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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
February 13, 1877     Barnstable Patriot
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February 13, 1877
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/THE " I*YE AND BYE." }Y& sometimes grow weary, The world looks so dreary, "We feel almost ready to lay down and die ; But. thoughts of to-morro w Dispel all our-sorrow, "We think of our home in the ; 'bye and bye." This life hath its lessons. And , all our impressions, For good or for ill , as the case may lie : Depends how we take it. Of what use we make it. Afleets all our future, the "bye and bve." Our hopes they deceive us. And friends often grieve us; Our hearts are so pained that we sit down and cry : But, soon this sore trouble Will burst like a bubble , And all be made clear , in the •'•' bye and bye." At times our best treasures, And with them our pleasures, Take to themselves wings, and away how they -fly; But, we may be sure Of those that endure , Our treasures laid up in the ; ' bye and bvi'." These blessings are sent us. Yet. only sire lent us. AVhen (Jod doth recall them, shall we question why ? O. may we be thaukl'ul As t hough we'd a bank full. All heaven may be ours in the i: bye and bye."' We'll bear all our losses, And carry our crosses : Endure all our our trials with never a sigh: We'll never grow fearful. But. try to be cheerful. For there is a resting place, •'' bye and bye." k. a. L. ILighgate Springs , Vt. ©ur IJPoef£(Sotrrretr £grA little five year-old heard the Bible story of Sampson, a few Sunday evenings ago for the first time. He was much impressed "with the efficiency of the weap- on which Sampson used in one of his hand-to-hand conflicts with the Philistines. A day after , his moth- er, just before getting into a car- riage, was attempting to break a piece of candy which she had prom- ised to divide between the little lad and his 'brother. The cand y was tough, and resisted her effort. In this emergency the smaller boy looked up at the coachman ,and said "Say, James, you haven 't got. the jawbone of an ass about you, have you ?" '2ltliscclitt«eoujSJ £^£,*The story is told of a clergy- man that after preaching an inter- esting sermon on the " Recognition of Friends in Heaven ," was accost- ed by a, hearer, who said : "I liked that sermon , and I now wish you would preach another , on the rec- ognition of people in this world. I have been attending your church three years, and not five persons in the cofgregation have so much as bowed to me in all that time." 5^^'"Men are like hymns," re- marks an exchange newspaper. — "There are short-metre men, sharp, blunt and hasty ; there are long- metre , slow weighty and dignified ; there are hallelujah-metre men , mercurial , fervent and inspiring, and there are eighths and sevenths men , gentle , genial and delightful. There are also smic 'peculiar me- tres.' " 53rWhen you can't answer the arguments of your opponent , you can cast refl ections upon his mo- tives, and try to break him down by base insinuations. If this doesn't help your cause in any degree, it will show that you have had expe- rience in such of fisrhtincr . £3T"A quaint; minister once said, "Now , bret hren , I propose to thro w th's hymn-bo ok at the man who used profane language yesterday." Ho in idc the necessary gcsiure, as thoug h he would hurl the book , and , curiously enough, every man in the c mgregatum ducked his he.ul. g£|5**"The following composition has been turned out by an Ameri- can scholar , ag:d nine years : "A boy without a father is a norphan , without a mother ,a double norphan , but is oftencst without a grandfath- er or a grandmother , and then he is a norphauist." K*£"When fi man has sat up till midni ght writing poetry, and goes home with his soul aflame with in- spiration , not hing pleases him so mnch as to get into bed and find that the baby has been eating a cracker there. £3Tlf Harper 's Weekly stub- bornly insists on putting six masts into whale shi ps wrecked in the Arctic regions, there will come a clay when ship-builders will grow pale with despair. J3TA looking glass is kinder to us than the wine'glass, because it r;-vea!sour defects to ourselves only, whil e the hitter reveal s them to uur iriencls. New Postage Stamp.