- . Mechanic- * Fair,
See advertis ement ol ' Mrs . 1>. A
Stearns. Woburn. .Mass.
Oi >x.-rirrTivi-.?, Take
uioiiioii t of iiciay nirikos your case more
litij it-I c.-f . iiud much iJepenilrf on the judic -
ious elioico of n rcmeily. The amount of
testimony iu fiivor of Dr. Bcheuck's Pr.l-
liieinL- Sviup. as n cue for consumption ,
fur txi'o^ds all that can be brought to sup-
port th-; preiousions of any other medicine.
Soe Dr. Schouck's Almanac, containing the
^•r;;Mca:e:; of many persons of the highest
n spertabiiit y. who have been restored to
health , after being pronounced incurable
by phvsicin ns of ackuowlcdced ability.—
t-khei.ckV: I'.iliiiou ic Syrup alone has cured
niiaiy, a? those evidences will show : but
the cure is ofbm promoted by the employ-
v.\c::i of two other remedies which Dr.
Se-hentk rrovides for the purpose. These
additio nal remedies are Schenck's Sea Weed
Tonic and Mandrake IMls. By the timely
use of thcHo medicines
iio::s, l> r Sc-iiem-k ccrtitios that most an\
C iso of consumption ma7 be cured.
i.'r. hichecck is professional ly at his prin-
cipal office , Corner Sixth and Arch Streets,
Philadelphia, every Monday, where all let-
ters for advice must
Noti ct-. — Evf-n
nccordiiM' to direc
31aiiur <
ror more, than a quarter of a centu ry,
•md m Kui- iipe , patient aud persistent iii-
quiry _ h'.K Wan made in the question of
anilicinl aannrcs. Tho cntonme of it all
is . t:,:it in ti.ix , as w,A\ i-i so many other
iiu-.ation.s, !hc only safe 1.;!,.> jK to ' follow
nature .
Nature m. ver makes a s '(•.l-licaiiii L; plant
that dots in.it idw.-iys conf;iin Nitrn sren ,
Ma^u'sia. Pota-h and Pliosphoric Acid ,
(L.-ili i j :) beside these, Iron and Soda are
Often present in yi potable life , and in defi-
nite pi-O 7ti i.i;s for each plant. To this
all a!>ric:ihural chemists a;;ree. Of these
deino'.i ts , all of the Mugncsia . Potash aud
Phospho:io Acid . Iron and Soda , conies
from tho soil , aud more or L>ss of the
Nitrogen according to tho habit of tho
pi.nits , some plants taking their Nitrogen
largely from the air . The soil of the earth
was tormurly rock. This rock by the ac-
tion of he it and frost , rain and drouth ,
gradually becomes disintegrated and M-ig-
ne.sia. Potash. Phosphoric Acid , and other
plant food eh-nienfs wore eliminated and so
reduced in form and so combined as to be-
come food for plants, and while the elimi-
nation of this plant food was partial, the
lowest, forms (;f plants found their food.
As these died they left their remains on tho
bed of their yrowth .aiul in this way added to
the store of plain food which nature- in other
ways was r-ver gettin g from the rocks. So
the matter has gone on for ages, and is to-
day going on. The result is, that left to
nature , plant food is ever accumulating in
t':u iv.rih's crnst. Soil--, composed for the
most |\;vl of decomposed rock, differ very
much. 1st . As !¦) th- yearly amount o"f
plant f o.l they y ield 10 nature 's action
r.pen them . '
'nd . They differ quite as
widel y on their p'jwer to retain plant food
al ti ;e; r surface..
Nature heiself keeps up the amount of
food necessary for the plants she bears on
!:¦ t b.s-;om . but when man steps into the
:i Id !Ue result of his labors is to abstract
yearl y fr,:m the earth thr ug h crops for
m.'iv ; Lint food oli-monts than she is able
of producing yearly. Iiy plowing and hoe-
ing man brings into use the plant food ,
store : up thrn!H ;h past ages, and as well .
ii-i-tei is tho elcnientation ot plant food from
the soil . P,ut piow and hoe as well as he
may. he will surel y exhaust all this plant
too '. p«\ duced by nature ye.irly, and th".t
stored i:i t h e suil bv cnuntii - s- ; agp-s.
'i h e t i c ' is I'l 'eo g!!;;:;.'.] 0:1 all sides by
tl elds bi euniiiiL' less ;• '1• i !. ' -s abkf to uriin-
t :.i :: a cr::j i wit!;.K it a];p iieil l a a n u r e . Ordi-
!!::ry sia '.'e i--:auu :'i' is composed of grass
par '
o:e!y de'.'- -n:pi!-;ed as it passes throug h
n:ri !:::l . Ft i : i'^::::d !.i !.e uri ' ei paily
water. N> :-:t \Vo. .-dy !ib,-v . tii en Niti-ii geii
Po tasii , M.ig:u.—i:i . Phosp horic A cid .tc. ,
ju. -t wuat we liad i:i ihe i^ iiiss. Kv cry 0110
k- uiv.s liow well .-table manure is adapted to
ra. siug gr:iss. and it is ea-;v to account for
ihi. , if v.h l-ellcct that it contains all the lIu-
tiii -i :i .-i u f gr.i-s, because it is from gra ss.
No w 11 we have read nature ari ght , we
pe rceive Lit that the earth crust is an 111-
exliau- lible source of plant food. 2nd that
-he al ways supp l ies crops—each in its kind
wiiii certain soil elem -iii. -: of plant food —
al ways present in a crop, without which
lli-j c:0). cannot be. per!'. uV > 'i. :ifd that by
lie; illustration of rhe adaptability of stable
man:.11' . to rai se iii 'j Ui -v. ai.d so mean to sell to him
din ct. Tiiey will furnish their fertilizers
of !-77. perci Jitage of Xi' ro
eti , JIag:ie-iia ,
Poia.sh iii ul l'nosphuric A cid placed on
•.v ery package and gu aranteed , and in car
load s (about lu tons) delivered at any rail-
road station in New Eng land for £.'
>< ) per
ton . The price for lsj 'j -va.9 !$"
>.") in JJos-
lu Wa quoii. !>! ;r,sl.. by Kev. ]?ich-
anl l'.ur :i. Mr. IJ h v i n i-\ Morton oi
New J Set I Ion 1. !w Miss Kunic (> I> .,
(laug liler oi' (' ap t. W' esiou .1. Swift ot
Wai i uoit.
(11 ti arnstaiiie . l l i u nisi.. Airs. Sa-
lome .X.. widow of the late Cliarle.s
l l i n c k J e y . a^eti 7i( year s, s mouths.
[Fun eral from her laie residence on
Wednesd ay afternoon at quarter ol
three .]
Iii Ea sfFalmouth dtli iu.st..Air. Cha.s.
Fish er, a^i .'d ~
rl ye;;rs .
