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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 21, 1888     Barnstable Patriot
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February 21, 1888
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ml/Long Shore Uiiiisi al>ic Jottings. I(Whll , ili^ ins K-*«1m °i Lawrence, ,v ' , i « n 1:1-1 «'wk- ¦I on V- A. Nye was in our village ¦W.' .n ' .la ' v <> 1 lust. week. _ -• " , -.„„ ¦ Francis M. Uinekloy arrived 1,oiii- T.i.-*hiy ^vniug . _ H ,., i:clH'i-e:i Handy is visiting Mr. !.,.;,„ ' S. Il:im ly, her son , in New Bed- li.n! Mi I '.willu Smith h:i* returned from , ,Lit mi M<-lros .<. Her neiee, lna Whel- >„ ' ,vt uviied with her. Mr .,iul Mrs. Ansel I.othrop of Chel- .,..1 »-',." iv i n " town last week, the guests ( ,f ' Mrs. Augusta l> - l-l> thro l>- M ,,. .1,,^'ph Whittomoiv was one of „,;. '• , ¦ „:,£.. ;¦ ,of : . Lea,- Year Ball re- ,,.n! lv lH - id iu Wan'liam. •!•¦„;. i, :1rk .leunie Bushman , rapt. Ld- Jv\ r \u,nu W , y^- \ nvnvcd at Bos- 1,,n U>l li. from Ci'ivi'. \ \ . <. . A. ,,,. ¦!• \v I'iiiiin .-y of Wheeling. W. .. .,.. ."„, .I ,vcvni ownin-i with Prof \v " r \ l. ' < ; «—al Lafayette, hid. '. . ., ,,, : Mrs. P.enj . F. Smith enter- ;.; '.;,'¦:, ,',.',,' • ' , v ,,f friend? at their pleas- "'V ' 1 ,-. ' • "-Vi .-ikv on Thursday evening. "" •,!,•- .i;!i n. 's C. ilus-fll of Broekton, > , ;,i ;,,' \v,! last week a guest ol" hei , ,.. '.-. .Mi- . M'- . and Mrs. Charles llallett. "i '¦!; ,. V letter s remaining at the Post- , ,il U- .- r.-l' . 1 : A. r. Kelso. Esq.. Rev i 1: ' : -iwsoh. Mi ss Sarah V. Plainer IN>- .:; !i-:'rii—Memp his Chase. Mr- . Su-an W'oodworth. a fonnor resi- il. -i :i •.>! this village , died at the residence i't !i. -r daug hter. Mr s. .losiah Beals, in A Mninon on Sunday. 12th inst., aged 7;i year- . M ; - . 1» . 1'. W. Parker has been very ._/, '<>ii- ly ill of rheumatic fever, at her .i .,;^'!iiei' "-. Mr s. Stephen Sears, at Xew- 1 •••!•; . l:. 1. AVe are pleased to learn that -h- ' i- eonvaleseciu . M i-- Amelia V. Chipman of Broekton \> :i- in-.-e Tluii' sday. the guest of her i. ii 1.;:. Mr > . Ann Foster. She has !'-- i -n -p i-j idi ng a week with her sister. >!: ¦ -. V. Percy (i oss. in Hyannis. See llyanni s and ••Marriages. " Mr. Dav id l.orinsr , late Principal !<• ¦¦ •' ¦] ' of Cape Cod Lights, at Highlands. N 'l '.'i h 'I' ruro . has moved with liis family. :¦' ;ir- village , and occup ies the resi- i'-u-.-f n f the late < "a[i t. Simmer Pierce. uhieii i!< - ha- purchased. Another ac j iii-i! inn i 11 our village . Y !',- Pi' ^rim l!ra-s Hand, assisted by Vv "\. P-lai id'-n, will nive a concert in Ma- '. 'iiie iia l 'i. Tuesday evening. Feb. ¦ _ M- ;. i- i 'ii- l -iim ; of instrumental music. vi"!'.i! -o ld- . re:- ding~ and recitations. !¦;¦. ¦ . A ii anei' will inunediatcl y follow l l h - i ' i i t f i' 1 a i l ll i i i ' I l l . 1V\. Mr . Shepardson of the Baptist rhmvh in ihi- village gave the fifth of hi- hii i'iv-ting Sab hatii evening lectures i hi- w eek. Subject. "Balaam, the False l' i'f piiei. " Next Sabbath evening the -ubj -vt will be "David , the Sweet Singer of 1-rael. " Services commence with shori ]irai-e -li'viee at 7 o'clock. Mr. David Kldridj ^e. who was reported in i.iii 1 la-i t" be very sick , died on Sun- da v. l- ;h in hn Neal.) together with a ^^BOHSHBBB'line Garden and Orchard containing Apple. Pear, Quince