—By about the middle of May the public will have seen the last of (he pres- ent three-cent postage stamp, and beo-un to yet accustomed to one that id red , or possibly a new tint. This change has been rendered nec- essary, as stamp washers take off the oily cancellation without acid or alk-ili and use the stamp again. A series of experiments just com- pleted conv inces the postal depart- ment that green is the poorest color to be found. With the change of color there will be a change of desicrn. The medallion h;ad of Washington will be retained , but it will be relieved by an open scroll of white, and the scroll-work will have a different pattern. 555TWe jud ge a man by his past record : if it be good, we trust him for what he has been through u se- ries of years to come ; if his record is bad we shun him , we have no faith in him , and pay no respect to his golden promises. So with par- ties. Wejud ge them by their past record : if that ia good , we support them ; if it is bad we want noth- ing to do with them. We have confidence in the Republican party because of its excellent record ; we have none in the Democracy be- cause of its bad one. KSS"The wife of a Democratic farmer at Winchester recently bore him twin boys, and the father wan- ted to name them Tilden and Ilen- dricks. To this the mother , whose sympathies were Republican ,would not consent, and the matter was compromised by naming one Tilden and the other Hayes. Since then Tilden has died , and Hayes is as bright and chi pper a baby as there is in New Hampshire. £5C">ulhat bed is not long enoug h for ma," said a very tall, gruf f old Englishman , upon being ushered into his bedroom by an Irish waiter at one of our hotels. "Faith , an ' you 'll find it is plenty long, Sir, when you get into it," was the reply, " for then there "il be two feet more adde d to it. " Ex- it Pat, with a boot fetching up the rear. J£3£*Old John Adams said , when he was ninet y years of age, in a let- ter, that he had seen four wars, and that , followin g each of these wars there had been a period of great fi- nancia l and industrial depression. 2^"Kansas teacher—" \\ here does all our grain product, go to?" Boy—"It goes into the hopper." "Hopper ! What hopper?" Grass- hopper!" triump hantl y shouted the lad. 53?*Do all the good you can in the world. CRAFTS & CO., 14S Commercial Street, - . - Bo.4ou. Oiler for sale a well selected stock of D r u g s , M e d i c i n e s , House and Ship Paints , Oils of all kinds , Varnishe s, Brushes , &c, IT^ AMILY Medicines, Essences and Ex- . tracts prepared by ourselves of the best quality. Special attention given to furnishing and replenishing Medicine Chests in the best manner. Give us a call, you will find our prices low. AARON K. GAY & CO., STATION ER S —AND— Blank Book Manufacturers, A GOOD assortment of Fine Writing Paper * and Envelopes constantl y iu stock. Account Books of any desired pattern madf . to order. Old Magazines &c, rcboiu.d. It'you wish io bind your own magazine:*, papers &c, use Emerson's Binder lor sale by A. It. G. & Co. ISO State St., Boston. iaii 23"77—pami ly II. B. EMERSON , (Successor to C. Young & Emerson.) Wholesale and retail dealer in "Cobb Lime Co." Lime, AMERICAN & ENGLISH CEMENT, Calcined and Ground Plaster. Sand, Plas- tering Hair, &c. (Kliec, 25 Kilby St, Boston. "Wharf , H?> Commercial Street, next north Chelsea Ferry, sept 21—pami CHASE * CO. Have removed their manufactory to the Corner of Washington Street, and have also opened a Mail Store at 12 Ineelai St., with a fine display cf HOLIDAY GOODS and general CONFECTIONERY of their own manufacture, of unsurpassed quality, and at reasonable prie«s. Aspecialty of Fancy Boxc . dec 19—3m paini BJLI §S BKOTHEKS , DEALERS IN House and Ship Joiners HARDWARE, Brass. Galvanized Iron and Composition. SHIP,YACHT & BOAT TRIMMINGS OP ALL KINDS. Galvanizing done to Order. 170 Commercial Street, Boston. Disease Urows Ai-ack, Liikd an ill wind , and cannot be mastered too early. What in a trifling attack of sickness to-day may. if unattended to. bk-come a serious case in a week. Smal l uihi 0-nts should be nipped iu maladies. If t '.iis advice were attended to, m my a heavy biil for medical attendance mig ht t.c avoided. Wh en the liver i.s dis- ordered , the sttiiimeh foul , the bowtis ob- st ni:-frd. or the ner vfs *<1 Klurbed , resort s-hoi)Id at unco be had to that supreme rem- eiy, UosU-.ttc-r's Stomach Bitters, a few doses of which will restore healthy action and put th e system in perfect order. It is a wise dreeaution to keep th.s incomparable preventive in the house, sinco it checks, wi th luirivalkd promptitude , di sorders •vhieh breed ollieis fur moi e dangC'Vous, and in their latest developments sire them- selves olt'. 'U fatal. ScAuuiTv <;i' Money.