In Brewster. l.-l inst., ~S\x. Zoel h
Snow, iiii'cd MJ years.
lu Cliathani. .
i lsi all., of Consump-
ti on. Iiev. .1Uil'us (' . Sniitli, aged -Jii
vears . -1 t i i o uih s . j!i*
i day s .
in Sottili Harwich. " 27th ult.. Afrs.
(' yuilia (iott ld. wife oi' the late ilicbard
(b iulii of Chatham, aued Mi years.
J7iii ulr.. Alden >>'icker.son, aged ~
years and -1 months .
In West Harwich. 20ih ult., I'odney
. J.oii^;". jiged i"
.l years and Ii nios.
in ^*i'w I'iedford".1th inst.. Sall y Cas-
well. aired ^s s ears.
In !>rocklon.7lh ins!.. IlelenKinsley.
daughter of Allen and the late Elvira
(.'rocker, aged ¦> years. 7 inos., 14 days.
In r.oston.ot!i insi.. of pneumonia ,
Kiizabeth I) . Small, daughter of the
hue Wev. ^.
'atlianiel Cogswell of Yar-
mouth , and widow of the late .
X. Small. Esq.. of Milwaukee. "\Y~is..
aired On years .
-Swccicil ^ Coiiccs
riio llyamiis Dramatic and .uu-
sical Association
Will give two entertainments for The Bene-
rit of the Poor of Hyanuis, on WEDNES-
and loth , at Masonic Hall.
On Wednesday eveniag will be perform-
ed Geo. M. Baker's drama in two acts, en-
titled -'Among the Breakers." To conclude
with the roaring farce entitled , 4l 3, A. M."
On i'hur.-;d;-;y evening will bo presented
!tvo. 3.1. Dakor 's Great floral Temperance
Drama , in three acts, (by special request of
this and adjacent Villages) "The Little
Urown Jug. "
Tickets to all parts of the Hall, 2."
. cents.
Doors open at usual hour. Entertainment
commences at 7;.! o'clock
isolates' O!«! I»Inn oi' tlic M o u n t a i n
a.ivc r £5il!s huU ilotlaiicL- to Dypei^i;!, all
Liver uii.i KiJiicy Comphiini? , Constipation. Fc-
m:ilu weakness , and all kindred diseases. Their
act if n is pleasant without gripp or pain. Thev are
the host in the world. Try them.
dec 12'71—tjm liami
0^S$k Oatmeal
i@fiiToifet SoaP-
v^T^iV / ^'
ie onl.
v ffenuine Oatmeal
^MggkSr Soap is K()P,INS0N'S 0AT-
JIKAL GLYCERINE. It is the cheapest
tine Toilet Soap iu the world , and a perfect
Winter Soap. It you have never tried it , do
so at once. Ask for liobinson's Oat meal
Soap, made only by ROBINSON BHOS. &
CO.. Boston. oct 24—Orn nami
A Card.
To all who are suffering from the errors
and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak-
ness, early decay, loss of manhood. &c. I
will send a recipe that will cure you. FKEE
OF CHARGE. This great remedy was
discovered by a missionary in South Amer
ea. Send a self-addressed envelope to Rev
Joseph T. Inman, Station D. Bible House
Neic York. nov 10—6mp
valentines Valentines !
SPLENDID assortment , not h Comic aud
Sentimental, at wholesale imd retail, at
Hyannis, Pel), l.'i , 1S77. 2\v p
Mis'ist'st ISoaiOE 's Aws« r«i«»«1
Medal and Diiilohw. at lit e Centennial E.<
/ msitton to
!?Irw. IS. A. STEAKAS,
luqiroved Folding Diagram
Ip^OU Cutting Ladies and Children 's Dress-
|~i i's. .Vlsii rce.'iv. i! Fir>i 1' r izc Meik.T > throtighoi.it the
Coun try pruiioiince ii THE IJEST.
Mr s. Stcarn.s will j;i\c spi'rial instructions
on Tu esday.'
; , Wcd;:i- .
-d:iy s and Tlpjrsdavs at
l!l Winter Strci-t , U. ..i>m 1, Uoston.
Full in structions with Diagram for live
1 a li.erns cut in J/i -asurc.
Lib eral teni.s made '
.o agents.
Orders fur Diagram.- w ill receive prompt
itlcntiuii, bv add'
n'.-.-i::!;, as formerly.
Mks ."
feb l:!— -t\v panii Woburn, Mass.
Cood News forthe Birds
liESil Sicil y Canary. Hemp, Kape and
Millet Seed , and Cuttle Fi.-h Bony niiu-
stantly on hand at BAKEJt 'S.
llyiiunis , Feb. i:> , 1^77. 2\v p
85Washin^iOH Strect^oston ,
(Near Hanover.)
PfifiTS f a WM
Cients ' Calf Double Sole Cn-tom made
15oots . ss 00
1 Call'lj ox Toe Si-wcd (.
linots . * ' -2 50
Ladies' Straight Grain Calf Button
Pioots, :; r,o
Ladies' Kid and Goat I'.utton Boot s, :
! 00
Lad ies' lie.-t (Quali ty Rubbers , -l.j
Children 's Caif Hand Made .School
Hoots . 1 00
Children 's (iosit Sewed P.utton Hoots . (io
ij[5 ^fGooi
.ls sent by mail.
i;m 17—oin panii
for c-.Hb at BAKERS' .
H yannis. Feb. Hi , lt~77. '
2w p
I Auit v>n wiil i)0 roiivm.'t'd 1lint
ciru my
rPTtV 1IAS X 0 A'V L 'AL.
XXL X It is not a Dye, hut restores the
hair to its muural color, giving
it the glossy appenrani ' • of
j youth. It is a fine Hair Dress-
ing, mid contains nothing in
m |the least injurious. Sold by all
. ! drugg ists. If your druggist
j does lipit have it , we will send
, you sample bottle on recei pt of
! the prve . 'I-l.exprc-ss u.iid.
j Ea Cor. Court A- Howard butets
nov It , '7G, ly panii is
Biodgett Oyer-Gaiter Co
MA N U F A C TUR E i.lR of Gent 's Fine Ov-
er Gaiters. Ladies' Ank lets Mid Leg-
gins, Military and Hunt ers' Legg ius, from
Cloth , Uuckskin. Linen, Leather. ,Ve.
4i i.'> Washiniitoxtnii.
W. ][ . GOULD. Treasurer
3w or. r
inn 30
U J\ D E R T A K K R 8 ,
At their Rooms on
Main Street, HYAAXIS,
Have samples of all the various»patterns
ai.d styles of
Coflisi§, Caskets & Fitting 's.
They would call special attention to the
new. raised-top, half glass, round « rnered
COFFINS , tilling, as they do , the j)hice be-
tween the common .
-haped Coffins and Cas-
kets, and as to priee aud neatness of design
cannot be excelled. Eltick and white covered
Broadcloth CA SKETS furnished at short no-
Samples can also be seen at rcom
Over A. G. CusU's Slore in Cotuit
where all orders will receive prompt attention
(For 20 years foreman of the Cape
Cod Rail road Paint Shop.)