and other Fru it Trees. Within fifteen minutes walk of Depot, Schools and Churches. The above property will be sold at a great bar- gain. Apply to JOHN NEAL, Wellfleet. FOR SALE ! JLtx-el The new Dwelling House built /ff|~5 j* by Capt. Isaac M. Bray, in Yar- It t i f »M mouth , with aboat one acre ot JULUBS land. The house was finished <^BS^^ K> jag( June, was built by the day of the best material, and contains eight, rooms of good size. The location overlooks the Bay »nd Is very desirable. Apply to ALLEN F BRAY, i; awtucket, R. I. JEgf-KeyB at Tailor Shop of O. T. Gorham. dec G 4n tf CAPITAL $300,000 FULLY PAID GUARANTY $600,000. 7 per cent Guaranteed Mordaps 6per cent Debenture Bonds. These Bonds run G years and are secured by a DepoHlt of First Mortgages with the BOSTON SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CO. OF BOSTON TRUSTEE. Safe as hu- man foresight can make. TIFlIiiniliBMT l OF KANSAS. Office , 84 Devonshire & 20 Water Sts., BOSTON. A. C. <«<>**, manager. IT TIEyERlBMLSi ^ ( r or alldi 3ea5e3:°fgie5' pany Is composed of good business men who have put their owu money into the mine, prospect and developing wcrk ,and now offer 25,000 shares, which are selling at their par value, to put in needed machinery, stamping mills,hoisting works, etc. The Sullivan Mine has been thoroughly tested and proven to be a rich , natural fis- sure vein running the whole length of the mine, 1500 feet long. The following are stronger endorsements of the value of the mine than anything that could be said er written in a general way concerning its true value : Book So. 1240. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ) Boston, 31a9f.,Dec. Slh , 18ti7. / M.K. C. M. Spkague , Treasurer, 175 Wash- ington St. The sam ple of ore lef t'by you for assay on Dec. 2, 1 ^87, marked Sullivan mine—weigh- ing 3lbs. (about,) answering to the following description : liusty quartz with free gold, lias been carefully assayed and yielded to the ton of 2.000 lbs., av. Golil 4 7-10 oz. at §20 G7 U. S. standard value, $U7 15. Owing to the free gold , the assays vary somewhat, the hlgbeKi being 1-2 oz. higher than above, which in an- average ot lour assays. (Signed) FnEi>EitiCK W. Clark, Asst. Prof. Mioins aud Met. HOME5TEAK ASSAY OFFICE. Lkad City , Dak., Oct. 20ih , 1S«7. J. T. Hooper. F.s q., Lookout, I'eiiDlugton County. Dear Sir—Your sample of ore from the Sullivan Mine proved to contain Gold , $S0.13 (1 45-100 oz*.) per ton (2000 lbs) Silver , 0.78 oz. " " " " Yours respectfully, Wm. Ulenberg, Assayer and Metallurgist. There is wood enough on the claim which covers over ten acres to run the mills for years and an abundant supply of water iu Castle Cree k, which runs within 50 feet of the mine; the-'e facilities miike verv little expense in milllug the ore, and go to prove that the Sullivan Gold Stock i* the soundest and best mining stod; now ottered to tbe pub- lic—it being guaranteed against assessmeut. It should be borne In mind that the Bliick Hills were uuknown to white men until 1S74, consequently mininsr Is new business there, but it is showing itself aud proving to be tbe richest cold bearing country in tbe world. The Homesteak, Father De Smet, Caledonia, and other valuable mines prove it. The Sulli- van mine needs only to be seeu to be appre- ciated and its gold bearing resources care- fully computed. Mines of less value than the Sullivan, have been