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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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February 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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a- The Barnstable Patriot Founded 1830 rabllshed every Thursday at 24 Pleasant Street , llyannis , Mass. By The Patriot Press TRHMSi SXOO per jenr In ailvancr, nix month* SS.Ofl RICHARD B. RASKINS, Publisher ami General Mnnnlter LUTHER 'II. HOWES , Editor KENNETH K. I.l'.nv uiii , Advertising; Representative The Barnstable Patriot is entered as second-class matter at the Hyannis Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. We assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors In advertisements, but will reprint that part of an advertlsment in which the error occurs. Offlce i Patriot Bnlldlna;, Hyannia , Hmm. Telephone) Hynnnla -I (Continued from Page 1) There also have been conflicts between Mr. Cook and other members of the Park Commission. On more than one occasion Mr. Cook has gone out of his way to" inform the pub- lic that he and the other commissioners did not see eye-to-eye on some proposal , for example , on the matter of whether or not it was wise to place curbing around the drive which winds through Veteran 's Park. Mr. Chase has campaigned on the basis of his broad ex- perience in agricultural and park work as a division super- intendent in the Bureau of Insect Pest Control of the State Department of Natural Resources. • • a) • • FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS MERIT CONSIDERATION Each year the work and recommendations of the Barn- stable Finance Committee become more important for the simple reason that the town meeting warrant now is so long and the issues so involved that the average taxpayer must look more and more to the Finance Committee for guidance. This year, as everyone knows, the committee faced a tremendous task . If it had voted approval of all requests and the funds necessary to carry out these requests had been raised from this year 's t n \ levy, the 1958 tax rate could have soared to about $50. Instead, the committee followed what might be called a "middle of the road" policy. "We have tried to recommend certain improvements and additions to the facilities of the town consistent with moderate and steady progress, keep ing in mind the necessity of main- taining a reasonably low tax rate. " That is tiie committee 's own evaluation of its recommenda- tions and , in our op inion , it is eminentl y fair and deserving <>f most serious consideration by taxpayers. Had the committee voted onl y the hair necessities, the budget plus a lew absolutely necessary items under special articles, it could have come up with recommended expenditures which would have kept the lax rate at its present level. But the committee , in line with its policy, voted to recom- mend the appropriation of about $325,000, what amounts to slightl y more than $6 on the tax rate, under special articles . The special project recommended by the committee which actually involves the largest expenditure from the town is one inserted by the School Committee and asking funds for improving the Junior High School. All told , over the next few years, the School Committee feels that improvements which will cost an estimated $225,000 should be carried out at the Junior High. . . . Tills overall project includes the installation of a new heating and ventilating system , the painting and repair of the i ntire interior , installation of a modernized li ghting system, installation of a communications system, anil repairs lo the hoys ' and girls ' locker rooms and the girls ' gym. To "hold the tax line " the Finance Committee recom- mends that onl y $3.3,500 be appropriated this year. This would finance the most urgent of the work, namely, the renovation of the boys ' locker room (which , incidentall y, is much needed), the installing of a new ceiling and insulation over the girl's gym (also most necessary), the tieing in of the fire alarm sys- tem at the school with the llyannis Fire Station and the ex- penditure of $1,000 for a survey of the heating and ventilating needs. Three articles which the committee recommends call for ruiiiiibiitioiis from the town of $(10,000. These are for the 1 Lewis Bay Road bulkhead and boat basin at Hyannis Inner Harbor , additional improvements at the Hyannis Airport and the ex- tension of the sewer system in IFyaimi * to include Spring Street and Brookshire Road. It, is significant to note that in two of these projects, the bulkhead-boat basin and the airp ort , the investment by the town will be augmented by funds fro rathe Federal or State governments. In the case of the sewr extrusion , there will be a return to the town from property owners in the form of a betterment tax ami in fees charger] for the use of the service . As recommended by the Finance Committee, the $60,000 appropriation for the bulkhead-boat basin would be raised (come from tlii- , year 's t ax levy). In the case of ihe sewer extension, $11,000 would be raised , $2,000 would be taken from available funds and $47,000 would be borrowed. For the air- porl improvements. $ 1 3,000 would he raised and $47,000 bor- rowed. Next largest expenditure recommended by the committee is th at of $40,000 for improving the drainage of th e North Street sectfafl in lly anni s . For this project , the committee rec- ommend s that $10,000 be raised , $3,000 taken from available funds ami $27 ,000 be borrowed. N ext largest appropriation recommended by the commit- tee is one of $25,000 to finance a dredg ing project in West Bay, Osterville. The committee