(JiOomsoverA. G. Cash's Since Store ,J
HyafiBsais, lla sj*.
Sign , Furniture and every description of
Fancy Painting ai.-o executed in the best of
inaimp r.
Dealer in Paints . Oils , Varni shes, etc, and
Agent -for the Albion "White Lead "Works'
Pure "White Lead. etc.
Croq uet Setts,
Cucumber Wood Pumps
Cheap as the Cheapest.
A. large lot of Stone Glazed Drain Pipe, al
sizes from 4 to 12 incites, with elbows
to match, at the lowest market price.
The largest and best selected stock ever
displayed in this County, comprising one
hundred and eighty-live differen t patterns
all the way from six cents to one dollar.—
Call and see them.
Going to Housekeeping
And want a nice Stove, Cabinet Eange,
Crockery or Wooden "Ware, or any thing in
the House Keeping line cheap and of the
best quality, and in fact anything, call on
thos e, who wish to have life-size Cray-
on 1'icAv
.rtx mad e will do well to call on
A. ( i. K L D R I D G E and give him their
ord er, lie will .^
et them up better pictures
of this kind than any th;.l have ever been
ma> !e in this locality. Frames lor 1he same
will be sold very low. Samples will be shown
at the Gallery.
(.'all and see the I 'liut^i/ rapJis on exhibi-
tion , and you wil l be sun; to carry away u
perfect liken ess ufyoursclt. No [p ictures al-
lowed to yp > out of tl:.-; yalkry unless ae-
knowl edireil satisfactory.
The best hours tor children is from 10 to 1
o'clock, linw often we hear Hlich remarks
as "Oh ! i!' 1 had only had a picture of my
child, what a satis faction it would have been.
How could I have been .so careless as to have
delav ed until ll was too late ," etc., etc.
OKI pic tures cop ied, I'iihir^
ed and finished
in Ind ia Ink. "Wai er Colors , or any manner
desired. A lew more of those beautifu l and
interesiinu; Centennial Views left . A nice
variety of Fancy K:ame j MuiiUIin <> s will >>e
kept in slock and Krallies will be made to
order , at the shiniest notice , and at prices as
low as they can he boutrlit anywhere.
Stereoscopes , liraekets , Scrap Albums, aud
Photograph Albums constantly on hand.
TOaiBt Sfrt'oi, - - - Ifiyaj mis
llre«*fl«i fj oj uiiias" !.
Saim: wiih pi-iol .-lock and rebttunding
Locks at -JUK i-\2 ai:d 6-i .
S:mie m Lain iinted Steel and Damascus, at
s-l.-). sis , eOO. ,Vr. Ac.
Same, verv liup .' (;iiali !it:s , at §.00, §0."
), ST."
A full >to ck of W. A C. Scott slid Sons'
noted (.' tins from si;.'
).00 up.
C^ll and cxainiuc !
13 Faneuil Hali Square , Boston
fe b i:i— ¦Iw pami
.Matkiki.d Fi-:i{Tii.i/.]-:ii for isTii gave
grea ter suti.--fact ion than any other in the
i'ruf. W. o. A t w at er. of the Connecticut
Auricii l tural Staiioii. m.ide many un::lyses for
]s7i ;. and oll ickiiiv re;j re>ents that , the Mat-
lii 'lit J-'<:i 'tili. 'j ers were id way.- of Higher Coin-
inen :i:d \' alue than was claimed on the label
attaeiied to each package.
AV'e claim that tin ; Matjh.id Form ula s are
th e most succe.-.-lul and produce better and
mor e unif orm rcsulu than any oilier chemi-
cal lerliliz er formulas . l!y ir.crea-ed facilities
we sruaranl t 'e a lleil er article for 1*77 than
has"ever been sold iu America. In any fair
trial the Matt '
n-.l'l Fertili s er will prove, itselt
Hie .Most Reliable.
A Special Fert ilizer for cacn Kills .* ol crop
is beyond i|iies tioll ihe best. t\'e olVe r .
000 Io ail v oui 1 w Ippi will prove our, 1^77 Fertili-
zers Io be .
-u b.-!alll ialiv below till 1
, formulas
ex pixs. ed on th
¦label s uiuLt which Uses are
The i j i i r s . 'oii i~ oi 'li n a sk t d H O W M l ' t .
'I I
to i i' .p lv i o t h e ai'i' i ': l:i rejjl y wi; ask " H o w
l i i u c l i b
"- ;rn-v;:r d l u i i i i l i r e i!o y o u n.-ua!!v a];-
plv a n d h o'.r in :¦•:• is y o u r u< v,A y ip M r " Soils
ilili'er. I i 't h e '.md is f e r n l i 'i / tt a m i iloe> not
readilv imld pl. !ii; food , tn e Fcf tili/cr had bet-
ter be applied w i t h barn-yard manure—for
the manure forms a bed as long a- it la^ts by
which th e plant food isretained. but it the.
soil is ' •R K T K N T i VK " use tin: .Matt ic ld Fer-
ti lizer without any o.her manure.
Special rates for ear-load lot.
Send I'or Pamp h lets and further information
to H E N R Y N. HO OPER. Manager Muttield
Fertilizer Company, i:i Dunne Street , Bos-
ton, feblo—4m pauii
In: S. T. BlRmGIU U,
Tim Ci-lebr.'.l&d Native Indian
Klood FuriSViiSSS' PhysicisiBi
(lias ij cen esti'.blished in Uoston over '
Yeai s.)
J l
IS nuir.rrous mediciuos are all war-
L rant-, d if tl.e directions fire strictl y
foll owed , and tire j .ut up to suit the case
which is under treatment.
They ar e pmvlv wg--t able , nil minerals
being strictl y txcl udi.d from their composi-
si t 'pi pi .
Tue result oi" tne inelieino can be seen at
his uilice. as wi-!l as ih-)iis:inds of recom-
lue ndatious from j )'j rsu:is whom he has cur-
ed : and thous.iiid.-: of j ier sonal testimonials
wiil bo ';l.iili y f; i ve.n to his great skill in the
cu r'1 of list-a- .e.
Pei-fect examination s gi ven to the satis-
fao tinn of all v< 1:0 call upon him , without
eh lr gp .- ;i rd w i t h o u t .(n ¦ stioning.
Hi s oiliec d-ivs :!•¦>; Tuosilays, Wodr.o-days
and Thursday;-1, fro;- , '.i A. JI., to 2 P. M. at
i;:: c\mi:r!:;:t;-: sireet, uoston,
where h..- will '¦:¦
, happy to wail, upon all who
call. fp .
-b i;i—c,\v pa:ui
'l Wei! known throu ghout Xew Eng-
" land as th.! "Wiirrr.sr, Flnk.s
t and
>-s in. wide , on reels, for
Cur tain Sticks.
LEAD RIBBOX , from 2 1-2 to S inches
wide, ou reels lor Builders.
LEAD PIPE, of ar.y size or thickness .
