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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 14, 2014     Barnstable Patriot
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February 14, 2014
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By Frederick Dillen Simon & Schuster, New York, NY Hardcover, 256 pp., $25 By Barbara Clark F rederick Dillen, a thoughtful writer, has set his new book, Beauty, in a Massachusetts fishing town that for its time- liness and spot-on relevance could be situated right here on Cape Cod. Though in fact Elizabeth Island is meant to be a facsimile of Gloucester, the setting rings true for all who face the contemporary New England issues of over- fishing, government regs and catch limits in real working towns whose history is bound up with hard-working fisher- men, now increasingly losing the battle against huge fish processing plants in faraway corners of the world, and developers who prefer a more sanitized version of "quaint" as they cater to a future of condos and tourists. Dillen clearly champions those who prefer to keep their working villages as just that: "They wanted something besides money, something that sat on the ground and made a product," as contrasted with those who "would have preferred something that only used to make something." Carol McManus works for a big company liquidator that strips and sells the get-your- hands-dirty businesses that are fast becoming just,a memory in the former working class areas of New England. She's a burial expert of sorts, traveling from place to place, closing down operations that were once the lifeblood of a region. She's been promised that closing down this seafood products company will be her last such job, and then her employer will give her what she's always wanted -a busi- ness of her own to run. Of course things don't go as planned, and Carol gets stiffed by the big guys, but in a way that is beside the point. The book practically begs to be a page-turner, with villains and good guys set in stark relief, but it doesn't deliver in that way. Instead you find yourself turning the pagesjust to learn more about these now scruffy businesses that are fast becoming just another faux-quaint coastal dot on the map of our tamed and tattered environment. It's really a kind of primer on the state of the fishing industry in New England -the excesses of overfishing and over-regu- lation that threaten those who ply the seas. Carol meets up with fisher- men and with their wives, and with one in particular who - good for her - doesn't have a wife; and she parlays her gut feeling about the plant she's sent to close into a personal adventure as she makes a move to become its owner instead. Occasionally we're hit over the head with one too many songs of praise for the working man, and not a few sentences disintegrate into moral tales. That said, I found this to be ah immensely enjoy- able story. The word "Beauty" turns out to have a couple of meanings that we discover as we go along. A nice, but not overwhelming, romance winds through the pages. As for nail- biting suspense, there's plenty of it behind the scenes, play- ing out in ordinary lives that are permanently altered by the many changes we've wrought on our planet, not the least of which play out in and around our oceans. • BOOK REVIEW :Beauty SUSAN VAUGHNPHOTOS AHEAD OF THE CURVE - tfevin Howard, executive director of the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod,talksto artists and arts and culture organization representatives Feb. 12aboutthefoundation'snew marketingstrategieswith a new website, arts apps and a collaboration with Cape Cod Life Magazine. CONTINUED FROM PAGEA&E:3 Thethirdmarketingcomponent, involvesanexpandedcollaboration with Cape Cod Life magazine, and in particular, its website and app. The magazine has long promoted the visual arts through its annual arts edition in June, but the Arts Foundation isgoingto expand the content to include theaters, muse- ums and other arts and cultural venues, Howard said. He predicted that people will buy and keepthemagazinelonger because of its expanded content, its beautiful layouts and its broad distribution. For its 35th anniver- sary year, Cape CodLifeis offering a 35 percent discount on all ads, so Howard urged the organiza- tions to get their ads in by the May 13 deadline. All foundation members also willget a listing in Cape Cod Life. Julie Craven Wagner, advertis- ingsalesmanager of Cape CodLife, said the publication was the first on the Cape to go online and the online subscription is $5.99 with a free app. Cape Cod Art also is included in the subscription. The magazinewilloffer itsLifeCanvas feature to the Arts Foundation this summer. Thefoundationhassetup anew annual fee structure for member organizations based on their budgets, starting at $100 for not- for-profits under $50,000. There are separate commercial fees, but the individual artist fee will stay the same at $30. The arts app will haveaseparateannualfeeof $150. All the information for the new foundationwebsitewillbeadded in March and April to be ready for a soft launchinMayandafulllaunch in June in time for the summer tourist season, Howard said. Cur- rent members will automatically be transferred to the new website and new members should sign up by the end of February,he said. "We're excited about this," Howard concluded. "We know whatwehave here and wehaveto do abetterjob of marketing Cape Cod.Manydon'tunderstandwhat a cultural destination this is." Arts Foundation... 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