recommends that this amount be raised. If voted by the town , the $25,000 would be matched with $75,000 from the State for an overall project of $100,000. Another large sum which the committee recommends be approved is an appropriation of $20,000 to finance work at Cotnit to prevent shore erosion. If approved by the town, the County and State each would kick in with $20,000 for a $60,- 000 overall project. Barnstable Under-Currents David Marshall lloltzmaiin , man- anliiK director and counsel of Cape Cod Melody Tent of Hyannis, has announced that a new "big top" measuring 110 by 140 feet has been ordered for the 1958 season which will open June 30. The new tent with solid blue top and orange and blue sidewalls will be the first in the East equip- ped with all cable construction in- stead of rope , according to Holtz- rnann. Other plant Improvements at the musical show site will Include ad- ditional new yacht chairs for more seating comfort . There will be new parking arrangements to provide easier and swifter access to the area and relieve confusion after performances. Enlargement of the box office to speed up ticket handling is be- ing considered In plans for the coming summer. It will be the straw hat organization's ninth con- lecutive season. Cape Melody Tent Gets New "Big Top", Other Improvements QUOTA CLUB A business meeting of the Quota Club of Cape Cod was held at the home ol the president, Mrs. Marion Smith. Program chairman , Mrs. Helen Atwood , reported that the next social meeting would be at the Hyannis Inn , Feb. 27. Guests may be invited. Dorothy Dower will speak on "Hats". Miss Frances Fuller reported for the Service C o mm i t t e e that through the efforts of the Quota Club, a hearing aid bad been pro- vided for a needy person. She also reported that members had helped on the Heart Drive and that vol- unteers are needed in the Coffee Shop and Gift Shop at the Cape Cod Hospital. Mrs. Henrietta Thacher reported that cards and flowers had been sent to members who were 111. Also that a tel egram was sent Miss Ida M. Taylor on the occasion of her retirement party. The next business meeting will be held March 13 at the home of Mrs. Hilding Hord , Marstons Mills. CAMP FIRE GIRLS The Ne-top-tew Camp Fire Girls entertained their mothers with a party and play at the home of their leader, Mrs. Robert Spinney. me nay, "A very Short Work ing Day" had as its players, na, bara Hadfleld , Donna Bishop, j,, Ann Gregory, Donna McGinn am Nancy Hammett as prompte r. The girls made all their ow refreshments and served the1 mothers. HYANNIS NEWS C^tdredae C f f cj ourne Itloving. C f Storaae \—omp anu (Agent for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE ! DIRECT AIR FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES Hyannis 1050-2163 Kimball 8-1188 (Falmouth) I Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) ~ ' - - '¦ ¦ ¦¦ ... TT .'i ¦¦ _ , ¦¦ ,'", t Metered Delivery fltf'ffiCL FUEL OIL | H^ PHINNEY COAL & OIL INC. COAL - WOOD - ICE - FUEL OILS Telephone Hyannis 233-W2 145 IYANOUGH ROAD HYANNIS L= = a Tbi ' ¦¦'¦— >"*«- • ' —— RAYMOND'S T. V. SERVICE PHILCO - ZENITH RADIOS ¦ TV - HI-FI Fast Dependable Service on all makes Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. Hy. 3190 -1 ' ¦ ' : T| i NELSON BEARSE RICHARD LAW - SURVEYORS - CENTERVILLE TEL. HY. 4660 or 270-R (I 1 -» LEGAL NOTICE MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of a power of sale contained In a cer- tain mortgage deed given by WILLIAM L. LAROCQUE and MARIETTE C. LAROCQUE, hus- band and wife, to the HOME OWNERS FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a United States Corporation , doing business in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, dated September 9, 1955. duly registered with Barn- stable Registry District of the Land Court and noted as Document No. 45579 on Certificate of Title No. 18330, for breach of the condi- tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will b;> sold at public auction , on the premises, on Monday , the 24th day of March , 1958, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon , all and singular the premises conveyed by said mortgage deed, dated namely. "The land, with the buildings thereon , situated in the Village of Hyannis, Town of Barnstable, Barn- stable County, Massachusetts, being numbered 402-104 Bearse 's Way in the present numbering , bounded and described as follows: SOUTHERLY in a curving line by Lot 57A, as shown on a plan hereinafter mentioned , thirty-five and 59/100 (35.59 ) feet; SOUTHWESTERLY in two (2) bounds by Lot 58, as shown on said plan , forty-five and 80/100 (15.86) feet and eighty-five and 18/100 (85.18) feet , respectively; NORTHWESTERLY and WEST- ERLY in two (2) bounds by Lot 71, as shown on said plan , forty and 14/100 (40.14) feet and ten and 3(1/100 (10.3G) feet , respectively; NORTHERLY by Lot 72, as shown on said plan , twenty-eight and 20/100 (28.26) feet; NORTHEASTERLY by Lot 73 and by a portion of Lot 80, as shown on said Plan , one hundred forty and iy/300 (140.49) feet; and SOUTHEASTERLY by Lot 56, as shown (in said plan , eighty-five and 00/100 (85.00) feet Said parcel of land is shown as Lot 57 on a plan entitled "Sub- division i'lan of Land in Barn- stable ", dated May 21, 195 1, Bearse & Kellogg, Civil Engineers, filed in the Land Registration Office as I'lan Xo. 177S6E. Said premises are conveyed to- gether with the benefit of the use of the macadam way erected on, over and around the said Lot 57A , for all purposes for which ways may now or at any time be used in the Town o! linrnstable , subject , however , to the right of all others lawfully entitled thereto to use the said way for said purposes; and