—There is no doubt but the present condition of all kinds of business and industry is fearf ully depressed, and it behooves every family to look care- full y to their expenses. Winter is coining on when children are liable to Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. Coughs and colds will prevail everywhere , and Consumption with other Throat and Lung diseases will can y off many. These diseases should not be neglected , Doctor Bills are expensive, and we would advise our people to use Ho schek s German Syrup . It never has fa.led. One bottle at T"> cents will keep your whole family well duriii g the winter. Two doses will relieve any case. Sold in all towns in the United States and by your Druggist. nov f>, '70 —l y pami Pi'iiii's Dietetic Saleeatus.—Universal ly acknowledged to bo the best iu use.— Each pound bears the name of JAMES PYLK. Nona genuine withotxt. hi'.ie --— l y pami *JH 0sL e8t VisitiuK Cards you u>i!r ^ g ? Tj saw. Iu ordtr that you may ittB ^0 gee what thi-y are, I will Beud ^ ^ by return maif sixty-five,with C¥SSTfWlfl B your name neatly priuti-d on L llj'I 'V I thi-in, upon receipt of 25 ¦ I IU 1 B% cents aud a three-cent stamp. ¦U&* A OJ I You will have samples of aswnnmnrassi Glaus, Marble, Snowilake, Damask, Kf]vp, Tinted mid 'White Bristol. The Btock Bhall be iiret-clasu. I have eome of the most particular and exprrt printem to be obtained in the country, and employ no inexperienced Iioys to turn off cheap, Becond-clai T(i — lv uniiii A SPECIALTY. W ATCH Adjusting and impairing and Fitting of Spectacles by A. J . L L O Y D , 118 Tremout Street, - - - Boston. (Next door to Mufic Hall entrance.) The adjusting and repairing of Watches and littiiii, ' of Spectacles and Eye Glasses is done at prices far below those usually churn ed for lirst-class work at the larger stores. irirformerly with Win. Bond & Son, the Walch and Chronometer Makers. Cash psiid for old gold and silver. j ;iu 2;">, '70 —ly piimi SHOW CASES C OUNTERS, DESKS And all kinds of Store, Office and Sa! oon Furniture J. S. HAGEltTY , 120 & 124 Cross (near North) St IZoston. oct 24— Uoi pami Joseph war d & co., di Hanov er St., Boston. (A few doors from Washington St.) The best assortment at reduced prices. Factory , 51U Harris on Avenue. oct 2t-3m mini G- I L M A N ' S Ladies' and Gentlemen 's DININ G ROOMS 50 Summer Street, Cor. An:h Street , BOSTON. PARTIES visiting the city will find my bill of fai-e contains all the delicacies of the season at juices lass than any other f irst-class restaurant in I oston. Ladies will find this a very desirable resort for a lunch or dinner, being in tha immediate vi- cinity of all the first-class retail dry goods houses. Lunch find Oyster room in the basement. •JsTWarebam oysters a specialty. oct 10—3m pnmi Estatolisriea1S4L3. iv iii . Ei aTTl & c o. , MANUFACTUliElfS of Hall's Patent Bank , Safe, Jail , Dcor and House Locks. Lava and Argillo Door Knobs and Patent S=ish Fiists. KoADo«k Square , Boston. Locks repaired , keys fitted nov 21, 7(J—pami J y CIUSTAD3R OS H A I R D Y E . Crhtadoro's Haid Dye is tbe safett and best ; it acts instantaneously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown ; does not stain*the kkkj . and is easily ap- plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon ever\T well appointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. C1QSTADORO. New York. P- O. Box, Ifi33. declO-paini 5m FLOUR. FLOUR. 100 Barrels \ \ FUST received and for sale iu barrels and 1 / half barrels. Also, Corn, Meal, Oats and Feed at ELDRIDGE & CO.'S, (Store near Depot.) YARMOUTH POU T. oct 3—pami (CUT THIS OUT.) MISS A. POWERS, (Successor to W.Bogle.) GREAT Bargains in Hair Work. New style of Crimps. Combings made up for 50 cents per oz. Ladies' and Gents' Wigs a Specialty. 43 W inter St., Boston . feb 15, '70—ly pami (Up Stairs.) Bil l f t And all those threatened wi'th bald- Pii_ U Eess should procure a bottle ol Tar ami Wormwood immed;htcly, as it stops the falling out of hair and pro- 81!" ADC (luces new irrowih ,imparti'.iir strength I1LMUS and vitality. B. 1 \BKADBTJlTl' , Proprietor , co.-. Washington and Winter streets. oct H—Sui liami Botton . J. H. CROWELL 85Washin gton Sired ,Boston , Between Kim and Hanovei , OFFER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES Geiils' Calf Tap Sole Boots ( Waraanted) $3 25 Gent's Heavy, " " 2 25 Butt" Pegged Congress, 150 Ladies' Goat Button Boots, 1 75 " Kid Foxed " " 1 50 " Cloth House " 60 Misses' Button Boots , 1 50 " School " 1 00 (jg^Ttubber Goods at Low Prices.JE3H Goods sent by mail or express. Custom Work and Repairing done, jail IT—3m pami 10RT CELLI The tr eat Contest Decided. CORTICELU fCON QUERS ! The Judges of Awards at the Exhibition , in giving the chief prize to the Ai O N O • TUCli SII.K COMPANY'S Cen- tennial exhibit cf C O IS T I t l blL L I SILK., say of it— "A splendid exhibit of a variety of Sewing Silks and Machine Twist, of great superiority as to strength and regularity, showing extreme care ia the manufacture. !