At low est market prices for soods of equal
feb i:'. 's7—lyp Treasurer , Salem , Mass.
I especi all y invite, the attention of
to my very
€hO3 €C .^tOi '
k Oi"
a~« r™ r3" ir^
t sent on
app lication.
leblS Ow liami
Asthma an d lafarrli Cure,
For Aslha sia , May Fever,
ISose €oiii, aenJ Cata a-B'li.
In all cases, however distressing, this Med-
icine is sure to give immediate relief. and will
effect a care if persisted in for a short time.
Prepared and sold by
feblo—4-w panii 23 Un ion St., Boston.
WTOTICL is hereby given that the subscri-
IW her h:is been duly appointed Executrix
JL1 ofthn ostate ami will of FREEMAX
IIALLETT, late ot' Barnstable in the County
of Barnstab'.e, deceased , aud has accepted
that trust and given bond as the law directs.
Aud all persons having demands upon the es-
tate of .said deceased are hereby required to
exhibit the s;ime; and all persons indebted *o
the said estate are called upon to make pay-
ment to LUCY B. HALLETT.
Barnstable, Feb. 13, 1S77. 3w p
Y/ ALENCIA Oranges 30 cents per doz.
Y Mussina Lemons, 30 cents per doz.
Xew Date-, 12 cents per lb.
Cooking Pruues, 12 cents per lb.
Choice Candy, 2;"
< cents per lb.
at BAKElt'S.
Hyannip, Fob. 13, 1877. ' 2\v p
Will be sold at Public Auction on THURS-
DAY, the first day of March , ai two o'-
clock 1'. AL , on the premises,
r rUIE well known residence oi the late
JL Enoch T. Cobb. consisting o! a two-
story Dwelling House. Bnrn , Carriage
House, and other outbuildings , w i n about
seven acres of land uiulerand adjoi. ing the
same in a high state uf cultivation .
Also, about one and a half acres of land
south of the County Road , and adjoining
the laud of Suioncr P. Gorhani.
Also, about six acres of land north of the
Alsn, six or seven acres of land south of
the Old Colony ltailroud.
Also, Salt AJ arsh on Sandy Neck.
Also, will be soi l lit .the same time and
place, 20 Shares of the First National Bank
of Yarmouth. "
¦Shares of the fust National Bank of
12 Shares of the National Bank of the
Republic, Boston.
11 Shares of the National State B.mk,Bos-
2 Shares of the Old Colony .Railroad.
For any information enquire of ISAAC
DAVIS, agent lor the Town of Barnstable.
Barnstable, Feb. 12ih . 1S77. 3\vp
OF —
beat m\n a
Ihiijy, Weekly , and Semi-Weekly. {\
BeM Fo.mili
j Xevspaper in Kev Km/ land. \
The Telegraph ic Reports, Special De- I
sp- ic 'ies f rom New York ai:d Washington,
the Local Departments of the Ti'.avklli.
will be enlarged Iroiu time to .
'inn- , to meet
the demand s of its rap idlv growin g (-i-cula-
tion and th e Legislative and Court Ri ports
will be thn best that it is possible to obtain.
The Shi p Ne ws, the Ra ilroads , and the Ma r-
tels wi ll also receive the. undivided attcn- 0
tioj i of able and experienced writers.
Music nud the Drama , will be subj ects
for careful criticism.
Literary and Social affairs will receive a
full share ui attention. p
Ihe Correspondence of the Tkavelker,
forei gn and Domestic, will be varied and in-
A gri eulUu'id aud Domestic matters gen- I
orall y will receive their full share of atten- I
tention. I
The Review of the Week will continue to '
be the leading feature of the Saturday edi-
Mr. Beecher's Sermons will continue also. (|
as one of the attractions of the Saturday '
Daily Evening Traveller,
Five Edtious each day. ft!) .00 per year,
7;"i cts. a month by mail , postage prepaid.
(Semi-Weekly) issued Tuesdays and Fri-
days. * 1
American Traveller,
( Weekl y) issued Thursdays. r
The Semi-Weekly and Weekly editions of 1
the Traveller will be made up especiall y
with ref-.-re:ice to the country readlers. Tln--y "|
will contain in addition to the usual at.tiac-
tioiis of the daily, ori gnal and selected
stories, agricultural and horticultural re-
ports and information , scientific essays, and -
articles upon all subjects which interest the J
famil y circle. It is the purpose of ihe por-
prioturs to make these editions complete
in every essential characteristic of a Popu-
lar Fan.ily Journal. §
TERMS : American Thavellee , in clud- f
ing postage. One Copy, per annum. N2. 00 :
Five Coiiies. ft7 ~>Q ; Ten Copies (one cojiy
free) ftl'p.OO ¦ Twenty Copies (one copy _
free) •*2.'
Boston Travkllek, including postage'.
One Copy, per annum , S; 1.00 : Five Copies,
ftl",.00 : Ten Copies (one copy free) ftl'.O.OO
Twenty Copies, one year, (one copy free)
ft.">0 Oii .
fHTSpechnen Copies Free.
jan ;!0 Bosto:-% Mass. tf p
y<'-:-.—". . H i ' .
-i i i > T .'
.v.A!;iKAT .
-• • — -
Jarls, lllenna, Santiago,
1873 ; f 1875 ; Q 1875 ;
Only or.4;mP as>:_LTii^'l first rank at CYnicnnirU. j
Heyardei l ¦ ¦
icralbi. i
li's-at vny it'ta i>f styU s itc }>rif c * irhi i /t < / c> <;< < he im- \
los-sible f u r icr.rk of s 't' -h t j ¦t-it eiiy c ,'ri t .\i>;u un-
qualed f aeWtii'x f u r m u n v
/ w t n rv.
E X A M .
'T.KS OF t':
Five ftctavc /<•>• iiii-iit 'i l;/ nr t.u<,, :r:bi j .a t,¦im/its , or •:
¦enteil un til rani ;;<;w. <\t! - [i< ^pi< -n free. !
54 Troinuiit St.., -
"i Uniu n Rq.. ell Adams St.,
FK ESi.flA.^ BB . IL^Ti31iOl% !
A ;:trnsln5>l(' a:i«i VarnnMiili.
^ Rosewood Pia^io for;
SiOO I !
Th e Snlifcs-il.er lias a £oo.l \
^^^^i;OSi:\V()OJ.) PIANO i\>r >-;:le
5 § g " fi for ftidu .
NATII L BA< " !> y.
Hjrannis, January .
"i> : 1.^77, *lw p
itl-TR'1-: l l o r i iS: ] v
!' -I. .V. f 'l 1 I' . V
. [ "
.Vn '.ppi'.nt at lli-k , s.
"i.ii|"i i !
|i 'i
C.:-il A - .-( 'tS ,
^ '
7S.il4 "i Ii; ) I'l
( a-!i Surp lus , !:'..T.'