stocked for a million dollars and more, but the company in order to give intrinsic value to Us stock aud pay large dividends upon tbe same, bave onl y capitalized for 500,- 000 shares. Mining experts of great practical experience in California , Arizona and Idaho, have examined this property and pronounced it to be as tine a fissure vein of gold as they ever saw. His fairly withiu the limits of truth to say that there is no better mlue lu tbe Black Hills tbau the Sullivan gold mine, as the character of tbe ore is porpbyritic quartz and the puy streak found to be 42 feet wide and it is estimated by conservative experts that tberc Is now in sight in the mine , ore by aetu:>l survey and measurement that will pay §!>50,000 over ami above the cost of mining and milline r the tame. Three 20 stamp mills can be kept lit work for indefinite period, and they will work 180 tons of ore a day at an average of 615.00 a ton , clear of all expenses, which would be a net profit of $K> 200 a week or §842 ,400 a year.— This Is not an over estimate by auy means and proves that tbe corummy'8 shares are bound to be a good paying Investment because they are not affected by \V ,ill slreet panics and they can only be bought by subscription , and are acccssttble alike to all. In less than one years lime 100 shares of the Co.'s Gold stock ought to be worth SI.000. Mr. F. J. Aver, tbe superintendent of tbe mine Is a personal owner and an honest, efficient man- aser an d adlroctor in the company; thin Is quite an important point wflli the stock- holders. There In no country to-ilay on the face of the earth so rich in mineral wealth as the Hlaek Hills ami tbr> rei>ort of Prof. Wal- ter P. Jcniicy, scut by tbe government to tbe Hills In 1S75 with a military escort ''proves" tills. Iu wisely purchased gold mines that are well manxgeil anil economically worked , tbe stocks aiways pay the purchaser uu inter- est fabulousl y larg<' . C. M.Spragun , treasurer of tlic Company at 175 Washington St., Boston , has samples of tli e ore and gold t;;l;cn out of the Sullivan mine , and will be pleased to give any inform- ation desired. Hear in mind that the stock can only be boug ht by subscri ption at the tieasunr 's oflice , and that it's worthy of in- vcstlgatiou. NEW ENGLAND HOUSE Cor. Blackstone & Clinton Sts. BOSTON, MASS. TERMS, $2 & 2.50 per Day. J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. C. W.,1_ . - .._ J. F. WILDER , }CLERK S- Tin- i!:u-g:iin> t!i:it 'HlCHAKUS , 200 # W:i-:hiii tnH>ii St.. l^tou. is now giv- iiiic :ire truly wonderful. Xow is * your thin ; to buy lor next wiutur. ^ * * ** * * * * * » Young Men who take pride in * dressing first class will not fail to » * see the "Jfobby" Suits Kichards, .2G9 Washington St., Boston, is sell- * ing at such reasonableprices. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * West Barnstable. The friends of Mrs. Sylvanus Perci- val were greatly saddened to hear of her death, which occurred in Sandwich, at tlie home of her daughter. Mrs. C. H. li. Ellis, on Friday morning last. $ uueral and interment also at Sandwich on Sunday. The deceased leaves a hus- band and four children to mourn her loss. Her memory will be cherished by many in this community, who have known her as kindly and sympathetic, and ever ready to assist in times of sick- uess and trouble. Mrs. Kyder, Marion , has been a guest at Mr. Asa Jenkins.' Mrs. George Ellis and son have been visiting at her father's, Mr. P. C. Blos- som's. r- - ?i POOR RICHARD "fOUbPS says: >fi?