> An unbiased opinion like this from geuilemcu so well able to jud ge, caiinot fail to carry general conviction as to the merits of tbe Company 's production. — [Philadelphia Press. BOS TON OFFICE, !8 SUMMER STREET jau!*—i\v pami WANTED , Lady Canvassers for the New American Plaiting Machine , the lat. est iind best in the; market, making 7 different kinds of L'laiting. Costs onl y §3.00. Good agents mhke from $5. to §10. per daj . Send for circulars and tfirms , to E. B. Chase, No. 5 Cheapside , New Bedford Muss. Headquarters for all kinds of First Class Sewing Machines, at Chase's Sewing Machine Agen- cy* No. 5 Cheapside , Now Bedford , Mass, and lo \ -i Union Block. Taunton. the Aei? Light llunniny Ilemington is fast "iiiiiini; public tavor. Everywhere It is introd uced for Families , Dress-Makers, and Tailors, it stands without parallel. Three Fourths of the Drcs>-M:ikers in New Bedford an; using them, ilrssrs. T. M. Denhani k, Bro., Shirt. Manufacturers , liave recentl y pur- chased twenty-one of these Machines which they are running by steam-po wer at 1000 stitches per min ute ,"and doi ng *u\ erior work at even tin's high ruin of speed. Every iiimi- ly in want of a Sewing Machine should noi fail to see the Remi ngton. Sowing Machines of Jill kinds repaired and adjusted at lowest prices. Needles for every kind of Sewing Machine , best qualities at low cash prices.— Agents and Cauv.-issers wanted. K. B. CliA^E , JYb. " > Cheapside , Xmo Bedf ord , Mass THE SUN 1S77. >F.WYUUK. 1ST? The different editions of the Tiie Sun du- ring the next year will be the same as du- ring the year that has just passed Tbe dai- ly edition will on week days be a sheet, of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or f>(> broad colums ; while the week- ly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends. The Sun will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment , and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom and in tegrit y for hollow pretence, inbecili- ty, ami iraud in the administration of pub- lic affairs. It will contend for the govern- ment by frauds in the ballot-box and in the counting of votes, enforced by military vio- lence. It will endeavor to suppl y its read- ers— a body now not far from a million of souls—with the most careful , complete, and trustworth y account of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and careful ly selected stuff of reporters and correspondents. Its reports from Washing- ton, especially, will bo full accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plunderin g the Treabury or by usurping what the law does not give them , while it will endeavor to merit the confi deucu of the public by defending the rights of the people and against the encroachments of unjustified power- The price of the Daily Sun will be H~> cts. a month or $(i.f>0 a year, past paid , or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, $1.20 a year post paid. The Weekly Sun , eight pages of " >G broad columns, will be furnished during 1877 at the rate of $1 a ye».r, post paid. The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rates of the Weekly can be en joyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of onr friends choose to aid iu extending our circulation , we shall be grate- f ul to tuem, and every such person who sends us ten or moru subscribers from oim place •will be entitled to oce cop.y of tbe pa- per for himself without charge. At one dollar a year , postage paid, the expanses of paper and printing are barely repaid : and considering the size of the sheet and the quality of its contents , we are confiden t tne people will consider The Weekly Sun- the cheapest newspaper published in the world, and we trust also one of the very best. Address, THE SUN , New York City, N. Y. i:i'.rj — (ivv pami 1 ^ J. STATES, Embroidery and Stamp- J * ing. All ki nds of Stamping for Em- broidery and Bruid , Initials , Monograms , Blankets, Dresses, &c, executed at short no- tice. Largest sroek of Embroidery Materials, Silks , Braid s and Patterns in the city. All orders by mail or express executed same day and goods returned. Letters promptly an- swered. Jioom S, 25 If inter St., Boston. Be sure and get the correct address, i-in IS, '70—lv r-ami Qiunc y Mutual FIK T INSURANCE CO. Cash Assets, Jan uary 1, LS7b, $ 2." >,G27.11 Surplus over leinsurance , 115,403.