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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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February 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Recreation League Basketball How They Stand On Tap This Week Last Week's Results Games Saturday, March 1, 1953 JVNl Otl HOYS JUNIOR BOYS Osterville 29; Federated Church , 9 At the Junior High School oym Centerville , 31; llraglcs , 24 9:00 A.M. Centerville vs. Barnstable , 31: Jay Cees, 18 Mid Cape Jay Cue* 9:45 A M . Rarnstable R. C. vs STANDING OF THE TEAMS Osterville W- L- 10:30 A.M. Federated Church vs. Centerville 2 ° Bragles Barnstable Boys Club 2 0 GIRLS LEAGUE Bragles 1 * 2:00 P.M. Pi'ls vs. Left Overs Osterville * ^ 2:45 P.M. Jr. Ralderettes vs. Federated Church ° 2 Green Pals Mid Cape Jay Cees 0 2 3:30 p M Echoes vs. Red Devil* omi-s auam ,M ^J™™ , '™,. y.TW junior Ralderettes, 30; Left Overs, FeieTam ^^ STANDING OF THE TEAMS . 7- L 0 CAPE COD Jr. Ralderettes * U «***».«,-*.*••«»** ^_ Green Pas 2 0 SPORTING CENTER Pals 1 1 Red Devils 1 1 selling a complete line of Left Overs 0 2 Sporting Goods and Echoes ' 0 2 Sports Books SENIOR BOYS • OBterville, 46; Movers , 26 See us in relation to all your • HinckleyB, 20; Puritans, 0 (Forfeit) sporting goods and apparel. STANDING OF THE TEAMS state Road South Yarmouth W. L. Tel, EXeter 8-2668 Osterville 6 1 — 1 ^——^—___^. Odd Fellows 4 1 ¦—: ™ * I CHAIRS Puritans o 3 Federated Church 2 3 RFrANFD Hinckleys 2 4 Movers 0 6 and — REPAIRED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Called For and Installation - Repairs ¦Alterations Delivered DYER TED HOLMES ELECTRICAL CO., Inc. ., „ L p ,, ,«„ . . . ex u 1 one 445 South St. Hyannis 300 332 Main Street Hyannis 308 ' Cape Cod's approximation of the Stanley Cup playoffs will take place on the next two Wednesday nights at the Kennedy Skating Center when the four teams of the league vie for the hockey championship of these here parts. Next Wednesday night 's semi- finals will pit Barnstable, which ended regular season play In first place, against either-Plymouth or Middleboro. This game probably will go on at 7:30 and be followed by a meeting between second place winner Yarmouth and either Mid- dleboro or Plymouth. Winners of these two games will play for the championship on the following Wednesday. Last night Middleboro played in- spired hockey to administer the first defeat to Barnstable , which seemed unable to get untracked. After a Bcoreless first period Middleboro notched the first goal at the two minute mark of the sec- ond period and the MacSwan men tied it up shortly when Ted Ashley dented the twine after be- ing set up by Pete Pells. Middleboro came right back to go ahead on a screened shot , then made it 3-1 before Bill Lemarche scored the second Barnstable goal with help from Stanley and Fras- er. Yarmouth won the night cap, ¦1-1, from the rough and rugged Plymouth crew in a game which featured a brief Hurry of fisticuffs. In a preliminary game the Hockey Club reserves defeated the Junior Hockey Club 3-2 with much help from regular goalie Bob Hay- den. Ooals for the winners were notched by Johnny Llnehan, Al Lawson and Julio Renzi. Billy Mc- Evoy and Pete Thurston countered for the losers. Play For Hockey League Title Starts Next Wednesday The league is now in its 8th week with two games to he played on Saturday, March 1. Atwood Oil vs. Grossmans 7;30 A.M.; Sports Center vs. Bragle. In the afternoon the teams square off: Sports Center vs Grossmans 12:30 P.M.; Bragle vs. Atwood Oil. The league race has been close all season with the Sports Center , Bragle and Atwood Oil being at or close to the top. Tho Sports Center jumped into first place in I the second week of the season 1 and has stayed on top of Ihe heap, ! thanks to tho exptrt goaltending of | Peter Robinson who - Is the best in the league. O'Neil, Howes and newcomer Parent have done most of the scoring for the Sports Cen- ter. McEvoy of Bragle Chevrolet has been tho big goal getter all season long witli a burst of ten goals in two games. KENNEDY MEMORIAL PEE WEE HOCKEY LEAGUE John J. (Jerry ) Bowes has been selected by the Board of Directors as the fourth manager to round out the Barnstable Babe Ruth League, which is expected to start operating on May 19th. The other managers, who served last year, are Daniel Flynn , Edwin J. Pina and John G. Medeiros. Mr. Bowes brings to the league a wealth of experience in the na- tional pastime. He played four years on the varsity Barnstable High School team , was a manager and player in the llyannis Twi- Light League, co-manager of the Osterville Little League farm team for two years and coach of the Cape Cnd Candies of the Little League for three years. .Tejaagsarjcsaac^cii-su-ii-saTi John J. (Jerry) Bowes Picked As Manager I BY THE SANDPIPER j jfatataat