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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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February 27, 1958
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Mrs. Martha Sohultz Thomas Tel. Hyannifl 2407-W FEDERATED MATRON8 CLUB The regular meeting of the Ma- iron's Club of the Federated Church was held Monday, Feb. 24 In the Memorial Building. Mrs . Rirhard Sturgia , the club' s president , presided over the busi- ness meeting. Mrs. Helen Jacobson , finance ilialrman , announced the Shrove Tuesday Breakfast was very suc- cessful. Mans are now underway for a , ornbeef and cabbage dinner to be held March 17 In the Memorial lluilding. An executive board meeting will be held Thursday, March 6, at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Edith M. Barr. Following the business meeting Mr. Harry Montgomery spoke. He «ave a very Interesting and inform- ativ e talk on the new dial system to be put into effect shortly ex- plaining its function and advan- tages. A film was then shown by Mr. Hubert French. Refreshments were served by Mines. Jan Bearse, Helen Durrill , Dorothy Chase and Daphne Chase. BAPTIST COUPLES CLUB The Couples Club of the First Baptist Church will hold a Rum- mage Sale Friday, Feb. 28. The sale will be in the Parish Hall with Mrs. 'ix>rlng Wordell , chairman. Anyone wishing to donate rum- j BBgomay leave it at the church. HYANNIS GARDEN CLUB The Executive Board of the Hy- innis Garden Club will meet Tues- day, March 1 1 , at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at tho home of Mrs. Ralph Barrow , Scud- f Bacon Terrace, Hyannis. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB The Hyannis Junior Woman 's ( Hub will hold an Executive Board Meeting tonight at 8:00 P.M. at the home of the president, Mrs. William Murzlc. There will he a meeting Mon- day, March 3, at 8:00 P.M. at the mime of Mrs. Daniel Slavin , Cum- mer Road , Hyannis, for all mem- bers of the Spaghetti Supper Com- mittee. It has been announced that both rtasses of the Slim-Gym course will ha combined. Tie one class will be held Tues- days at 7:00 P.M. at the Ruth Feely Dance Studio. JEWISH WOMEN'S CLUB The Jewish Woman 's Club held 'heir regular business meeting Monday, Feb. 24. Mr. E. Thomas Murphy, select- man, was the speaker of the even- ing. Hostesses for this meeting were Mrs . Vera Baker and Mrs. Ann Freeman, ST. FRANCIS XAVIER GUILD The regular meeting of the Saint Francis Xavier Guild was held Thursday, Feb. 20. At the business meeting Mrs. Prank Dolan and Mrs. Vincent D. "Neil were appointed co-chairmen for the March 18 Communion Breakfast The Mmes. Doris Long, Valmore Ouertin, Prank Simmons, James Lynch, Thomas Moore and Leo Clregorie wtre named as the com- mittee to work on the Easter Ball with the Ilaughters of Isabella and Knights of Columbus . It was voted at this meeting to 'lonate $5.00 to the American Red Cross , Following the business meeting 'lev . Father Edward C. Duffy showed slides and spoke of his " Uvlties in Japan. Coffee was then served by the Jlmog, Arthur Archer, Austin Bell, Arvto* Miigiii iBon , Albert Bour- KoUe, Frederick chlcoine, Bertan Holdsworta, Warren Jennings , Frank Lawrence, Paul McBride, John Mitchell , Louis Santos, Harry Varnum and Miss Mary C. Fay. Miss Erin K. O'Nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. O'Nell of Winter Street, hiis returned from Cranston , R. I. She was the house guest there of Miss Susan Craw- ford and her family. HYANNIS GARDEN CLUB The joy of viewing what a few gifted people can achieve high- lighted the Hyannis Garden Club's annual George Washington Silver Tea. Dorothy Hambly Ellen displayed twenty-four water colors , each equally pleasing to the eye and a welcome contrast to the theme of modern art. Mrs. Ellen has been painting since she was eight years old and has studied at Carnegie Tech in Pittsburg, with Frank I Peyraud in Chicago and has had a summer's study, at Wellfleet , with Xavier Gonzalez; she is a member of the Pittsburg Water Color So- ciety, the Associated Artists of Pittsburg and for the past three years has served on tho executive board of the Cape Cod Art