hereinafter described. A petition has been presented to said Ceurt by VIRGINIA I'AL MERA NilNES, of (Osterville ), Barnstable, In said County praying that her name may he changed to that ot VIRGINIA PAULINE NUNKS. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should Hie a written appearance In said Court nt Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 11th day of March , re', -. , the return day of this citation. Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esijuire, Judgo of said Court , this 1th day of February, In the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Register. Feb. 13, 20. 27 I LEGAL NOTICES j Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. I*robate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of ORLANDO W. MAR- CHANT, also known as ORLANDO WILMOT MARCHANT, late of Barnstable (Centerville), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court, praying that EDNA M. MARCHANT , of Barnstable (Hy- annisport), in the County of Barn- stable, be appointed administratrix of said estate without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 11th day of March , 1958, the return day of this citation. Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge ot said Court, this 5th day of February, 1968. ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Register. Feb. 13, 20, 27 LEGAL NOTICE8 LOST PASSBOOKS Notice IH hereby given that Passbooks Nos 16682, 111709 , 17676, 18118 , 19149 . 80724, 22077, 22401 , 22113:!, 23057, Issued hy Hyannis Trust Co., Imve been lost or de- stroyed and lluit applications have been mude to llyunnis Trust Co. to IHHUO duplicate books iii accord- ance with Sec. 40, Chop, 590, ActM Of 1908. Feb. 20, 27; Mai II I.OST PASSBOOK Notice Is hereby given that Pass- book , No. 19722, Issued by the lly- annis Trust Company, has been lost or destroyed and that application bus been made to IlyaiinlH Trust Company to Issue a duplicate book in accordance with Sec 40, Chap. 590, Acts of 1908. Feb. 13, 20, 27 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained In mort- gage of real property given by ALBERT I FELTY , Jll. of I West ) Dennis, IliiniHliible County, Massachusetts to WEQUA- QUBT ASSOCIATES , INC., a cor- poration duly organized and having its usual place of business in Yar- mouth , said Harnstuble County, MliHWicbimottH , (luted Jul y 10, 1950 , and recorded on July 20. 19611 with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds In Book 917 . Page 318, which mortgage the undersigned is the present bolder and the mortgagee named therein , for breach of Ihe conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing Ibe same, will be sold at Public Auc- tion at eleven o'clock a.m., on March 22, 1968 , on the premises described '" mortgage , all and singular the premises described in Hiiid mortgage, to wit: The land , together with Ibe build lug thereon situated In llvaunis , 1 Mai iistable i , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, hounded and de- scribed us follows: NORTHERLY by Highland Ave nue, ninety (00) feet; KASTEltl.Y by Lot 03, as shown on plan hereinafter mentioned! one hundred twent y live ami 50/100 (126.66) feet: SOUTHERLY by Lots No. 12 and No. 13, as shown on said plan , sixty- seven (07) feet; and WESTERLY by Lot No. 5, IIH shown on said plan, one hundred seven uml 62/100 (107.61) feet. Contai ns ninety one hundred (9100) square feet , moie or less, according to said plan and is shown as LOT NO. 4 on a plan entitled J'lne Itidge Development recorded with tho Barnstable County Hotels- try or Deeds In Plan Hook 102 , 'age 6. LEGAL NOTICES Heine, the same premises con- veyed to me by deed of Florence (1. Footer, dated November 25, 1965 . recorded on January 20, 1950 with the said Barnstable County Regis- try of Deeds ill Book 902, l*ngrt 1!W. Said premises are subject lo a llrst mortgage In favor of the Security Federal Savings and Loa n Association of Brockton, Massa- chusetts. Said promises are to be sold sub i'-ei to said mortgage and all In- terest and principal payments due thereon nt the time of sale and are also sold subject to all unpaid taxes, tax lilies , water lions and other municipal liens or assesi ments. Terms o( the Sale; $5oo. oo will h. required to be paid In cosh or cat' - tilled check by the purchaser at the time and place of the Hitle , ami tho balance In or within ten days from the day of the sale at the office of Murray (I. Marble , 25 Cedar Street , rear, llyannis , Massa- chusetts , Attorney for the mort- gagee, Other terms to be an- nounced at the sale. WKQUAQUKT ASSOCIATES , INC . Bj LDItAINE D. MARBLE , Treasurer For further authority for said sule, lee decree of Ibe Superior Court in and for the County of Barnstable, May 29, 1957. In Case 24410 in Equity, Feb. 20, 27 , Mar. 0 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Harnstuble , ss, I'robuto Court To all persons Interested In the oetute or SARAH W. DANIELS , lute of Barnstable, In said County, deceased. A petition lias been presented to said Court for probate of u certain Instrument purporting to be the lust will of said ileccused by HELEN W. MucLELLAN , of Hani stable (Osterville), In said Counlv and praying thai she »r some other suitable person be appointed ail- mliiistruliix with the will annexed Of aii| estate If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should I• I¦ - a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'cloc k in the Ion-noon on the 25th day of March. 1958 , the return day or i In citation. Witness , KKNK1CK A SPAR- ROW , Esquire, Juii&o ol said Court, UI IH 21st duy of Februury, in the your one thousand nine nun dred and llft y-eight. ALFRED <' KNHiHT , Register . Feb. 27, Mur. (J, 13 PATRIOT ADS PAY' — ¦ » LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES ANNUAL MEETING OF TDK West Barnstable Fire District To Russell F. Syrinla clerk of the West Barnstable Fire District GREETINGS : You are hereby directed f<> notify the voters of Die West, Barnstable Fire District to meet, at the old West Barnstable Grammar School, West Barnstable, Massachu- setts, on Wednesday, March 12, Pi.'iS, between Liu- hours Of . To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of two thousand six hundred (2600) dollars tor tho maintenance of the Piro Department for the coming year. Article 10. To see if th e District will vote to raise ami appropriate tho sum of two hundred forty-two ('24'J) dollars to reimburse the Fire Department for expenses paid for a base radio and antenna. Articl e II. 'I' o transact any other business that may lawfully conic before this meeting. Von arc hereby directed to serve this Warrant by post Ing a copy thereof at tho Post Office, at Sears ' General Store and at the John II . Crocker Store , all in West Barn- stable , Massachusetts, within said Distri ct , seven days al least before the date of said meeting. (liven under our hands this elcvenfli day of Feliruar\ , IH.'iM . KORKST It. BROWN, Chairman KENNETH M. BAILEY HELEN M. SPIN N EY A true copy ' Attest : RI SSKldi F SYR1ALA , Clerk