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February 14, 2014 |
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INTHEMWE TRUST-At a presentation on the tax benefits associated with open space protection,Mark Robinson
(far left), executive director of The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts posed with land trusts leaders
Denny O'Connell of Wellfleet,Fred Goetecher of Truro,Henry Lind of Eastham, Dennis Minsky of Provincetown
and Kris Ramsay of Orleans. For more information,write Robinson at mark@thecompact.net
The growing rift between
the board of county commis-
sioners and the Assembly of
Delegates may widen Feb.
19, when the commissioners
and Finance Director Mark
Zielinski present the proposed
budget for the fiscal year
beginning July 1. The commis-
sioners are holding a special
meeting today [Feb. 14] at 11
a.m. to finalize their take on
the spending plan.
Also on the agenda for the
Assembly meeting at 4 p.m.
Feb. 19 is the Barnstable
County Strategic Plan pre-
pared by the commissioners.
Some Assembly members have
expressed concerns about the
document, which is intended
to guide department heads in
achieving service goals.
The League of Women Vot-
ers of the Cape Cod Area is
endorsing the five-year plan,
though it retains the right to
comment further during imple-
Don't miss the preliminary
round at 2:30 p.m., when the
Assembly's charter review
committee will gather for
"further discussion on changes
to the Charter" in the wake
of the full Assembly's recent
razor-thin vote not to pass
along a proposed change to
the voters.
West Barnstable's Ron
Beaty reports signatures to
request votes to withdraw
communities from the Cape
Cod Commission have been
submitted in a number of
towns. Barnstable Town Clerk
Ann Quirk confirmed that
signatures have been turned in;
once certified, they will be pre-
sented to the town council. As
Barnstable's legislative body,
members will decide whether
the question goes on a ballot.
Within the last decade, a
similar effort was stymied in a
very close council vote.
The Community Health
Network Area is looking for
non-profits and public entities
that have ideas about ways to
"eliminate health disparities,
promote wellness, and pre-
vent/manage chronic disease
for individuals who are elderly
and/or people with disabili-
The deadline to respond
is March 14; go to www.
capecodfoundation.org under
Grant Information, CHNA 27,
for more information.
Pam Haznar, project de-
velopment engineer for the
state transportation depart-
ment's District 5, will share
the latest on the Route 28/
Yarmouth Road project
today [Feb. 14] with the
Cape Cod Joint Transporta-
tion Committee. The group
will meet at 8:30 a.m. in the
Cape Cod Commission Con-
ference Room in Barnstable
The county extension
service's 4-H Babysitting
Course is being offered Feb.
17 and 18 from 10 a.m. to 2
p.m. at Dennis Public Library.
Children 11 and older are
welcome, and there's a $25
fee (scholarships are avail-
able, and it's free to military
youth). Register at 508-760-
First, Pluto was downgrad-
ed. Now it's mercury's turn.
Gov. Deval Patrick an-
nounced that the state's
efforts to reduce mercury
emissions from waste incin-
erators, power plants, and the
like have paid in a "signifi-
cant" drop in toxic mercury
levels in largemouth bass and
yellow perch.
The Cape Cod Commission S
is looking for comments on Z
what's ahead for the region's ';%
economy and has set up a
survey at https:/www.survey- I
monkey.com/s/CEDSOPIN- - ;
IONSURVEY/ It's available
until Feb. 21.
Children 8 to 12 are invited
to join the county extension »
service's Master Gardeners of"
Cape Cod Children's Gar- .,
den program, which meets *
Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. |
at the Brewster Community
Garden from May 20 to Sept.
9. The program is free, and
space is limited. Applica-
tions (available at http://
www.capecodextension. org/
horticulture under Upcoming
Events) are due April 1.
State SenatePresident Therese
Murray,whorepresented part of
the town of Barnstable before
redistricting following the 2010
federal census, announced she
will not run for another term
in 2014.
20 years in office sawprogress in
"protectingchildrenand families
to reforming our health care
system to supporting economic
growth and development..."
Fifteen-year state Rep. Vinny
deMacedo, a Republican from
Plymouth, quickly announced
hiscandidacyto succeedMurray,
a Democrat. In a statement, he
highlighted his "commitment to
working together - regardless
of party affiliation - to make
government more efficient and
responsive and better serve our
residents and communities."
CapeCodders, includingmem-
bers of the Alliance for Immi-
gration Justice of First Parish
Brewster, will be among those
holding a candlelight vigil at
the Plymouth County Correc-
tional Facility Feb. 15 at 5 p.m.
to support detainees and their
families.Meet in the parking lot
of Jo-Ann's Fabrics in the Shops
at Five Way, Plymouth.
Diane Turco and Sarah
Thacher will speak about two
decades of opposition to the Pil-
grimNuclear Generating Station
in PlymouthFeb. 22 at 2 p.m. at
Eldredge PublicLibrary onMain
Street in Chatham.The free event
is hosted by Fellowship of Rec-
onciliation, Cape Cod Chapter.
TheNorth Shorecommunityof
Rockport haswon anappeal to the
Federal EmergencyManagement
Agencyto revisenew flood maps,
arguingthat thePacificCoastwave
model used did not account for
the intricacies of Eastern shores.
The state's Congressional del-
egation has called on FEMA
to apply the same standard to
the rest of the commonwealth's
shoreline communities.
"The current FEMA maps
are overly conservative, placing
people inflood zonesinappropri-
ately and costingthem thousands
of dollars,"U.S.Rep.BillKeating
said in a press statement. "The
only responsible thing to do is
to suspend the implementation
of the state's maps until they
are fixed."
The town's registered Dem-
ocrats (as of Jan. 31, 2014)
are invited to participate in
the Barnstable Democratic
Town Committee caucus at the
Centerville Recreation Building
on Main Street, March 1 at 9
a.m. Twenty-two delegates - 11
women and 11 men, plus four
alternates - will be elected to
attend the state convention on
June 13 and 14 in Worcester.
Delegates will vote to endorse
candidates for statewide office.
On March 15 at 10 a.m., the
Democratic committee will host
a St. Patrick's Day event with
U.S.Rep. Bill Keating and other
legislators and candidates at the
Double Tree Hotel in Hyannis.
Local stand-up comic Glen An-
derson willentertain. Tickets are
$25; $20 for students.
Make reservations at Barnta-
bleDemocrats@gmail.com or
A rival candidate for Los
Angeles County supervisor is
kicking at Bobby Shriver's at-
tendance record on the Santa
Monica CityCouncil,suggesting
he was "spending so much time
in Hyannis Port" that he failed
to attend meetings.
A spokesman for Shriver,
the son of Eunice and Sargent
Shriver, told the Los Angeles
Times that Bobby Shriver was
in Hyannis Port in 2009 for the
funerals of his mother and hisv
uncle, U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy.
State Rep. Sarah Peake re-
ceived the 2014 CommunityMe-
diation Outstanding Champion
Award for leadership in creat-
ing the Community Mediation
Center Grant Program. Funds
support 14 centers in Massachu-
setts, including Cape Mediation
(formerly Cape Cod Dispute
Resolution Center).
Richard Nixon promised to
campaign in all 50 states in 1960,
but gubernatorial candidate Evan
Falchukwillbebusy enough visit-
ing all 14Massachusettscounties
between the end of January and
Feb. 26.
Falchuk,whose tour will bring
him to Barnstable, Sandwich and,
Yarmouth on Sunday,Feb. 16, is
running as the United Indepen-'
dent Party candidate. He plans
to go door to door campaigning
while here.
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