Asso- ciation. Ceramics, n rapidly growing hob- by, was well represented by Mrs. Dorothy Orcutt of the Spring Hill Studio in E. Sandwich. Her exhibit of about seventy-five Pieces in- cluded such articles as relish dish- es, flower containers, figurines, ash trays, jewelry, pitchers and many novelty pieces. All designs were hand painted. In viewing Mrs. Ralph Ilarwood' s table of preserves and reading such labels as Bavarian Pecan Jam Pepper Hash , Melon Citron Preserve, Wild Blueberry Jam , Pear Ginger, Preserved Crab Ap- ples, one wished for the privilege of sampling. Her display was shown on u red damask table cloth and had as a center-piece a wood- en tray filled with fruit. The book exhibit by Lorania's was well chosen , for what garden- er or flower arranger could resist scanning the pages of books with such titles as: Button Gardens and liiminiiatlve Arrangements . ' How To Make Containers and Acces- sories, Making Corsages, Garden- ing In A Small Greenhouse and many others . Every gardener needs material to work with and a variety of these were displayed by Bradford's Hardware Store. Reminding one of the season fast approaching were seeds and bulbs , never stain aluminum grass stop, potting soil , fertiliz ers , weed killers , gardening tools and gloves. The last table to catch the eye was tho tea-table. Amid its gleam- ing silver and dainty sweets was a gay bouquet of spring llowers from Johnny Lemos's Flower Shop. Pourors woro: Mrs. Roger L. Ly- on, Mrs. E. Joslln Whitney, Mrs . Clarence Post and the president , Mrs. Carl F. Schultz. Assisting the tea chairman , Mrs. Thurlow B. Bearse, ' were Mrs. Hector, Mrs. Harry L. Generoux , Mrs. Wil- liam P. Knowlton , Miss Mildred Bourne und Mrs. Roscoe H. God- dard. Mrs. Henrietta Thacher was in charge of exhibits while assist- ing her was Mrs. George Clements. PERSONALS Dr. Robert L. Baxter of Harvard Street was a guest of the Rhode Island State Dental Society at their annual meeting was held recently at the Sherldan-Biltmore Hotel In Providence. Mr. and Mrs. William Hatmaker have returned from Wayne, Michi- gan, to live on the Cape. I HYANNIS 'i F'/V *nrj ,^, -? toort stark and hare Until I placed a feeder there; My joy I can't e:press In words Instead of lilacs, I have birds! Sharon Kalwelt, ilxughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Kaweit f»II from her sled whllo OOntlng and in- jured her neck. Sle was taken to the Capo Cod Hoipltal for treat- ment . Mr. and Mrs. Lorng Jones, Sr. were New Bedford visiters on Monday. MI SB Karen Jones of Newtown was tho guest of Mlm Karen lleu- aiilt in Hyannis ovor the weekend. Burrows of Prince Ae. have com- pleted the piloting course and are now taking nn nJvanco course In seamanship under tho direction of the Capo Cod Pover Squadron. They meet In the oil Centorvllle school evory Thursday night. Diane Anlto was lostess at a recent dinner party and bud ns guests , Emily Thew , Susan Lap- ham , Patsy Elsknmp. Gail Motte , Alison Hinckley and Edna Mae Macoinber. Our own beloved , Undo (' nllie Fuller celebrated his 89th birth- day on February Hi. / celebration was planned but duo to the bad storm son Carroll win unable to come from Now Bodfird. Ho vi- sited II IB dad the folloivlngk Wed- nesday In u letter received this week from Mrs Ruth Devolfler who witli Mr. Dt voider is d uring Mex- ico she writes . "While shopping in n market In (iuiitlnlajaru , I came across a package ami 1 got I IKS biggest kick out or II " Mr. ami Mrs. Merrill (lil'foid held open house Sunday to colo- In-Mte his birthday and their third wedding anniversary. The Young Adults of the Meth- odist Church enjoyed a skating party nt tho Kennedy Skntlng Rink In Hyannis after which they went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Braddock Chtlds for a business nnd refreshments. New Officers elected for the church year are Mrs. Chllds , President; Mrs. Adolo Jones, Vlce-Pres .; Arthur Wil- liams. Treas. and Jay McClusky, Secretary, Word has boon rooolved from the Gene Cullum family that they have moved from Monto- verde, Florida and that Mr. Cul- lum is now teaching at the Gra- ham Eckes school in Palm Beach. Their daughter Holly Is working in DelRay, Florida. The