*^^^^^^&«- "I f you would know ' 9^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ If you w°uidkn°w y $ma S l m i& Wheat Germ Meal, 'f^WrsfflSfluJll ask your neighbors who /H.ill'(fS?«n\MMil. have used it, and they Ry»t^S fflWlll«f ) tbe BRST BKBAKFAST ImH frSffflLnralLj1 ; Cereal In the world, #J"A\lC*5»Wf»«Sr ^ then try it yourself and ^JwSWJMlrVmW be convinced. Don't ¦ 'W m W m i B i * I delay for as Poor Rich- says— ii Lost time is neverfound again. '1'' Sold by all Grocers, 2 lbs., 15c. T^ON'T w JilPBAllowyour Clothing, / t^mPaint> orWoodwork, ' j s s x i r W washed in the old J £ m j rubbing, twisting, jjj fl ^w wrecking way. Join ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^^ that large army of sensible, economical people, who from experience have learned that James Pyle's Pearline, used as directed on each package, saves time,labor,rubbing, wear and tear. Your Clothes are worn out more by washing than wearing. It is to your advantage to try Pearline. JAMES PYLE, New York, Sold Everywhere. THE OLD CORNER GROCERY FOR SALE. The Grocery Business of the OLD COR- NER STORE"is «ifferej for Sale at a Bargain, the present owners dfsiiing to retire from the bu'incse. DAVIS & EASTERBROOK— Barustable,Feb. 7, 18SS. OH! FOR A MAT that won't get all full of mud, or all wet, or frozen stiff, or uselessIn a few weeks. That's just what the Hartman Steel Wire Door Mat Is made for—to overcome all these annoy- ances. It beats rubber out of sight,and don't cost near as much. Cleans dirty shoes like a flash , Is strong, neat, self-cleaning, pretty Bear everlasting and don't cost much. You ought to have one right away. Drop in and look at them. * Walter R. Wightinan, Sole New England Agent, NO. 1 5 1 CONGRESS ST., Boston, Mass. •fU-, HORSE FOR SALE. CT7. V At Town Farm. ONE COLT, 4 years old. sound and; kind and thoroughly broken. Inquire of JAMES 11.AltEY, Town Farm, West Barnstable. Or, ANDHEW LOYELL, Cotuit. CHAS, C. CUOCKER. Hyanxis, A. D. MAKE- PEACE , West Rahxstabi.t-:. NOTICE ! WHEREAS, my wife, LUCELLA P. BEAESE, has left my bed and board , without just cause, I forbid" all persons har- boring or trusting her on my account as vl shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. JAMES F. BEAUSE. Cotuit, Feb. 7, 1S3S. OUR POULTRY FOOD. SOMETHING NEW! Canned Meat for Poultry! This food Is nice fresh meat, carefullv cooked , ground tine, seasoned and hermeti- cally sealed. Will keep an unlimited time until opened. Conveniently put up lu S lb. cans. Especially adapted for chickens and moulting fowl?. Being ground line, it can be readily mixed with the soft food ,and fed so as to give each fowl an equal share. Price, 30 cts. per can; S3 00 per dozen. Address , H0LL1S DRESSED MEAT & WOOL CO. 20 Xortb St., Boston, Mass. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, and SILVERWARE. a 'P J. R. KNIGHT & COS, 49 HAKOYEA ST., BOSTON. Drop in and examine their fine and exten- sive slock. $1.00 Fraternal Tablets. SIZE, (U x 1 1 . ) New works of Art., Masonic I. O. O. F., K. of P., G. A. K., K. of H., A. O. U. W.. Red Men, or K. ot L.,forwarded by mail §1.00. C. R. BUGBEE, 333 Washington St., Boston, Mass. WANTED. LIVE Ducks. Geese, Chickens and fresh laid Eggs,for market purposes. GEORGE I.WAD8WOETH, 39 Quiney Msrk.t. Boston .Mass,