.T ^:)
A n . i . l i h l (•: !^> m '< !¦::;.] ;;; .11 y i - j sr s . T' !.'i:M !2 "
'v \ « i":!i;
t' l i i v i i l - ' i i i l j u i i i l > i n c i.' ]s;i:j, n v i 'r :
>(/' —
1-i'r .•,• !!• .
l. i' --;- 's liy l.;:r ii!!) :!',:; are p.'iiil Iiy tl ti -= dm- J
¦M '-.y 1 i) t»: i - - i; U 1 '. ii . : i r K- : ip l ' l i r c j i r v i - i l ' ' i' .
IHv.-iiir.u- . l!:u;i- . < 'iiun -Ii p - s. Stores, Shop-
:ir.' t ! v;i : '
n- i i i - i i i p - r i ' .ii "
( c X f i ' j i t i n g sl o i-U s i l l
i r ml i ' i i!i >l i f i 'i! :i! :v:! s < i i : : ; ! i ! i - m t
i.s. N o :W-
s i- - - : :i c i i i- i \v ;:s c \ i !• ii;:n!;' i iy t i l l s Ci> K !p : i l i v , t
\ v ! i i Ii l i a s ] . : i i i l :i h ir m r a v . T !
¦ c i l i v
u l c r- i l i
t i ! : ' ! i ^r iy i- i i h i ' i - ( '¦p l, . . ; .a u y ol U s ;
.izc i u t h e »
ST ;p : ; ¦ l o r 11;. ' i : : - i Vt! v-l
oi i r yi 'a rs .
T i n 1
n e t n i s i oi i i x i r i u j rD
w rl l i n j r s, lUr .
-u s .
i " ) ! i ! i'U ! • - . i l c . h as ii i .t !n t h o i u -
t h i r . l ::s l i i ue li
!n . h i - l' i ; i i !j . ;; : iy t h a i it l i a s In cii i n a n y o l i . t r o
< '¦!!:¦ | . i i i iy ii .: : iu - l m .- i i H 's.- on <
ap e C m i l
'; ir i l i c ft
I '¦
' i w p .'u : ;, -.i \ f w.i!>. i - X i - fj i i i i i ii i l u ' l l i i iu i i a m '
' ; .i ; . . i ny . A n y r isk s i l ; a i i I n - I S a r u - l a i. i e
( > ¦ : . , ; :i i iy cu n ui i l w r i i c w i i l h;- j i l a c i- i l i n ; h e
" i i : i . . : i : i i¦ • " I n :
i l i o .-i- u i '
o u r c i i s t o n i
c i s t h a t
i . i ay ii - i i - i' i l . d
.'•-! •: i' e : . i i i . i i s I'..;- i n s u r a n c e .
- h e-i il d he m a d e n
. !: • > ¦:¦; ; , ; '>
or t o a ny of t h e l u l l o w i iijr '•
!: \ x- i !> K . A K I N . Sui i i h V a rm o i i t h . SI M-
.-' i S A' S ' \ V v - ! ! l) . W f i i i l i' i ' l : < ! ! A l ; l , !- .S r .
• > ! ' .\ ;;• : ' , < ., 'i iii I' u r : : .!< >s 1 11 \ v .
i ^ : . \ :
• !' . r i i .- . :i > ; 11,i : r i ;i X ( i: t ; . m i m h i i - '.
-" ;
:.. :: ¦ '. : : i > A \ ! ) > l U ' U S U - I Y , i l an i - l a i . ! . ' :
t- . N - i i . S U . lU K i K l I S . o n .-a i i s ; V A ! . I- ;N -
i ' : N : ; Mp ' A N !- : . i l a i".vi- -l i l' pp i l : Cl ! A i: I . K S i
i!. 1! A I . ! . , • • a n d'.vii -h : -I f >S. I t . 1! A l . ! . . 11- - J
:.. ¦'.: '. - : .
! A . M K S S. N l l W K S , !;a-l I». -j -.i,;< .
< ; E < > . "
¦/ '/ ¦
. s,¦
,¦! ¦
¦i n / -
". t
")' .: I" i:i < - 11111 r . ' l'i. Dec. :!1, l^Tii. l v p J
& flllPKTIIli
FO K, A. I .Tj .
T W ^j ? M ^^
; '3
-P C^
.b iEI i2
^ &'i& S slj» 8%. ^Ssg
e vt 5*eiB3Bs «. Mrs *.
•oods delivcied free. i special eil'o.-' i o please i*11-
km& Com'rtnMerchant,
S j ieiii 2O < < » < tsCios Slip,
39 Wntfii- Stroc-f , IVcw York,
1'. O. T.ox 3U1.
IfaviiiL ;
- es '
.ahlisiii 'd niysi-lfiii v.s t r i c t ly I' om-
lission iJu ^ille ^^ . for tile sale of ail kinds of
Pickicd and Dry Fish
C'asj o i'ail C'raBiberri^i ,
^ould >ulicit p.-iiii - iirni iii'iirs from tlu iscwish-
iir In ih- ai in il:i > niarkt t, !< 'cliii£ ei.ntidet:t
la; my rx]h-i-icnce as a wholesale dealer for
lc iiasi iwciu y-two yi ars in this oily will
j .
-uU in I he en tire saii-laciion of shippers.
Plump! returns guaianuvd. A'.iVan ees
177 & 183 Bl acksto ne Street ,
!:;. Vi'l iUiOWS & HllililS,
i lf i v ; >' ,V •:• ;,! l> i..nr Frames , Stair l lai-
*>' u-.:e.-s. ri-.-; mi!i!,
'r i :,« A:e.. A:e.
V\'o -.li- '.'A i:\: -'i liave a roiup le 't: assi.riui'tJnt
^.arbleized Slate Mantles and
'i'lie.-e j .;ood-; ;.re \ -r \ - hands<)m > and
uviihle . ;'.re i n ¦
¦ vari ely ut" culwrs , and are
ot staii. i ii I>v 'ui cr a-.'i..ls. We invite spee-
il ai!. - :.ti - n: tn thein .
de e 1-. '7ii— ly pami
j . A. & W , Bi rlD «Sc CO,,
Lit ) .Milk Street , Boston ,
"Whole-ale Dealers in
ji N I > ;ii:i!.u! 'ac; urer> ol \ ami-lies and .la p-
.»% mi- . Sole a-vi.ts r,,r l-",)re>t Kivi -r W hilo
*" Lead (( > .. of Salem. Ma - .-..; Collier
A'hile Lead Co .. ol ' S:. l...u is . .Mo.; P>o.
'olor ( i).. i.i :'. i- ;¦ ph. Ma.-.-. Deah r- in want
if Taints can a l w a y s obtain them of us at the
owe.-! niarkt Nra ;> >. imv 1-1 —i!ui pallli
"">•? V-
i .
- •-:i i iiii (osi S« r et ' « , E T o s t o u .
i .