«So Gain in Cash Fund the past year, $00,004.20 Gain in Cash Surplus the past year, 3." ,,803.4S Dividends now paid on every expj ing policy. ISRAEL W. MONROE, President and Treasurer. Ch>s A. Howland. Secretary. JOHN P. WASHBURN, Agent (hnnnCan t be made by every agent ev- \ U UU e r y month in the business we fur. M) U U U uisa- ^ ut those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day ,right in their own localities. Have no room to ex' plain here. Business pleasant and honora- ble. Women , boys and girls do as well as men. "We will furnish you a complete Out fit free. The business pays better thr.n anything else. We w ill bear expense cf starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and Mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying woik at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address True & Co., Augusta,Maine. jun e27 ly*pami SEND 2.- ,c. to G. P. Kowell & Co., Nc\» York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, eon- laining r.list of 3(!00 newspapers, and esti- mates showing cost of ad vertising. dec5—iJm r> Hoyt'sNine Barks FOLi the cure of humors,li\er complaints) canker , jaundice, scrofula , kings ovil j salt rheum , dropsy, worms eostiveness, gravel, kidney complaints, asthma , catarrh, piles, rheumatism. The tiir.e bark is com- posed entirel y of vegetables being free from minerals or clruv.s of any ki nd, a knowled ge of the efficacy of th3 nine barks bus become widely extended , car.siug a great and in- creasing demand for it. Sold by all drug- gists, prep-rred ou ly by Mrs. Hoy t, 3'JG High St.. Providence , 1?." \ . C-^"l{ . W. Speight. Chatham Port , sole agent for Farustable County. jan 30— (>m pami FUKSTON'S PATENT Pictu re Rod SVSoulding Secret lYnilcd. riMIE CHEAPEST AND S T R O N G - JL est Picture Rod Moulding made. It forms a neat Gold or Silver comics around the room. It prevents the mutilating of the walis by driving nails for hanging pic- tures. The position of the pictures can be changed at any t ime simply by moving the hooks along the moulding, it recpaires no skill in putting up, as there are no nails to be driven through the mouldin g. , or putty- ing to be done. Nothing to disturb the gold face of the cornice. Addiess, L. E. SNOW , Sole Agent for New Euglanu , No. 7 Franklin Avenue , Bos- ton. Samples wil l be sent by maii to any ad- dress, jan 3!)—(!m pami ]?Irs. I>v. M. A. Andrews, Cancer and Humor Doctor. Please address for Circular a few of her remark able euros. • Tremont Street , Boston. janiS0'7U <>m pami «—»m>k. AGENTS g)l )l )l ) )i ) ) ) )l l l « i l l i l )l l liP» huchi* < l = * g gU WANTED. Something ;icw : me Empress Hair Crimper, li ght and easil y ajusted ; does not break the hair nor vear out : samples, hy mail , 10 cents. 1 box , 12 pair , by mail 7; " > cents. New Kxci.and Noviu.ty Manufact- UKiNi; Company , 2-1 Portland St., Boston , Mass. . ja nH!)--lni pami Dr. E. D. SPEAR, So Much Crlehr ntf d f or his liemarkahle Cures. 81)7 Washington Stroet , Boston. DR. E. D. SPEAR has been iu active practice for a quarter of a century, during which time he bus successfully treat- ed thousands for nearl y all the different ills to which human iie.-li is heir. The great principle in his system is : Discard the use of all MINEUAI . MEIUC1N1SS AS NOT ONLY USE- LESS but dangerous. Itely on vegetable products entirel y. Dr. Spear 's patients may be met in near- ly every town iu New England , some of twenty-five j'o;irs ago ; others all the way down to the present time , when he has prob- ably inoi'o people under treatment than any doctor in America. Dr. Spear may be consulted on all dis eases, free of charge ; also b} ' letter, en closing a stamp. jani>0 '77—cow pami ly Caution.—We have stopped three iu- fringers of our patent rights from manufac- turing and selling imitations of Burr 's Pat- ent Nursing Ilottlus. As some of these base imitations are still iu the market , we caiition all purchasers of our Bottles to see that our Patent Stamps are on the mouth- guard and stopper, and that tho words "Bubr's Patent NunsiNa Bottle" are blown in tho glass Bottle. The Trade ar e v:i Lo OPT ICI AN ©AM'IL n.8>XI Til. Spectacles. Eye Glasses, Opera Qlasses, Microscopes, Spy Glasses, a large assortment at very low prices. Repairing in all its branches,4Bromfield St., Boston, two doors from Washington. jan 18,'16—ly pnmi X Bill J>AIVxi n develops any part of thr body, §1; Nervous Debility Pills, $1: Invij orating Pills,§1; all post paid. Dr. Vxs Holm, 161Court Street, Boston, Mass. . march 23,'76—ly pami Nevr Bedford COFFEE AND SPIC E MILLS , Til OS. G W IX V , (-uccj ssor to Allen it Wing. ) Manufacturer and Dealer in Tea, Coffee and Spie s . Win g's Eclipse Baking Powder a speeu l y. Factory No. si Union Street , XewBedf ord. gpj TTutil theC hutham Packet commences to run a.