aattaa=a=aat3E3i=a=tt=ffl The long awaited clash between the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Odd Fellows takes place Sat- urday night at the Junior High School Gym. It will be a Recrea- tion Basketball League game. The Odd Fellows defeated the Vets in their first game earlier In the ytar by the score of 44 to 40. It was a battle all the way. Since that time the Vets have improved , especially Jimmy Terpos. The game was to have been played last week but De Molay 's installation took many boys away from Saturday night's play and it was deemed advisable to wait until this week-end so that each team would be up to full strength. George Coughlin has tak- en over the Odd Fellows coaching and in this respect he will be op- posed by Everett Bisbee, coach of the Vets. * * * * Coach Joe Lebel' s Osterville quintet continued to show the way In the senior league, defeating the re-organized Cape Movers by the score of 16 to 26. The revised line- up or the Movers had Al Faria , Hobb y Sears, Frank Roderick , Bob- by Morrison , Doug Mitchell , Gor- don Pyy and Dave White and will be managed by Bob Lebel. . . . . The Puritans were forced 10 play with four men because of the absences of severul regulars. Us- ing Carl Ferdensi the Puritans gave 1 ¦— . the Hinckley quintet a good battle but lost out In a "sudden death" overtime by the score of 37 to 35, Howie Savage was missing from the Puritans lineup and this hurt because the little speed demon is the spark plug of the Clothiers' attack. The game goes into the records as a 2 to 0 forfeit against the Puritans. • • * * In the Junior Boys League B ill Fish's Centerville team put In a trying half-hour with the Gragles ' team. At half time the pina coach- ed outfit was leading the Green and White team by the score of 19 to 14. However, In the third quar- ter the Centervilllans put on the heat and Sanford tied It up at 19-all. Skip Macomber found the basket for the winners, scoring eight two-counters ami it was well that he did because Ray Stack- house was 'way off the beam , miss- ing lay-up after lay-up. The victory gave Centerville a 2 and 0 rec- ord for tho second round, leaving them tied with Barnstable for the first place honors. * . . « Coach Jimmy McGillen drove his Osterville team to a victory over the Federated Church quintet by the score of 29 to 9. John Lar- kin was high man for the winners, dropping in six neat baskets. Jim- my has developed a good passing attack In this team and it will be interesting to watch how the boys perform against one of the best passing organizations in the league when they meet Barnstable Boys Club this Saturday morning at 9:45 A.M. On the OBterville squad are : T. and B. McPhersou, Larkin, Dana Hinckley, Danny Mc- Evoy, John Bowes, and Carl Riedell. . . . » With Skip Clowery leading the way the Barnstable Boys Club "took" the Mid Cape Jay Cees by the score of 31 to 18. Charier Ellin 's team put up a gallant fight but the passing attack of tho North Side boys was just too much for the Hyannis team. The half ended In a stale-mate , 7 to 7, but as the game progressed the Blue team dre w 'way ahead . John Arcnowsky 's play featured for the losers. This boy is coming along nicely and some day should develop Into a real basketball player. He has height and is fast. • « • . The Cireen Pals, who seem to he the only team to threaten the as- cendancy of the Junior Ralderettes , had a fright thrown into them by the Echoes , a rejuvenated team under the management of Sue Morrison. The final score was in favor of the "Greenles " 32 to 20, but it look for a time as If the team of Pat Diaz, Teresa Shlver- ick , Kathy Shaughnessy, Pearl Hundertmnrk , together with the Misses Murphy, Tortosa, Hill Bap- tist, and Braxton would take the game but superior shooting by Eil- een and Ann Shields won the day for the Green Pals and kept their record for the season 2 and 0, tied with the Junior Ralderettes. • » • . Speedy Linda Case surpassed Terry Ann Rogers for the scoring championship of the league this year when her team took over the Red Devils by the score of 33 to 18. Linda dropped In 13 baskets and popped in one foul to bring her the total of 27 points. • • • • The Junior Ralderettes con- tinued their winning ways with Ann Houle and Terry Ann , assisted by Judy Duarte, "ganging up" to beat the Left overs, 30 to 10. ALOISM AS seen By Hartley R. Davis By this time of year most hunt- ers have cleaned and .greased their guns and put them away for an- other season. There is but to set down and think over the past sea- son ; to recall their good days and to forget their poor ones. The angler is eagerly awaiting another season. He has but a short time to wait although to many it will seem to never get here. Brad Morris summed up how he feels about this time of year when he said, "All summer I fish; all winter I dream