' ' . ¦
/ > .. s .i"/i //. rtil 'i ( ijjirc. )
\' l\ l -"
i' _.oi,i;lc m an am: woman should
'; ¦
• \- \.\- \i ! - p :•• i: ii - l e u i- :i j ili oj i e r at ' i r : it is
- ' ol ;p- o!" 1 ' . •
¦ !i e-i l i l l - i u e - s :l \ ilil lli C ]iel' -
-o ii e. ' u ;d ei: ..
¦- .
- • i i : . I; L'he s e n i p l ip y m e i i t
I i ie Vi - a r !. . i . i . A"\
a ; i t e d i n i t n e d i a
t e l v l.
y o u I!-.
- i . i i .i - . : nl v.
' o i i i' n I o I e a r n t i n - l n t < i i i < ss
i o r i - !l i i • ¦• ¦• !¦ • i i i s - r : ' i i - .
~ : j >! -
i n ii. V"V p a r t i i1-
u i : il' .- : I ! i' > ; i :
'.-• i i a ' I . or a i iir e s s \\ \ l \ i > i : i mp ,
.]. .i. t i i . L L K l s K X , Miiiui^cr.
l'eh Ii "
.I!. ; M i l l l i n i l
1 !A it D W AV iK
W M . A. M AKT1. N".
( Siu -c i - - : ir i i i i i . i i i n i : a m ! V a r t ii i ,
!i n ; o i : r a m i d e- i ie r i u
iiU^ ilsij aud Amei'ican
J t i A I t R W A E J K .
.Vp i . r. / ' '/ ( /,- S 'j t t a r r , H o S T
c V.
Oi i'i'^'i!' !; c o n t a i ns a coni | i l e t c a- .- o r t n i e i i t
of I lu i l : I- i - ' -Mid i .iii: iii -I i l a i d w a r e . . M a e l i i u -
i.- t - li ll ! ( a l | H l i ! i T ".
s Too!.- .
oct 10, '7i; - ly p a i i i i
A';:' i.ii\x iFJc ; viz i: ^
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*> 5 -p . -L' ur ii i it i r r S t o r e d ;
?;£' ;: iV'i 1
' i' llililtl r i Sj ^ Sj t* J
;-i/i^aOrr/r *
< ' oi-iiij i- .M;>i11 and Bi-id ^e ^ I rc -fts
| Y^ !.;¦._¦;: ¦.
.'i : ! ;• >. -. ..Id :.i j u i c e s ::.
; l o w ;. -, j l , , -
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febi1-" ia iiad^ a s ^
I C. ,,, -, :ii, ir, n 'lli ( I ' Mi!!.-:;i t r/ , i i sf - t ! s - .
j M i . i v i - t ai. ' . •- . S i n c- !-;: :r C . . i i r ;. ( ! -1 < 1 ¦, r
j 'J i- i '.i:. A . i> . l - j l . L u t her J ' isk \>. C i e n .
¦' ' ;
> i- ' M i .. "' ¦
¦. '
:i of < oj i t i a c t,
t o ;
¦¦¦'.• ¦- \ . r !
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'-:! y - ! i i t :'.- a n d
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: i ' .: : i i i . -. i l e l
i :k!;: i i ! oil t h e '
, , , \ r -
:. ( ': . • i v t !
' A ; -I A . ] > . 1.-7 C . f s set f .u l h
: in i!;. ]¦! i!: ! '; ']".
-: v. r i l of ¦;],at d a t e .
I A : d it : p j ea ! ii.;_ ; l u t i n - C o u r t i.v (!;.- :-• ¦]¦;-
i ;^ e s t i ( . i : cit " t h ' 1 l i l a i nl i l f . ai;d on i i i sp e e i i .;i
¦ < ¦; 1.: i : o!:i"' r
- i' i; i i r ii p . l i t l .e
. pi a i;: ! i / i
s w i' i t .
:M t h e d e i
'. - : i , i a l i t W a s !
. (,(. f i n i : i h f l l , : f a l : ! . ,f
j t h i s C i i i ! i i ; i' i n « ' i.a ' ' l i . i k-t - m. r e s i i i- M ! ) !;< ¦:¦ ¦i n
i :.: t h e l i i . i e of t i n• ¦
- c i'v i fi : of >- ,i"l w r i i .
-¦: < ¦
i f !:..t ' '¦ li - p - ;.o !
:¦ ! a n d u s'i a l J ' l ic- i-i ;-. i <¦¦<] • • .
| t •¦
.;: • '. •• •; ' :.! , ' I' A l t . I- ;, -;,' i n tl i i S (.
'(.) :i : . i . i ; ; -
|v.- i 1 -i l h ]-: i. .p '.vi; !., J i i u J'i;ii i;l;Il ' i r to said of-
I li e . r : a ; :l t l . a : l. o J'i - rs ou a l s(-rvi(;e i,[ .-.aid
¦ '.'• : ; ! i. .. . '' i ¦• ¦: : ::.. .
' ." HI- ' Ii I i. i; I'e)V l. i]; : |:i .
I I i ]':; ..;¦.; !¦!• .1 I •;.' :). i; C.r.
r l , here, th at t i i -
'¦I ' l i . ij , ; : . "' ; , v . - !.• ;
'¦«; t o t!.v J i,-fci.iL.i:t of
\ !;:¦ ¦ ;• ; !.ii . ; ey ,. {
i! ; js iii .( ;,, !j . }, -.• faux!:;:; ai:
j :.i tL.-.toi i c oj . v ' 1 t h i - (i i'df r t o be pu l . i . s :;. d
i ii: t l • 1): !:
-.;. 1 !" I'.i irip .t , a n e w sj . -pt ;)-
j j . i'i .' . t e i ] in \', :i; -!,-.lil{ . i!!,f(' in a w ee k . t h r e e
i v.X'i k s iv-\i:< -
-t :vi l y. t h i r t y d ay s a t i< ;a:.t l.e-
! fo ;i- t h e ; !¦:.1 t. n:p of t i i i s l .
.iir! f o r t!,is
! ."¦
• ¦
u i : iy , i. ii - '
i il ;.t ih i s lie;i ii be c o nt i n u e d
un t.l i:( .t.e- si a!l he t^ xau to tlie Defendant
i ig i e e r J-i v ;.i ili::- oru-i' .
' s;.i ITU K. HOPKINS, Clerk .
! A t i u e c.'iiv. A 't. st.
, f(.i, (:—:; w p
j 1
I u.. E g . e-: z$ b y ,
i .
"Vo. ?!i S3;it€: St., «• KilS> jr , il'v.lon ,
' >i-';i:i' p-s i' a i f i i i s in thr ; I ' m l s d S i a t ( - : a!.-o In
|;.;i'>- at I' r lii a ii. France a;^ ! oih '-r ron i'.::i
j c f i u i o r i . ¦- . « .'opi i- - of ilie claims of a n v 1'at-
; t; :.: i ii ; :.: ' . d h-y n ini t ! i:i^ OIK1 'lo!' :ir. A —
¦ s :
>;:i;: i: ' - n-.-'irdi-d at \\' a-hin^rton.