^ain we will delis'er our goods by freight free to Tremont. jan 11—ly m DEN1SON BROS., Manufacturers of and Wholesale and lie- tail Dealers in FLOUlt& GRAIN, Hour, lorn, Meal , Feed , OATS, &c, &c. EUREKA MILLS, 42 South Water , cor. School Sts., New iJediord. John H. Denisdx. Henry 0. Denison. janll 3m ui WI L LIAM T. I'OTTEU & CO. Wholesale Grocei", West India Goods , Tobacco , Teas, Coffees, Spices, Beef , Pork , Lard , Hums, Butter , Cheese, LF. Y iiru ggisi ami Apothecaries , At the siyn of the Good Samaritan. 64 North Second St,,of corner Mid- dle , New lied ford . ^Wholesale and ltetail dealers in Drugs , Medicines ' Chemicals ^ Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Goods and Toilet Arti- cles, also Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Surgical Instruments , &c. J. E. B. is Sole Proprietor of the Genuine Dr. Fisher 's Golden Seal, Dr. Tompkiu 's Vegetable Bitters , Dr. Tuinplun's Cou^h Syrup. Particular attention paid to the prepara- tion of Physician 's Prescriptions, * and tho dispensing of Medicines fur family use— none but fresh and pure articles being used. Country and City orders respectfully solicited and promptly ans-vered- •KTDetilurs supplied ft t tlie lowest prices. tJi'1 Licensed Dealers iu Pure Wines a?ul Liquor *: for medicinal and family usea. upril 20—(> m iu MOODY \\n SARKET These distinguished religious worker will begin a series of services in Host on early in January. Thev will be held in an immense Tabernacle, now beiiifr erected at a cost ot §¦40,000. These meetings 'vill be of wide- spread public interest , Full and Graphic Reports of the sermons and services will be given from dav to dav in The Boston Daily Globe , and those who are selecting a daily newspa- per Cor 1S77 >liould bear this fact in m ind. We pre fer a re-, ord to a prospectus. \N hat T1IK ULOKK ha s been it willI be in 1S7T—a liv e, progressive newspaper, independent in politi cs, unscctariaii in reli gion, and neutral in nothing. T11K GLOUE has th e very lat- est and freshest news, domestic and foreign , full market reports , shi p news, go.sss.ip, mis- cellany, correspondence, etc., etc. It is the best family newspaper in New England. ' le.rmsuf the Daily Globe : 1 Year, §S 00 (i Months , 4 00 3 Months , 2 00 1Month , 75 Addres THH GLOBE PUBLISHING CO. dec2« 2:.W Washiiijrtou St. Boston. RAY STAT E 31 ILLS JOSEPH F. PAUL & SONS, LUMBER DEALERS, HAKD 1'INE & SPRITE TDl BElt. Hard Pine , l'ine, Spruce , Cherry Walnut , and . Ash Flooring. KfLN -DRlED LUMBER Of i:ll descri ptions constant ly on hand. Hoiisp , Cabinet and Car Mouldings , and Rosewood , Walim and other Fancy Venee rs, R -sewood and Mali )gany. Office—Cor. Albany and Dover Sts . < BOSTON. Mouldings of all varieties for House,Store and Cabinet work , Fur, Pine, Walnut Chestnut and Ash. Catalogues of four hundred patterns sent to any one on appli- cation. Window and Door Frames, Gutters Brackets, Doors in Walnut Pine and Ash, Wash Howls, Base and every variety of fin- ish used inside and out in Dwellings Stores, Churches and Public Buildings, furnished at short notice of first quality and at fair Cash Prices, JOSEPH. F. PAUL & SONS. jan 1'7U — ly pami as\ l'rof . It u.i II bow 's ( x ^ ^wh R"i'tur0 t;ure Truss« V ^r WiTT^SCJ No S(( -{;1 Springs ! No W* KDF g<7 Wood Pads and no Uateh- § j *0 'Tij Z~~ e&' li 1'i'ti j. Hainbo ir 'a Jiupt - H ^niiC^i^ li re (Jure Truss . No dts- "Y* H U ^ J /" comforts. Fitslike a glove. ^=^^0^ Neglect not to call on or addres--. with stamp, M LINCOLN , octlO'70painily. Hamilton Place , Boston. F I S II E K M E Y ! HA H u Laid Hadley Twine for Mackerel Seine Fishermen. Nettings and Net and Seine Fittings of all kinds in large stock and best quality, for sale by H. & G. W. LORD, 1 1 1 Commercial Street, .Boston. nov 14— Gm pami bargains in Guns ! ! O WING to the introduction of Breach Loaders to reduce Stock we shall offer at Cost for a few weeks' time a large lot of aiiizzle Loading Guns of all grad-s—com- mon and hue, comprising the makes of W. & G. Scott & Son.Greener, Hollis, Eliis and others. Soaic very tine quality Scott Duck- ing Gnus for coast shooting, 8. 