about it". Hollis Batchelder told me he saw a couple of fellows cutting holes in the ice off the foot of School Street in Lewis Bay so he went back and watched their luck. The two fishermen were James A. Woodward and his son Richard who wu^ home on leave from the Coast Guard. They were successful in spearing some twen- ty pounds of eels. Webster Small and I had a chat t'other duy. "Web" summed up his hunting -season with "Had a good season this year. Got some pheas- ants but didn 't have much luck on quail tho '. My dog hasn 't had much experience on them and they are pretty well back In the brush. That's pretty hard hunting for a young dog. Had some pretty tough luck deer season. Was on a stand and out came a couple of deer within good gunshot. I put my gun up and just then a fellow came right Into my line of sight so I couldn 't shoot. But that 's part of hunting I guess." "Can't quite agree with you ," Hartley, when you say all we are killing off is our local ducks", said Marty Walsh . "There's plenty of local ducks around now. We can't begin to shoot all of them. More and more of them are born here every year. They will come Inside now that the bays are frozen over and the weather is rough. They will come Into bogs, streams and water holes just before dark and go out shortly before daybreak." Bob Perry, who was with Marty, said , "There 's plenty 0 f ducks around now. People are just not out to see them , that 's all. There's just as many around as there was during open season." "Those big northern ducks, I suppose, will be In now. They fol- low rough weather down the coast", added Marty. I agree with Marty and Bob. We will never kill off all our "local" ducks. Thousands are born here every year. What I meant was that by the time the big northern ducks, who follow the rough weather down the coast , arrive, the duck season is over and we don 't al- ways get a chance at the big ducks. I mean flight or migratory birds. I suppose that that state- ment of mine will provoke some thought. Ralph Kimball has a tackle box and every now and then he adds a piece of equipment or two and some new typo of lure. He already has quite a collection. By the time that the season rolls around he will have a type of lure and a piece of equipment to meet every occasion. That's the way to do, because on that opening day in the wee hours of the morning you can't go around picking up lures and equipment. Remember the Boy Scout motto ; "Be Pre- pared"! WITH ROD AND GUN Jusi before the last game of the season memers of the Barnstable High basketball team elected George Williams of Cummaquld captain for next year. Williams, the team 's most consistent scorer and playmaker this year, is shown above scoring on one of his patented driving lay-ups against Yarmouth. New Raider Captain In Action At Yarmouth e SHELL FURNACE JOBBER OIL ATWOOD OIL COMPANY Kerosene Fuel Oil Metered Ticket Printers Hyannis 81 CAPE COD CAU"' «- MOVlfNG & X ^^K STORAGE >^ ^^ Beor«e's Woy and Route ^ Hyannis 2099 I , I I Our High Quality Milk is delivered fresh to your door MYSTIC LAKE FARM MARSTONS MILLS CALL GARDEN 8-2258 Our Dairy Is Inspected by State and Local Board of Health r — Tomorrow's Window Today! 36 months to pay by E S Q U I R E COMBINATION DOOR & WINDOW CO. Hyannis 2703 Painting - Decorating Karl F. Soltows 293 Sea Street Hyannis 1877 B. L. TALLMAN, Inc. ROYAL TYP EWRITERS Oirior Bqaisnuenl and Supplies IS Sneminii N<|. Tel. Hj. I74» II111 11111«. Mui. I " » '. GEORGE'S BARBER SHOP Main Street Osterville SURVEYIN G ED KELLOG G ONTKHV1LI.K U TIUIII IH IIIKI OA. (U281S i-enterviiie f - ^ astru and Lot-f ee Snopp e SQUASH PIE and CORN MUFFINS Monument Ave. Centerville oLibbie 6 UJarn Shop GIFTS Knitting Instructions Open Evenings 'Til 8 P. M. Main Street Opposite Pond St. Osterville GA. 8-6278 KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP SPECIAL SALE Eft Ball Bearing Official ^~»^Ct——^ J f fj Spaulding Top Grade TI^P*^- -il ej J| ^ BASKETBALL SHOES ^^^^ ^^ /^^SH Retail Value $9.00 / J^^l ' I Student s Special $4." M a 16 Ocean Street Hyannis 2200 ^§ 9 | I (he cost of a tire I yX IS THE PRICE YOU PAY k^/ I r U > peiwnne_or_seryjce J^°>y ( j T /^ H v) / •• Ve» mu»* r*> 4. Free Wpin*. " *" /^f/ / service •* ¦ • •*••» 4 000 ¦"''*¦ /jJrfiuflftJtKTI-E farth" eo'K *• Fr** *•* *• (m\ \ r *•• •"*? rllwtaMi. ^^^ } \ 1 . Fie* balaneiae, feerentee. ONLY AT QJjf \mmmmmmmmmmKm Rubfctr We/dtfi - . * TH£ SUPREME TIRE NO MONEY DOWN LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON ANY NEW TIRE jf g \ ^t.«r'$•Q95 mWffi en* to offer j Nationwide road H you a bailer lira deal 'hexard guarantee l i i t lf l than you'll find at OK .Guaranteed for i m n ¦ B » i l Rubber Welder. . . . |»it, mi| „ p„ do| | ,r, ¦ l l & H L f New tire, or recapt. j ^ „„ oth w »ini.toot *?^7 \WM #— ^8m^ Hyannis 3493 ! NORTH STREET and HIGH SCHOOL ROAD