! A h , '
.' '.
¦• '¦'¦
•" l ' :- i.ie<\ ^I 't tc s / l / ,.
-:-:i;s.--rs s h -
'.'('.';' .^ ."
';;• (>h i< nniH i/ l'oteh !.< or
! o-.'i /
' .¦:i,i< ! (li t- j i f ttr ; r t ! "b i l i t> / <•( l:\ f f i l -
/• ' ./(> . li. II. l-.DDV , .
-uli ciior'ofi'aU uis.
"1 ;¦¦ u'.'!i' .'i -dr. Kddy as o:ie of tho ri V'st <:iiii. --ioU(-r of I 'a;.;:its.v
j "i nvemr ,;- cannot imploy a person more
j t:'!i-nv. ,:i :;y or more capable of sec.ii'ir.ir for
• ti ;e:n an i.-:.r!y an.l i avorahh: con.-idera tioii at
B ihe Paten: o'lJi ce. K D M t ' N l ) lM .
'K K K ,
iatfe: Comniissioiier of Patent-*.
| I5DSTOX, Of;t. V-K 1S70.
I Jl. Tl. EDDY , Ksq.,—Dear Sir: you pro-
cured icr urn . in l-^ Ri.' my lirst ]i:it(;nt. Since
i iien voti have acted for :ind advi-ed me in
iiiimii ' i d s ot' c:isr-s. and procured many pa-
i t' -ii t- . iei>>ues and ex teii^ions. I have oeca.s-
j .-ion:.ii y em ployed the best agencies in Xew
York, l'iiil adelphia and Washington , bu t I
>;ill ji ive you almost tlie whole of my busi-
;;i' -s, in your line and advi se others to "
I :•ou. Yours trulv .
Gi:oiiGii DiiAPi:n.
Uuston , Jan'y 1, 1877. 1yp
Fire Iissurancc Compaii}1,
I'l u r t f o
i cl, Cons.
6 Capital , 6-3,000.000
A-ets, (3,845,709
HAVIN G been appointed agent of this
old and honorable Company, thor-
oughl y known for its prompt and tqnitable
adjustme nt of losses throughout tho Union ,
I am prepared to iss-.ue policies on all classes
of dtsirable propert y on call, having signed
policies on hand, liates as low as any first
class companies. (>LOKG£ OTIS .
Yarmouth Port, Nov. 21, 1870. lypm
mMm-- r . -
i -f wf - ^ i^' \' <-.; « . "
• "-¦'
MM^r ^r^
v>:m><.':- ¦J
m^r ^
yy- r; ^i? ' - ^^a>v:.¦•.•'•¦
:i ¦
,.;;. ;:: '.^...¦. • ¦
-. v.s;';,-'-'"
®?^¦ .¥: '*
t -'
A' :¦
' ¦; > '¦
- 'y y i.
. 1
. LL-uvi'Uk?,
. i\
— AN D—
M^JYCF f -ors In ( 'HIT! T N red IC Co. )
M a n u f a i' i u i ' i i's of and W h olesale and l l e t i i l
d' al. 'i' .- in
Snving 3Iachin« Xredlos ,
Sl l f l 'l I.KS . l'.i. !iliin< :ind r-vi -ry varii 'ty
of Si "
.\ i iiii . M a i - l i i i i f I-'i n d i i i i u. N r w
^^ >p \\ !!!•_' .
"\ I a i
11 i 11 < • s ill ' a l l t i n 1 sl a n d'i r d
m a k i- s . . ! < ' / .-¦/¦' ..»,;,' .
sii'i .lll) tr ill /.. • i n u d r
• - // "a •/ ./ ;/ '..¦¦/-/ • /./ ..• ,
• M i i rh i i n s in III.- n i 'i i k' i t
i'i ir i.:A S I I . N . p . l . . - . ![ i.|i m i i T s . T i i i'l ;(T - .i : u f -
t li ' i's . ,Vi- ., al i i i i i -l i a l f I I n ' I'l'^ ' u l a r p i'lc i-- .—-
.- i' i i I -: ; i : ij ; i I . . ; ' . ., ; r Sj i t - i- i i il l 'r if .i- !.i.
-i t n
F a in H i ' •
•'. I / m I ;. a n d yf t - n t l i 'ii iali c a l i > a - > i-r s
\V;;l:! «' .l tm .Mil l- . , u i | - m e v e ry e i ly al d l . i W l l
i ll 111! I ' l l i l e i l > •
¦¦> ', ! - . A d d l-eV s
i: i.\ i:i;i.v Ni:i: i)i.! -: cm .,
N ip . h '
\\* .
' i - l d hLr i p iii >1.. Cor. 1I a n o v e r . r.i.
-Iu i i .
li l) ii . '77— l y im i.ii
AoJK'o (o Policy Holders
is Tin;
\y, \ * ;p Y-. >i: ; l i o l d i i ;t < ]>oli''ii::-
> i n i h i .4
ii. ' "< j i i, 11: i: i %- wliu di ..iru Ilis' il'.
'ivci : in
st !¦!'•! iy I'uvi-rlass CLHip^rdes will rtccivo
.si ;:i i a i . ;:
.; i .-> n n ;>; > i < i: i •; t '. i ¦
<: i t o
€« 5-'
.«. »TJ«, As'<-i23.
Yar n ;:.nth I'.j rt , Feb. C, l!s7". pj nui :'
Boat For Sale !
,\ f.'.'
.'l' - ! ; \ i \i \\ : 1.) J i O A T . L ' l f« ;.-t keel,
Li. 11 f> i t v.:ie . dra ws li'i mcln- ¦: 'A;i!er,
al:J ir ,: ¦
:¦ yy i' .-.sl sailer , weil foiu. 't iu every
\v;:y. Wjil li.: sold l.r.s for Cash »s I have
no further u- ,e fur her. A pp ly i<>
r i A P . S H A L l / l l I X C K I . E Y
llv:u;iii.-:, l i b . < i;h , LS77. limp
Boat for Saie.
n Ni:\v c.\t-i;k ;(;i:i) coat , is feet
_ i;eei. lieiii' iy s feel wide , draw s •>{ im-hes
X^. of ivn ' i-r.— :i -lijiei i.ir 1177. I»:1 111i 11"
l.'.;V.'K'T M'-.d.: f ,O:il Yvi.-,A M ^t Mid
.ij ::i--.d:'i( .cl ;i:id crrn ';:;¦
'[ t o ;: :
,'v.- .rt iiif .
It is very \v '
.;p ;!i-s'i !i!f . ;n:d -'. jw i s e.it ,' i with
m u c h :vl:sii. It \v. . :
: ¦¦<¦'.] ¦ :.t t ;i :i. l;e J i K X S
f,.\ Y. !
!i:d is ij i i if .
-l i c!. ¦
'¦;!:, ' r ;.:;'! ! . i ii . er t ha n
scrap*. Il 1;;s bt-en c :
. ea; ;v. iy used for
ibrue yi.