9 and 10bores with extra wide breaches for heavv charges, fine laminated gteel barrels, handsome oil Walnut Stocks, etc , Also light and medium weights. This is aii opportunity seldom of- fered of purchasing a fine Gun at a nominal price and is a more serviceable investment tban the purchase of a cheap Breech Loader. A large lot of low-priced Guns also from $6 up. Also all grades of Bre. ch Loaders from §2o.00 up. Sharp's Rifles, new,$10, &c. &c. AULUAM READ & SONS, 13 Faneuil Hall Square, Boston jan 9— 4w pami BIBHARTSHORNT ^ cmjHT-Sr *t EXTERNAI?;INTERNM To II» e Working Class.—We arc- now prepared to furnish all with constant employment at home, the whole ol Ihe time, or for their spare moments. Business new , light and p rofitable . Persons of either sex easily earn from : ">() cents to sj."> per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting thoir whole time to the busiuoss. l>oyv and girla earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may seud their address, and test the business wo make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars , samples worth several dollars to commence work on , and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, Geo. Stinson (fc Co., Portland, Maiuo. june27 ly *pami M A N H O O D : HOW LOST ,HOW UESTO IIED —¦—. Just published , ii new edition of Die ¦! ;¦ CI'LVKKWELL 'S CELUUATE D ES- ¦ —.—¦ SA Y of the radical cure (without medicine) of Si'KHMatoi cimkk or Seminal, Involuntary Seminal Losses, lin- potency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im- pedi ments to Marriage , "el c; also C'oirsii mp- tion , Epilepsy and Fits , indul ged by self-in- tlulge nge or sexual extniviigaiice, &c. Jijjr'i'nce, ii, a sealed envelope , only six cents. The celebrated author , in this admirable. Essay, clearl y demonstrates, from a thirty year.-,' successful practice, that the alarming; conseq uences of self-abuse may be radially cured without the dangerous use of intei im! medicine or the application of tho knife , " poi nting out a mode at once simple , certain, and effectual , by means of which every suf- ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply,privatel y, and rad- ically. J£jjrThis lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the laiitl. Sent, xinder seal , in a plain envelope, to any address, post p aid, on receipt of sis cents, or two posing1- stamps. Address THE CULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York • P. O Box 4." ..S<;. To the Honorable Justices of tho Supreme Judicial Court , to be held at Barustablo in the County of Barnstable and for the Counties of Barnstiibie and Dukes Coun- ty, oil the fir.-it Tuesday of May next : R ' EKPECTFULLY represents that U .W- KA1I (}. MAYO of said Barustisble , th at she was full y married to Hunktt S. Mayo at Boston, an she. 1 Ith day of i-V-bru- arj A. 1). 18(J!t ,— and aftci ward- ; they lived ns husband and wife al said Barnslable and elsewhere in this Commonwealth. That sho has always conducted bersc-lf as a faith- ful wife. Yet the s:tid Bartlttt S. Mayo , not rewarding hi s duty 'is a husband , u:i or j ibout the First dny of Jiily in tile year l.K 7;( deserted your li lidllant , with out cause, mid has ever siji ef- being a period of iiioro tliim three yearsconsecutivel y continued .such de- sertion. Wh ereupon sl:^ pi ays that she may be di vorce I Irom her said husband f rom the bonds of matrimony , and that sho may resume her farmer name which was H A N N A H G. T H AC H E K . And slur furt her represents that said ]J K.. Mayo i.-i now residing out of the Com nionwcnlth at some place unknown to her. Dated September ad , A. D. 1bH>. B. G. MAYO. Commonwenlfh of Massachusetts. B.MINSTABI.E AND Dt'KES COUNT V, SS. Clerks'Office of the Supreme Judicial Conrf , in vacation after May term 1S7C, ON the foregoing libel it is ordered that the libellant give notice to the said Bartlett S. Mayo to appear before the Jus- tices of our Supreme Judicial Court next to be holden at Barnstable in the County of Barnstable, and for the Counties of Barn- stables and Dukes County, on the First Tuesday of May next by causing to be pub- lished an attested copy of said libel and of this order thereon three weeks suooessivelv in the Barnstable Patriot, a newspaper pub- lished in Barnstable in said County the last publication in said newspaper to be thirtv day at least before the said first Tuesday of May, that he may then and there iu our said Court to be holden as aforeStoshow cause, if any he have, why the prayer of said libel should not be granted WUness, Horace Gra?, Esquire, Chief of n^ ' 8 k Ba!;nRtable, this twentieth dav of December A. D 187C A trnA o JA^Lb B< CROCKElt, Clerk. A true copy of hbel and order thereon . Attest, feb G_3wtMES B" CEOCKE1£ ' CIerk" \ J/jF lT BOES HOT «^tVI -??? gSpTOM. THE COST SHA?