Star Club of Cotult Chap- ter OES, met Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. Tom Milne for nn all day sewing session. Members bought a box lunch, dessert and coffee were served by the host- ess. 1/ois Nlekerson of East Har- wich visited her cousin Alison Hinckley over tho weekend. The monthly meeting of the WSCS was held In the church parlors Tuesday night with Mrs. John Carter in charge of the de- votional service. A religious film "The Last 'Supper " was shown by Mrs Adele Jones. A new gas heater has been purchased for the church vestry and is to bo In- stalled soon. A Sunshine Card was signed by all members pre- sent to he sent to Mrs. Jean l*nrk- er who Is in Pocasset. Refresh- ments were served by Mmes. Frances Weaver, Marlon Macoinb- er and Mrs . Nora Clifford . The table WIIB set with a tnblo cloth decorated with Easter motifs and a contirplece of roses made of sea shells done by Mrs . Weaver. MARSTONS MlLLSI mm^mmummmmmm ^mmmmm * ^ ^ ^ S^-j \Vm i DOANC-MLAL-A ME« U INCORPORATED ftnenal Service J • HYANNI3 • HARWICH PORT | « SOUTHYARMOUTH '' • CHATHAM VBMBMHMMMM ir n ~ ' ""¦'' =* Television & Antenna Rentals 5% OFF on porls one) labor if work is paid for at con- clusion of job. Prompt and efficient service on all makes Television sets. Snlt'H ;mil Scrvlpe Calvary llnplist Church 357 Main Street Masonlo Building SUNDAY SERVICIOS: 10.00 A.m. .Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:30 P.M. Evening Servlco Tuesday, 7:31) P.M., Prayer and Bible Study nt Pastor 's Homo, REV. PREBLE COBB Prlscilla St., W. Hyannisport Harbor Light Wayside Furniture PINE AND MAPLE DINING ROOM and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Rte. 6A. East Sandwich BARNICOAT MEMORIALS M o n u m e n t s 11,-riirc you buy n mcmnrlul, largo or small , oompare »ur prices''and quality, !l f n f I |j!j ^MuatmiS 11 lemorial Cha p el | SERVING HYANNIS AND SURROUNDING § jjj i; COMMUNITIES. | j | ij ljj COMPLETE NON - SECTARIAN FUNERAL SERVICE. | ijlj i Earl A. Hunt Falmouth Road (Rte. 20) jjj ijj Funeral Director Hyannis I j Telephone Hyannis 155 j BOB GARDNER'S RESTAURANT and HOME BAKERY Carrying " complete line of Quality Home Bakery Products O S T E R V I L L E I 1 l A MESSAGE TO BARNSTABLE VOTERS On Monday you have an opportunity to elect a School i mmiffee Membei ¦¦ < ¦<> will strive for improvement in . ^H f c f c k . I our school system, and who has the courage to suggest f \ ! improvement. Vote For T X** THOMAS II. O'NEILL i* ~ _ CANDIDATE I OH SCHOOL COMMITTEE v&tt f t m **' ft1 .1I 1-year unexpired term sRiSiyr* . ~, ? $SmS]LL. H Ik l cfi^Ki^H • Experienced in Town Government B ^-J. Iffll H^a f H Hs¥ s fl • College- Education B B f K u H H O I Hlgnod : Thomas U. O'Nuil), 20 Tucker tloud, Hyuniiln ¦ H P Line U p With ISS BEAR! l(i| "*j II Front End Alignment Kl^T"*"\ unci Wheel Balancing = £ S=! i 9 Don't Get Mod - Get Madden BILLY MADDEN S GARAGE Studebaker • Packard Agency Hyannis 1230 Barnstable Road POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT A word about "SERVICE" The word "HEHVK'K" means something when 'you con- tact BAXTER TRANSPORT INC. When otherB can't or won 't make the extra effort to "Deliver the Goods On Time ", BAXTBJR KiviM meaning to the word , "SERVICE" ! Call us for fluster delivery at no extra cost. Hyannis 232 FOrest 2-3321 BAXTER'S FISH MARKET Will Be Open All Winter The only fish market in Flyannis Fresh Chatham Fish and Live Swimming Lobsters Foot of Pleasant Street on the Wharf Jjgll^^ ¦!• u i r*i o'l |PAINTS ym * "FL0W K0TE" <*¦ * * Rubber Base Wall Point | * "DUCO"ond "DUIUX" Enamels 11• Custom Colors • Varnishes f * House Paints 1 CENTRAL HARDWARE § 248 Main Street > Hyannis, Mass. ? Tel. Hyannis 880 7> Robert E. Tobin , Prop. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT li = Caoe (~.oa Secretarial School All Business Subjects Day or Evening Classes Enroll at any time Co-Educational 242 Ocean Street, Hyannis / Tel. 1372 fa ¦' =U —^^ ^ — i ¦ ' -1 Jrj r S\j& ^ ^ Appraisals Rendered J C J ~ » and ! ^\ ^ ! Z * S Old Gold Bought ^JEWELERS Winter Hours: 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. • CLOSED WEDNESDAYS • Mulberry Corners, Osterville GArden 8-2872