.'.-. ,ii:(i ^"•;.- r.:il y hk i ¦!. ir.it vo
hitve j/i i.
-ail y i uip i- ived it frmn hi-l y, ,y and
it will have a iar^i .r av.h . Tr.:d l.:i;- .-. .
f:e:itc.ar.d >¦
' ! : K;n !!>s. Iv-i .-is , ?:¦'.:
> ) : uo
char 1.0 for bai'.
"V. H. BOWKEK & CO.,
jp.n DO—] a :» !:; Cii.it!ia;n .
-m.. !i.j -.i.i.i.
&A If Uti h i.
offer ff.r sale ii ItV.V.?i SA XV-
Blc'S'i', fcr iee packi:; ,
-. d,-iiv.;red
O!i Cars- Also Pine ;i;id Ceiiai Shi:%k.s of
first and second qualiiies.
TBEBS OHT KfllL 80.,
fT AN 'IN Ti bought my winter stork of Cot-
'% tons . Fl annels, ele., before the advan ce
. in pric es, I shall con tinue to .sell at
pri .-e s that cannot fail to suit.
"in pieces -Kt-iii cli cotton at 10 cts.
l"0 " :!ti and :!7 inch " 7 ;)-4 to !i ets.
Ali-wool , l)oi ne>tic and Shaker, .-.tri pod
and plaid Shirt ings, aud Cotton Flannels of
all grades ,
Woolen cloths for men 's and boys wear.
A L'ood 'ine of Dress (ioods . Al pacas . P .ril-
liau 'ine s, X' riie tian clotli> . l'oplins , Debie^e:- ,
Uhii ' k ami colon d Ca-hineres . Ar c.
< 'ard inal n i l Prints iu all ilic ]ialterns that
are mi nu factiired. colors warianled i>er!ei:ti y
Bi .
\\' aterproo liiijr in ditl'i'i'ent colors.
Ladies , den ts, and Cliildrens underwear.
Fell Skirls . Hoi sery. I Slue mix and liamo-
r:il yarn s ete .
Cotton b:ii ;int ;, Iii 1-2 to 10 2-3 per pound ,
(full weight.)
Cotuit ' 1' iii't , Oct. 10, 1870.
3Iis$ E. H. Hodges,
Lesve a . m . a . m . p. m. p. m.
Hoaton , iiS.OO b4.00
Midd leboro*. !> .3'.t 0.1s
Itoek ,* !».52 u.:!()
So. Middleboro
,* '
.t.5!) o.:!7
T-ein oiit. lO.O'.l .
Smith Wareham , 30.1+ fi f.i
Warehain , lO.'i.
'i COD
Araw am, 1".2!) (i .o,-
Coh ass. : Xarrows , 10.10 ii.l."i
Mon-iiiu.-ii t . 10.44 (i. l'.i
North Sandwich , 10.50 (i.25
AV'i st Sandwich , 10.04. O.-'iO
Sandwich , 11.02 O. :iii
We.-t Darnstablc, 11.20 V>.'>
arnstable , 11,20 ~.'C>
Yann outh , 7.00 11.SO 2"2-
"i 7.1.",
li vannis (ar) 7.10 ll.."
)0 2.:15 7.2."
Siiut h Yarmouth , 12.0(i 7.2ii
Sou th Dennis , 12.15 7.-'So
North Harwi ch , 12.2") 7.o"i
Harwich , 12.:« 7.4')
]5rew.-ier , 12..
»S 7..
Hast ltrewster ,* 1.05 7.55
Orleans. 1.13 i>.0:!
Ka.-tliam, 1.22 N .ll
Nor th Ka stham ,* l.oO s.17
Sou th Welitleet.* l.o!
) N.24
Wi .
'll lleet , 1.4S &:y.)
South Tri'ro. 1.57 fS-41
'1'ruro , ' 2.02 S.47
North Truro , 2.11 .s-jj ii
Vrovincetown , 2.30 0.10
Leave a.m. a.m. r.M p. M
i'rovincetown , 4.55b ll.oOg
North Truro , 5.0!) 11.is
Truro , 5.17 11.28
South Truro. 5.22 ll.:
Welitleet , ' 5.:;i 11.47
South Wellfleet,* 5.3S 11.55
North Eastlnun ,* 5.45 12.05
Kasthaiu. 5.53 12.1ti
Orleans, 0.01 12.37
East P.rews
.ter ,* COO 12.40
Brewstcr , (i.14 12.5S
Harwich , (i.25 1.20
North Harwich , 0.30 1.35
South Dennis, 0.35 1.47
South Yarmouth , 0.311 J.54
Hyannis. 0.40 11.05 2.07 C.lo
Yarmouth , (i.55 11.15 2.22 O.w i
Barnstable , 7.02 2.2s
We.-t r.anistable
,. 7.12 2.30
Sandwich , 7.2S 2.58
"\V'e>t Sandwich , 7.35 3.05
North Sandwich , 7.40 3.10
Monument. 7.40 3.17
Coliasse!. Narrows , 7.55 3.2i"i
Airawam. 8.03 3.3b
\Vareham, s.id 3.40
South Win-chain, s.15 3.4(i
Treinont , S.24 3-55
South Middleboro ',* *.33 4.03
Rock.* 8.40 4.10
Middleboro ". 8.57 4.25
Bo.-tou , ' 10.20 0.00
'oods Hoi I Train3.
A. M. P. M.
Boston , as.00 b4.00
Colmsset Narrows, 10.40 G.15
Pocassctt , ' 10.50 li.24
North Falmoufh , 10.55 C.:'4
West Fahnouth , 11.03 0.45
Falmouth. 11.12 7.00
Woods IIoll , 11.20 7.10
Oak Bluffs.
, cl.00
Nantucket , c-3.30
A M. P. M.
Nantucket, ' t-8.00
• Oak Blurts , clO.15
Woods HoH , bO.50 g2.38
Falmouth , 7.03 2.40
West Falmouth , 7.1G 2.50
Nor'.h Falmouth. 7.2S 3.00
I Pocasset , , 7.30 3.09
Cohasset Narrows, 7.55 3.2G
I Boston , 10.20 0 00
, * Flag Station, a Will not stop between
, Boston aud Braintree. except at Harrison
. Square, Neponsetaud Quincy - b Will not
stop between Boston and Middleboro', ex-
cept at Brockton and Bridgewater. c Mon-
days. Tuesdays and Saturdays from and for
Marthas' Vineyard and Nahtucket. g Wiil
• not stop between Braintree and Boston ex-
. cept at Quiucy and Nenonset and at Harri-
son Square to"leave passengers. The S A.M.
and 4 P. M. trains from Boston connect at
Treinont with the Fairhaven Branch Railroad
for Marioa , Mattapoisett and New Bedford.
J. R. KENDRICK, Sup't.
Boston.Nov. 28. 1876.
.01U C«sony Railroad.
On and after MONDAY , December IS
Pas-Cil ler Trains will run as follows :