> Tha Medicines of E. Hartshorn & Sons ("The Family Medicine Houso," established by E. Il.'irts- horu, M. D , in 1H50) have attained a sain of morr than tlireo million k, an, '7C>—ly pami 2p WH. R, HURLBUT , Dealer in Dreu Goods, Suits and Sliails A General Assortment of Housekeep- ing Goods. 20 Hanov er St.. Boston. feb 6— 3m pami DRAMATIC. T HE Harwich Dramatic Club having dis- banded offer for sale at a bargain their new and costly DUO I* SCE *EHY I'ROPE!iT¥ consisting cf One blue cambric curtain , One Drawing lloom Scene, One Hut Scene. One Wood Scene, Six side Screens, Fixtures, &c. Size of curtain aud scenery 8x12 feet. Tho above has been used but one season and is nearly as good as new. A grand chance for any Society or Amateur Compa- ny. Reference—So Dennis Dramatic Associ- ation, and South Harwich Pilgrim Society. Address ALTON P. GOSS, dec 14 tf pami Harwich Mass. •SXTE RECOMMEND MRS. FRAV KS, be=j yV clairvoyant on love, !a«- t-uit?, Absent iriends marriage, divorce, contested wills, contracts, patent rights, lost property, vu'tnership, journeys and business afl'airs, i9 1-2 Tremont St, opposite Bos- ton Museum. Questions by mail $1. cciai'Tcilypami MAKE THESE FACTS. Ih e Testimony of the Whole World. HOJLLOWA i 'S FIL LS. "I had no appelid- ; Ho!lo\va> 's l'ill* g:iVe me a hearty one." "Your Tills are marvellous. " l i I send for another box , :nul ki-rp ihcui iu the l)ou se." "L>r. liuiloway lists cured my ln\-ulaehe tliat was ulironic. " "I gave one of your Pills to :ny babe fir cholera raorbus. The dear little " tiling j,ot well in a day." ".My nausea of a morning is now cured." "Your box of Hollow:iy?9 Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your ointment behind the ears, and the m ise ha^ left . -Send me two boxes; I want one for a poor hunilv." "I enclose a dolla r; your price is 25 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a doliar." ''Send me live boxes of your pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Fills by return mail , for Chills aud Fever I have over 200 such testimonials as the*e, but want ol space compels me to conclude FOlt CUTANEOUS DISOKDEKS. And all eru ptions of the skin , this oint ment Is most invaluable. It does not heal uxtern-dlv alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. ° H O L L O W A Y ' S T I L L S Invariably cure the following diseases. * DlSOHDKK OK TI1K "KlUNKYS Tn all diseases affecting these oigans,\vlietlier they secrete too much or too little water * or whether they be afflicted with stone or "ravel or with aches and pains settled in the loine over the regions ol the kiduevs, these pills should be taken according to the printed di- rections and the Ointment should be wtll rubbed into the small of the back at bed times This treatment will give almost immediaa relief when all other means have failed FOR STOMACH Ol'T OF OHDEI! >' o medicine: will so effectually improve the tone ol the stomach as these pills; thev re- move all acidity occasioned either bv iiitem- perence or improper diet. They -reach tho li ver and reduce it to a healthy 'aetioji • thev are wonderfully efficacious in the eases of spasm—in fact they never fail in curiu" all disorders of the liver :ind stomach • V. ULL°m '-< Y'S {>1LLS are tlie b' ^( known in the world lor the following di^-ises •_ Ague, Asthma , Billions Complaints , Blotches on th e skin , l' .owel s, Consumption , Debili ty Dro psy. Dysentery, Kiysipelas, Female Ir- regularities levers of all kinds . Fits, Gout , Headache, Indigestion , Intimation , .Jaundice Liv er Complaints , Liiml,:iKo. Pile s. Hlicu- matism , Relation of urh.e , s.-roluli, or Kin-'* Lm! . sore throats , Stone and (; niV i-l T? c- Douloreux Turners. nct,-s, Wonns ' of all kinds , ^ eakness irom auv onus.. ,.lL. I ML'ORTANT CArTIux • None are -enuiiie unless tin- si-n-tture of T Haydock , as agent tbr the rfi ^ St ° ,J" suiK.unds each box ofl'ills and Oi.Xme ^ A handsome reward will be given to y 0"ni! raidcring such informa ion as will lea to He detectio n of an p:,r,yor couiUerlek - he medicinesor vending the same, know 5 them to he spurious. s ***Sold at the manufactory of Prof. JiOI r O- w ay A: Co., .Nhv York , and bv all respecfi- ble i!ruKff.sts and dealersin medicine tliroug , out the eiv.hzed world , iu boxes at 25 cents 02 cents and -si each. cnl -» tlKJer ^s? 011 ^" ^ Savhlg by t:iki1 ^ N.U. —Directions for the guidance of pa- tients ,u every disorder arc aiKxi'tJ to eacu Olfu-e, 112 Liberty Street , New York. Goo. ('. Goodwin , liosto n, Sole Agents for New England States. octlT'Tt! ly pami