subject to and with the benelit of easements, restrictions, agree- ments and reservations of record , if any there b« . insofar as the same may be in lon e and applicable. Being the same premises convey- ed to the said William L.. Larocque by deed of Exchange Realty Com- pany dateil September 9, 1955 to be registered herwlth. LEGAL NOTICE Including as a part of the realty all portable or sectional buildings , heating apparatus, plumbing, ranges, mantels, storm doors and windows, oil burners , gas and ofl and electric fixture s, screens, screen doors, awnings, electric and gas refrigerators, air conditioning apparatus, and other fixtures of whatever kind and na- ture , on said premises, or here- after placed thereon prior to the full payment and discharge of this mortgage, Insofar as the same are or can by agreement of the parties be made a part of the realty." Said premises will be sold sub- ject to any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, assessmnts and munici- pal liens, so far as the same may legall y exist. Five hundred dollars (1500.00) will be required to be paid at the time and place of sale, when the other terms of sale will be made known. HOME OWNERS FEDERAL SAV- INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION By Samuel Baron , Jr., Executive Vice-President Present Holder of said mortgage. •BARRON & FELDMAN Attorneys for said Mortgagee 19 Milk Street Boston , 9. Massachusetts Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate under the will of EMMA DANDY MALONEY , late of Barn- stable (Hyannis), in said County, deceased, for the benefit of MARY i'OLLOCK , et al. The surviving trustee of said es- tate has presented to said Court for allowance its twenty-sixth ac- count. if you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearapce in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 25th day of March , 1958, the return day of this citation. Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW , Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 18th day of February, 1958. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Register. B'eb. 27, Mar. 6, 13 ¦ -7T= LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of DOROTHY BAKER EMERY, otherwise known as DORA BAKER EMERY, late of (Hyannis), Barnstable, in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court praying that Claude B. Cross, of Brookline, in the County of Norfolk , be appointed adminis- trator of said estate without giving a surety on his bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 25th day of March , 1958, the return day of this citation. Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court , this 20th day of February, in the year one thousand nine hun- dred and fifty-eight. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Register. Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13 ACHEfIG MUSCLES Relieve paint of tired, tors, aching mui- clti with ST AN BACK , tablata or powder* 8TANBACK acti fast to bring comforting rolief. . . became tha STANBACK formula combines eeveral prescription type in* gradients for fast relief gf pajn. •BeaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaeBTaaaTaTaTa aBaaTaa LARRY TILLGREN Painting and Decorating Tel. Hy. 131 I EVERETT H. CORSON CADILLAC — 0LDSM0BILE 92 Barnstable Road - Hyannis 605 i ~~ . VOTERS OF THE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Let's elect to our School Committee one who has PROVEN his intt -est in civic affairs and has dem- onstrated his ab 'y to serve in town government! GERARD C. BESSE, JR. — has served as a member of the Town of Barn- stable Playground and Recreation Commission for seven years. — graduated from Barnstable High School. — graduated from Worceste r Academy. — graduated from Yale University. — served as an officer in the United States Naval Reserve throughout World War II. His educational background, experience in town i government, and enthusiastic dedication to service will be an asset to our school system. MEMBER SCHOOL COMMITTEE - 3 YR. TERM Gerard C. Besse, Jr. X Willard P. Phillips , Osterville, Mass. 3e**W TVtto&i Carpentry • Additions Roofing • Alterations Remodeling Off-Season Home Protection Service Box 257 Centerville,Mass. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT FIRST on the Cape for — MEN'S WEAB BOYS' WEAB • Shoes • Luggage Work Clothes • Sporting Goods fygy^w VODtRN STOHt: 1 .; <[QR M| ,. AND BOY! Jt r MVANNItTcKATMAb Open Friday Evenings POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ,] " JZ "~"1 Expert ¦Ms* WATCH I /SS REPAIR j ^^v **V° MODERATE 1 1 COST Our watchmakers are experts on fine watches. Don't risk damage to your valued Longines, Wittnauer or other fine watches. With regular cleaning by us your watch will last indefinitely. We use only genuine factory-made and tested parts for all repairs. No charge jor inspection and estimate. All our work is guaranteed, Hyann is Jewelry Shop 376 MAIN STREET HYANNIS Olivetti V Printinn ^IF^^^^^^^—-~w ' ' aw /k Tl \ ( A bookkeeping * Calculates, prints figures on business- J machine with forms, moves to proper columns—all | many advantage,: *~tically. f a) • Provides the advantages of mechanized K bookkeeping for relatively small outlay, i • 3 machines-in-one: Bookkeeping Ma- (V chine. Printing Calculator and Adding 9! Machine \ * Bookkeeping machine version of the 8) widely used, thoroughly proven Olivetti v, Printing Calculator. Si • Independent front and back feed; JJ shuttle carriage operation; time-saving ^J features. | l aV NPHSee it sow work! Ask for FREE DEMONSTRATION a- * I H. M. MESERVE I COMPANY a 841 Main Street Osterville I Tel. GArden 8-6888 ^^sssssssss sssssssssssass ssssss ssesssssssses^